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The influence of the EU on Britain.



  • Rothko said:
    No doubt some Brexit politician with the usual shit for brains will pop up later and claim it is just more scaremongering!
  • edited September 2018

    Rothko said:
    No doubt some Brexit politician with the usual shit for brains will pop up later and claim it is just more scaremongering!
    F*ck 'em - soon the days will arrive when we can all drive Morris Marinas again.

  • bobmunro said:

    Rothko said:
    No doubt some Brexit politician with the usual shit for brains will pop up later and claim it is just more scaremongering!
    F*ck 'em - soon the days will arrive when we can all drive Morris Marinas again.

    Don't be ridiculous, that was designed by an Italian. Good old Moggie will suit me, designed by the fella with a proper British name Sir Alex Issigonis.

    Tried persuading Mrs TT to dump the yaris and get a Morris 1000 yet again over the weekend. If brexit forces her hand it can only be a good thing.
  • Southbank said:
    I don't' think I have ever read such nonsensical bollocks. It is obviously aimed at morons and other low information members of the population.

    She is the complete opposite of a monarch. She is a self made business woman who has gained a forensic understanding of the UK's political system and rule of law and its relationship with the EU. She clearly knows more about this stuff than the vast majority of the population. Criticising her for clearly and demonstrably knowing more is like a crazy idiot dismissing the diagnosis of a cancer specialist because they believe anybody who claims to know more about a subject than anybody else is acting like an aristocratic despot and should be ignored!
    If you finished more than the first paragraph I salute you.

    When the opening piece of an opinion seeks to draw comparisons between a successful businesswoman and Caligula, attention to her personal wealth and that she's somehow representative of an 'elitist Brexitphobia' I don't think I'm the target audience.

    *edit - I went back and tried again as I am of the strong opinion that one shouldn't avoid considering views just because they that don't match your own. I got as far this time as, "...this rage of a businesswomen who puked over our vote..." and that was quite enough for me thanks
    Ditto re the first 5 minutes of the recording, thought they were going to bend over and kiss each other's backsides. Vomiting stuff....Do these two genuinely think people are bothered about what they say and think...legends in their own minds.

    Anyone listening too the full interview seriously needs their head examined.

    She has had her 5 minutes of fame, hopefully soon we will never hear from her again.
  • edited September 2018
    Southbank said:

    Rothko said:
    No doubt some Brexit politician with the usual shit for brains will pop up later and claim it is just more scaremongering!
    No, blackmail actually
    Or perhaps one of the most influential car makers on the planet setting out to protect the interests of its shareholders in the face of being threatened by perhaps the biggest shooting ones own feet fest the world of business has ever seen. If the one month closure also has the effect of one across the bows of this lunatic project then I’m sure we all see that as an added benefit.

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  • Can someone please remind me exactly what the Americans like to buy from us apart from all butter shortbread and tartan clothing ?

  • Can someone please remind me exactly what the Americans like to buy from us apart from all butter shortbread and tartan clothing ?

    Scotch, peerages and the occasional bridge...

  • Can someone please remind me exactly what the Americans like to buy from us apart from all butter shortbread and tartan clothing ?

    Scotch, peerages and the occasional bridge...
    Joking aside we do sell a lot to the USA but having a free trade agreement with them strikes me as being little red riding hood and the big bad wolf. Being forced to accept bleached chickens and unregulated vegetables from across the pond to replace what we currently obtain from France, Spain and the Nederland strikes me as being a nightmare scenario.

  • edited September 2018
    Found this - a selection of lies from both sides during the referendum:

    ‘Absolutely nobody is talking about threatening our place in the single market’ – Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan
    ‘Once we have settled our accounts, we will take back control of roughly £350m per week’ – Boris Johnson
    ‘We will need an emergency Budget to restore stability to public finances’ – George Osborne
    ‘The UK loses out because other members favour a highly regulated and protectionist economy’ – Jacob Rees-Mogg
    ‘Two thirds of British jobs in manufacturing are dependent on demand from Europe’ – Alan Johnson
    ‘Turkey (population 76 million) is joining the EU’ – Vote Leave publicity

    The referendum, far from a demonstration of democracy was one of the most depressing examples of contempt for the population from politicians. Lie after lie after lie. Both May and Corbyn have been criticised for not taking an active part in the referendum campaign, despite both clearly declaring themselves as supporting remain. But despite being completely different, they both have issues with the EU - different issues but issues all the same. There was no place in the the debate of extremes for the honest voices. They were both remainers, because despite their issues, they realised that leaving the EU would be highly damaging.
  • This is a Tory MP:

    This is what he says:

    Listen and weep.
  • seth plum said:

    This is a Tory MP:

    This is what he says:

    Listen and weep.

