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How do the Tories need to change?



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    seth plum said:

    Unless you fiddle the stats.

    What makes me a bit sad, is that as soon as he said this, I didn't think oh good a politician with some conviction. I thought, I bet they've found a new way to measure the stats.

    I hope it's the former, but I'll take what @AddickUpNorth as gospel to be honest. Let's see what excuses he makes for not resigning in 12 months.
    I followed @A-R-T-H-U-R's advice and looked at his wikipedia page. A very impressive CV, although clearly launched on a platform from the establishment. Was a Tory remainer. Probably a better MP than some. Let us see with him.
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    Rory Stewart does look like an upper class inbred.
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    edited August 2018
    He speaks very highly of you.
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    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    I suppose a daily media focus on Jeremy Corbyn and his past behaviour is far more important than a daily media focus on Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and her current nightmare.
    Nice one Boris, agenda manipulator supreme.

    You see, that's the thing. Until Johnson's utter, breath-taking incompetence brought this matter to the fore, who knew? Corbyn saw that as a great opportunity to call for the then Foreign Secretary's resignation. But what has he actually done himself that puts him in a better place than the fuckwit Boris? Has he asked for talks with Iran, maybe by asking his Hamas chums for an introduction? Has he visited Iran? Has he even had a cup of tea with the Iranian Ambassador - the embassy is only about 1km from Westminster? I can not find a single pro-active thing that he's done. Nothing, nothing at all. Because that's what he does best.
    Even though it is in the Independent, that reads to me like a bollocks article.
    Boris Johnson made the plight of Nazanin worse, he was the Foreign Secretary when he did it, Corbyn condemned him because of it.
    I mean the article reads as if Boris Johnson is saying 'Yeah Corbyn, I have made matters worse, but what were you doing about it before huh? At least I did something!!!'.

    Sure we all know Johnson's an arsewipe and about as useful as a chocolate dildo. That's a given. I take it you haven't managed to find anything Corbyn's actually done about it either then? Do you not find that strange in the extreme?
    Sorry 2 things here. Chocolate dildo is hardly useless, use your imagination man!
    Second, what exatly are you expecting the leader of the Opposition to do about a situation in Iran?
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    on Rory Stewart (and bear in mind I am hostile to Tories generally) he has come across as thoughtful and willing to try things outside the box wvery time i have seen him interviewed. I think he is sincere. That said, I suspect his latest thing on prisons is him making the best of what is a very bad isuation, as he understands as a human that more money is needed to make prisons something approaching what everyone here wants them to be - somewhere that stops criminals from reoffending. Unfortunately, the budget isn't available for that. I suspect we all know what happens next (Rory Stewart included).

    What pisses me off about the media (BBC especially) is that no one ever asks Rory Stewart how he can reconcile being part of a govt cutting everything massively yet expecting services to run normally.
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    I just read this - I have not verified any of it.

    Under the current government:

    AAA credit rating has been downgraded

    UK deficit as a percentage of GP has increased not decreased

    Lowest growth in the G20

    Slowest wage growth since the 19th century

    Debt of £800b + despite 5% drop in public spending

    Have borrowed more in 8 years than all Labour governments combined.

    But you can trust them financially...

    Every item on that list rings a bell for accuracy in as much as I have seen the stat before.

    I hope this list is reproduced on some sort of election poster when the time comes.

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    rananegra said:

    on Rory Stewart (and bear in mind I am hostile to Tories generally) he has come across as thoughtful and willing to try things outside the box wvery time i have seen him interviewed. I think he is sincere. That said, I suspect his latest thing on prisons is him making the best of what is a very bad isuation, as he understands as a human that more money is needed to make prisons something approaching what everyone here wants them to be - somewhere that stops criminals from reoffending. Unfortunately, the budget isn't available for that. I suspect we all know what happens next (Rory Stewart included).

    What pisses me off about the media (BBC especially) is that no one ever asks Rory Stewart how he can reconcile being part of a govt cutting everything massively yet expecting services to run normally.

    My feelings exactly. I would ask the same question of Sarah Wollaston.
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    I just read this - I have not verified any of it.

    Under the current government:

    AAA credit rating has been downgraded

    UK deficit as a percentage of GP has increased not decreased

    Lowest growth in the G20

    Slowest wage growth since the 19th century

    Debt of £800b + despite 5% drop in public spending

    Have borrowed more in 8 years than all Labour governments combined.

    But you can trust them financially...

    Every item on that list rings a bell for accuracy in as much as I have seen the stat before.

    I hope this list is reproduced on some sort of election poster when the time comes.

    EU's fault @ShootersHillGuru :smile:

    Good article by Will Hutton in Observer today about "Shit life syndrome". Sums things up pretty well in my book.
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    Chaz Hill said:

    I just read this - I have not verified any of it.

    Under the current government:

    AAA credit rating has been downgraded

    UK deficit as a percentage of GP has increased not decreased

    Lowest growth in the G20

    Slowest wage growth since the 19th century

    Debt of £800b + despite 5% drop in public spending

    Have borrowed more in 8 years than all Labour governments combined.

