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The influence of the EU on Britain.



  • Raw materials are purchased via Europe - Holland and Germany mostly. I was checking invoices the other day and was shocked just how much the prices have gone up. What do you do for a living?

    All my stock come from Bestway, Hither Green. Or, if I needed Sherbert Dips, I had to go Philip Morris in Welling.
  • The FT announced today that business investment in the UK has gone up in the 12 months post the referendum.
    I suspect that businesses blaming the Brexit vote for their problems are just basically businesses that have no right to carry on anyway, like Monarch, but which have only been able to keep going because of low interest rates. We could do with shaking a lot of them out.
  • Thread here from a senior leave campaigner, he’s worried about the mess the country is about to hit.

  • Southbank said:

    The FT announced today that business investment in the UK has gone up in the 12 months post the referendum.
    I suspect that businesses blaming the Brexit vote for their problems are just basically businesses that have no right to carry on anyway, like Monarch, but which have only been able to keep going because of low interest rates. We could do with shaking a lot of them out.

    Yes I saw that article. What it was actually referring to was the figure has been revised upwards from previous estimates of investment compared to last year. The article goes on to detail that levels of growth are still considered to be troubling. The fact is UK business continues to underperform against the baseline. Note that this isn't businesses blaming Brexit for poor performance, these are expert analysts who are correctly pointing out that investors have reduced confidence in the UK government, economy and currency compared to prior to the vote. In fact overseas investors are quite happy to announce on a regular basis that due to Brexit they do not wish to commit any further funds to the UK. If only they said this prior to the vote.

    Oh wait they did. Regularly.
  • Yet investment in the UK is up overall since the people had their say. As is employment.

    Maybe the naysayers have another agenda.
  • Yet investment in the UK is up overall since the people had their say. As is employment.

    Maybe the naysayers have another agenda.

    The FT article explains that much investment is already committed to years in advance such as in construction and infrastructure projects. What we are seeing is a trend of investment slowing, with investors explicitly saying that Brexit, the falling pound and the government's cack-handed negotiations are the reasons why they are closing their wallets.

    As for employment, it has been stated dozens of times over that the Tories are fiddling the figures on this, including redefining long term unemployed out of the statistics, increasing the length of time someone has to be out of work before they are classed as unemployed, and including zero-hours contracts as being in full-time employment. I wouldn't believe a single word of employment figures using the government's current definition. Even if employment figures were improving, wages are stagnating, meaning we are getting less and less jobs that pay a decent wage.
  • The decent paid jobs loss is not exactly a new phenomenon is it though. This has been happening for over 20 years with outsourcing to various countries. As for fiddling the figures, those on benefits has also fallen, so that doesn't ring true either.
  • The decent paid jobs loss is not exactly a new phenomenon is it though. This has been happening for over 20 years with outsourcing to various countries. As for fiddling the figures, those on benefits has also fallen, so that doesn't ring true either.

    The benefits figures will fall considering the fact that tens of thousands are not being paid due to the chaotic roll out of universal credit, as well as other fiddling by the Tories such as reducing eligibility for claiming and increasing the length of time people have to wait for their benefits applications to be approved. Let's not forget the more shameful issues such as disabled people being accidentally declared fit for work (in most cases overturned on appeal months later), the scandal that is the sanctions system that can leave claimants for months without their rightful money, or the growing number of people who simply die because they don't have the money to survive.
  • So even if there is good economic news, you find a way in your mind to denigrate it. Dyed in the wool socialists can never be happy, always something to get suicidal about.
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  • Raw materials are purchased via Europe - Holland and Germany mostly. I was checking invoices the other day and was shocked just how much the prices have gone up. What do you do for a living?

    You are being ripped off mate. They must have seen you coming. I am a procurement director and have seen no cost rises above the exchange rate changes, about 12%. Didn't you challenge the increases?
    Assume you’re in the same industry as him then? Is there a particular reason you’re being so disrespectful to someone raising an issue?

    12% is still a fair amount isn’t it? Is that nothing to do with brexit, at all?
  • So even if there is good economic news, you find a way in your mind to denigrate it. Dyed in the wool socialists can never be happy, always something to get suicidal about.

    What good economic news exactly? The economy is in the toilet and it's only getting worse. The only people claiming the economy is in any kind of good shape are the Tory propagandists and the gullible alt-right who are willing to believe them in spite of all evidence.
  • edited October 2017
    And what evidence is that?
  • edited October 2017

    And 2hat evidence is that?