    Listened to that this afternoon. It's absolute car crash.

  • Can someone please remind me exactly what the Americans like to buy from us apart from all butter shortbread and tartan clothing ?

    Scotch, peerages and the occasional bridge...
    Joking aside we do sell a lot to the USA but having a free trade agreement with them strikes me as being little red riding hood and the big bad wolf. Being forced to accept bleached chickens and unregulated vegetables from across the pond to replace what we currently obtain from France, Spain and the Nederland strikes me as being a nightmare scenario.

    And, for what it is worth, bringing such foodstuffs into the UK (because of the way that agribusiness works), will require testing of all UK food exports to the EU that might contain US produce that the EU bars.

    This is the real problem with the UK negotiating position that, because regulations are the same now, there will be no need for border infrastructure. Just like no battle plan survives contact with the enemy - no open borders can survive divergence in standards.
  • @NornIrishAddick

    And the discussion about whether or not people like Google are publishing or merely providing a platform is a wider one than this legislation.

    Let's not mince words here. Google, Facebook, and You Tube, and to a slightly lesser extent Twitter, are in the same business as ITV or Murdoch. They are media owners. They make their money buy selling ad space alongside the content that they present to viewers, just like ITV (or Fox for @NapaAddick benefit). The only significant difference between them and the more traditional media owners is as follows

    1. The do not pay their content providers, indeed they publish material which is supposedly covered by rights agreements.

    2. They do not consider themselves subject to national regulation about the nature of that content

    3. For no obvious reason (other than perhaps that they are American, and we know Americans think avoiding tax is some kind of heroic act) they do not pay tax on the revenues earned from their advertising sales in most jurisidictions.

    That is what they are. Media owners. Don't be fooled by the "tech company" bollocks. I was sort of fooled until around 2008 when I was at a dinner where Sir Martin Sorrell (whose business buy such media space) told it like it is.

    and in respect of their activities in 2 an 3 no one country on its own is big enough to attempt to make them play fair. Hats off to the EU for stepping up to the plate.

    I look forward with interest to @NapaAddick response...
  • seth plum said:

    This is a Tory MP:

    This is what he says:

    Listen and weep.

    Listened to that this afternoon. It's absolute car crash.
    A breathtaking lack of understanding of any considerations other than what suits his myopic Brexit standpoint.

    Did he really say that it would be wrong of the EU to put up a hard border on the NI/ROI crossing without the acquiescence of the people of Northern Ireland yet fails to see that the EU in this instance would be the ROI who will quite rightly do whatever they see fit to protect their interests and do not need permission from the UK.

  • seth plum said:

    This is a Tory MP:

    This is what he says:

    Listen and weep.

    Listened to that this afternoon. It's absolute car crash.
    A breathtaking lack of understanding of any considerations other than what suits his myopic Brexit standpoint.

    Did he really say that it would be wrong of the EU to put up a hard border on the NI/ROI crossing without the acquiescence of the people of Northern Ireland yet fails to see that the EU in this instance would be the ROI who will quite rightly do whatever they see fit to protect their interests and do not need permission from the UK.

    The simple example of the Polish Taxi Driver, living in the EU in a town close to the Northern Irish border being asked to take a fare a few miles into the UK across that border was beyond his ability to answer.
    The Irish Border remains as big and strong an issue as it ever has been, and without total harmony of goods and services on both sides and the allowed free movement of people across it into the UK, it is as yet insoluable.
    Brexit in terms of taking back control of the UK borders is de facto not going to happen, and the winners have lost.
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  • cabbles said:


    And the discussion about whether or not people like Google are publishing or merely providing a platform is a wider one than this legislation.