    - growth slowing
    - benefits figures manipulated by fiddling
    - unemployment not as low as before Tories redefined unemployment to reduce figures on paper
    - investors explicitly stating they are looking elsewhere thanks to Brexit
    - pound diving
    - wages stagnating
    - poverty rising
    - homelessness rising
    - food bank usage rising
    - consumer confidence falling
  • So even if there is good economic news, you find a way in your mind to denigrate it. Dyed in the wool socialists can never be happy, always something to get suicidal about.

    Sorry, must have missed it. What good economic news do you mean?
  • All I hear is moaning that things are going to be really bad and they almost are already from those who lost the vote. Generally those who called it wrong, or big business worried about any change that might affect their cosy cartels.

    A lot of opinion out there, very little evidence.
  • All I hear is moaning that things are going to be really bad and they almost are already from those who lost the vote. Generally those who called it wrong, or big business worried about any change that might affect their cosy cartels.

    A lot of opinion out there, very little evidence.

    It's more accurate to say that most people are accurately stating the facts regarding our economy and the dwindling number of people who still support Brexit continue to stick their heads in the sand and claim that facts such as 'growth is slowing' (fact, backed up by evidence) or 'poverty is rising' (fact, backed up by evidence) are just opinions.
  • Raw materials are purchased via Europe - Holland and Germany mostly. I was checking invoices the other day and was shocked just how much the prices have gone up. What do you do for a living?

    You are being ripped off mate. They must have seen you coming. I am a procurement director and have seen no cost rises above the exchange rate changes, about 12%. Didn't you challenge the increases?
    Assume you’re in the same industry as him then? Is there a particular reason you’re being so disrespectful to someone raising an issue?

    12% is still a fair amount isn’t it? Is that nothing to do with brexit, at all?
    Exactly what I was thinking. And the bloke asks for evidence when he's providing it himself... :lol:
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  • edited October 2017

    seth plum said:

    All I hear is moaning that things are going to be really bad and they almost are already from those who lost the vote. Generally those who called it wrong, or big business worried about any change that might affect their cosy cartels.

    A lot of opinion out there, very little evidence.

    Economic news is not the only thing to feel bad about. Cutting ties of collaboration with our European neighbours, setting up two hard land borders, leaving a more democratic institution to revert to eternal government by self serving patricians, and alienating overseas citizens who live here and unsettling UK citizens in the EU.
    It is a mistake in my opinion to only concentrate on the economics of Brexit, it is the narrow nationalism and fringe racism that is an issue too.
    People with certain political leanings find it very hard to consider anything, at all, other than the economics of a matter.

    They bandy about quotes like "We could do with shaking a lot of them out." that take no account of the cost to individuals lives when they lose their job (often through no fault of their own). And there's a pretty fair chance that most of the individuals who have made the poor decisions that lead to the failure of those businesses, are of a similar political leaning...
    It's a strange kind of patriot who hopes British businesses who cannot cope with an economic climate brought about by a succession of incompetent governments should fail, inevitably to be replaced by tax-dodging MNCs.

    How does chucking British workers back into the dole queue square with lowering the number claiming unemployment?
  • @CharltonMadrid

    Me alegro de tenerte de vuelta, amigo.
  • All I hear is moaning that things are going to be really bad and they almost are already from those who lost the vote. Generally those who called it wrong, or big business worried about any change that might affect their cosy cartels.

    A lot of opinion out there, very little evidence.

    Can you provide us with the evidence that everything is going well?
  • Employment up, unemployment down, investment up, exports up.

    Can you provide anything other than opinion, ie: 'its all going down the toilet or will do soon' to show the opposite?

    It's a strange coalition of big business, liberal inteligensia and socialists who are vehemently opposed to Brexit. I can understand the first two groups protecting the status quo of wanting to keep low paid EU workers providing their services, but I cannot understand any socialist doing the same. Odd bedfellows with different agendas to bleat about.
  • I thought most Brexit voters were quite open about the fact that they thought leaving the EU would have a negative affect on the short term economy. Specially the value of the pound
  • Employment up, unemployment down, investment up, exports up.

    Can you provide anything other than opinion, ie: 'its all going down the toilet or will do soon' to show the opposite?

    It's a strange coalition of big business, liberal inteligensia and socialists who are vehemently opposed to Brexit. I can understand the first two groups protecting the status quo of wanting to keep low paid EU workers providing their services, but I cannot understand any socialist doing the same. Odd bedfellows with different agendas to bleat about.

    Third time I have posted this, I guess one day a pro Brexit person will actually read some evidence...
  • Yes indeed good for exports and bad for imports, what is not to like? and hopefully also hit the housing market too, to open up opportunity for the younger generation and reduce the property values of multiple home owners and foreign investors.
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