    Let's not mince words here. Google, Facebook, and You Tube, and to a slightly lesser extent Twitter, are in the same business as ITV or Murdoch. They are media owners. They make their money buy selling ad space alongside the content that they present to viewers, just like ITV (or Fox for @NapaAddick benefit). The only significant difference between them and the more traditional media owners is as follows

    1. The do not pay their content providers, indeed they publish material which is supposedly covered by rights agreements.

    2. They do not consider themselves subject to national regulation about the nature of that content

    3. For no obvious reason (other than perhaps that they are American, and we know Americans think avoiding tax is some kind of heroic act) they do not pay tax on the revenues earned from their advertising sales in most jurisidictions.

    That is what they are. Media owners. Don't be fooled by the "tech company" bollocks. I was sort of fooled until around 2008 when I was at a dinner where Sir Martin Sorrell (whose business buy such media space) told it like it is.

    and in respect of their activities in 2 an 3 no one country on its own is big enough to attempt to make them play fair. Hats off to the EU for stepping up to the plate.

    I look forward with interest to @NapaAddick response...

    Completely with Prague on this. They take the piss when it comes to taxation. The EU have been about the only government/regulatory body who have stood up to them to date (as far as I’m aware). The Tories, who are supposed to be the party that look after business, threatened to drop the country’s pants in relation to corporation tax so we’re akin to some sort of colder Cayman Islands when we first got into negotiations with the EU as a way of convincing businesses to stay. This is the same Tory party who say they act in the interest of business when knowing that the bulk of the country’s economy is through SMEs and business owners but who hunt the same businesses down whenever their tax returns are due and threaten all sorts of shit for late payment, but conveniently do f*** all going after large corporates when in the same situation

    Here we go google, build your poncy new office in Kings cross and have a pr fanfare about how you’re offering your employees wanky perks like breast milk couriered across London or some sort of nonsense, whilst at the same time have a tax infrastructure that dicks over every other hard working smaller business

    It’s a joke. A strong and stable political party would have the bollocks to overhaul the tax system at a corporate and individual level. Instead they look for short term band aids by asking local authorities to close libraries or whatever. That’s because they haven’t got the minerals to actually stand up for anyone

    I dream of the day when the u.k is just an island home to a giant amazon storage center
    Very true.
  • seth plum said:

    This is a Tory MP:

    This is what he says:

    Listen and weep.

    Jesus Christ! it is becoming clearer by the day that the Brexiteer politicians are as dumb and moronic as the Brexit voters!
  • It isn't a matter of intelligence - that is unfair - more that most euro sceptics are euro sceptic by instinct rather than through analysis. Many are born euro sceptic.
  • seth plum said:

    This is a Tory MP:

    This is what he says:

    Listen and weep.

    Jesus Christ! it is becoming clearer by the day that the Brexiteer politicians are as dumb and moronic as the Brexit voters!
    Amongst other things he says the 'simple' solution would be for the Republic of Ireland to leave the EU. Not only is that another example of borderline(sic) racist distain for the Irish, so interwoven in British History, but it is an acknowledgement that the land border is an issue, one that he as well as everybody else can't begin to solve.
  • It isn't a matter of intelligence - that is unfair - more that most euro sceptics are euro sceptic by instinct rather than through analysis. Many are born euro sceptic.

    Have to disagree with you there. Some of what this guy was saying was staggeringly stupid. He even suggested that Ireland leave the EU as a solution to the border issue. The idea that there are enough morons in Ireland to allow that to happen is fanciful.
  • It isn't a matter of intelligence - that is unfair - more that most euro sceptics are euro sceptic by instinct rather than through analysis. Many are born euro sceptic.

    Have to disagree with you there. Some of what this guy was saying was staggeringly stupid. He even suggested that Ireland leave the EU as a solution to the border issue. The idea that there are enough morons in Ireland to allow that to happen is fanciful.
    Not saying there aren't some stupid ones - just not sure the best approach is to call people out for being stipid.
  • seth plum said:

    This is a Tory MP:

    This is what he says:

    Listen and weep.

    Jesus Christ! it is becoming clearer by the day that the Brexiteer politicians are as dumb and moronic as the Brexit voters!
    And some wonder why there is no balance to these debates. Going to ignore this comment too @cabbles ? I'm sorry but this sort of keyboard warrior shit really pushes my buttons.

    Why can't you just accept that some people have a view that's not the same as your's? You might then help the world to be a better place.
This discussion has been closed.

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