    But you can trust them financially...

    Every item on that list rings a bell for accuracy in as much as I have seen the stat before.

    I hope this list is reproduced on some sort of election poster when the time comes.

    EU's fault @ShootersHillGuru :smile:

    Good article by Will Hutton in Observer today about "Shit life syndrome". Sums things up pretty well in my book.
    The point he makes is that Brexit is not the logical outcome of solving the problems associated with "shit life syndrome". But he's shoe horning this into it - the solutions he talks about - regional policy, encouraging manufacturing and innovation - are all possible both inside and outside the EU, though of course being inside constrains what you can do in state aid (never seems to stop anyone else of course).

    He had the ear of New Labour when they were in power, but they were so cautious a lot of the things talked about never happened. Caution and a failure to build council houses worked against them in the end. I think the real problem here (and this applies across the board IMO) is that the British ruling class are pretty useless. None are prepared to have a conversation about what is wrong in British society, because by and large none of them know or ever interact with the people who might suffer "shit life syndrome" and many benefit from the conditions that give rise to it.

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    edited August 2018

    I just read this - I have not verified any of it.

    Under the current government:

    AAA credit rating has been downgraded

    UK deficit as a percentage of GP has increased not decreased

    Lowest growth in the G20

    Slowest wage growth since the 19th century

    Debt of £800b + despite 5% drop in public spending

    Have borrowed more in 8 years than all Labour governments combined.

    But you can trust them financially...

    That last point always makes me chuckle when brought up in discussions about politics. The standard response is it’s all Labour’s mess that we’re cleaning up which is true to an extent, but how long do the Tories want/get to use this? I would love to be able to hark back to things that happened 8 years ago as to why I might make mistake at work.

    What’s the time limit that the Tories feel is acceptable until the economy becomes their responsibility and not the Labour administration that were last in power in 2010. Shall we give them another 5, 10, 15 years. Let them have as much time as they need and if we’re all still leveraged to the hilt as a country in 2050 say, Sixtus Rees Mogg can blame Gordon Brown and other dead members of the labour gvt of the early 2000s. I think this is perfectly acceptable
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    cabbles said:

    I just read this - I have not verified any of it.

    Under the current government:

    AAA credit rating has been downgraded

    UK deficit as a percentage of GP has increased not decreased

    Lowest growth in the G20

    Slowest wage growth since the 19th century

    Debt of £800b + despite 5% drop in public spending

    Have borrowed more in 8 years than all Labour governments combined.

    But you can trust them financially...

    That last point always makes me chuckle when brought up in discussions about politics. The standard response is it’s all Labour’s mess that we’re cleaning up which is true to an extent, but how long do the Tories want/get to use this? I would love to be able to hark back to things that happened 8 years ago as to why I might make mistake at work.

    What’s the time limit that the Tories feel is acceptable until the economy becomes their responsibility and not the Labour administration that were last in power in 2010. Shall we give them another 5, 10, 15 years. Let them have as much time as they need and if we’re all still leveraged to the hilt as a country in 2050 say, Sixtus Rees Mogg can blame Gordon Brown and other dead members of the labour gvt of the early 2000s. I think this is perfectly acceptable
    To be honest they all do that, attack the previous government's record because they can't justify their own. Makes me fed up listening to them.
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    The Tories blame the current mess on the demise of rotten boroughs.
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    seth plum said:

    The Tories blame the current mess on the demise of rotten boroughs.

    Bromley ?
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    Ah Tory Bromley. Take resources from Penge and put them in Beckenham, take resources from the Crays and put them in Keston.
    I was actually thinking of the lost, and lamented by Rees Mogg, Old Sarum.
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    Without getting into the wrongs/rights of outsourcing something like this - one golden rule of outsourcing, you monitor and manage those you've outsourced to. It sounds as if they were given a contract and left to do as they please, ridiculous.

    I worked In outsourcing for a while (private sector) and we had account managers for each and every contract, as a minimum they would receive weekly reports and visit the supplier at least once a month (usually fortnightly).
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    rananegra said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    I suppose a daily media focus on Jeremy Corbyn and his past behaviour is far more important than a daily media focus on Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and her current nightmare.
    Nice one Boris, agenda manipulator supreme.

    You see, that's the thing. Until Johnson's utter, breath-taking incompetence brought this matter to the fore, who knew? Corbyn saw that as a great opportunity to call for the then Foreign Secretary's resignation. But what has he actually done himself that puts him in a better place than the fuckwit Boris? Has he asked for talks with Iran, maybe by asking his Hamas chums for an introduction? Has he visited Iran? Has he even had a cup of tea with the Iranian Ambassador - the embassy is only about 1km from Westminster? I can not find a single pro-active thing that he's done. Nothing, nothing at all. Because that's what he does best.
    Even though it is in the Independent, that reads to me like a bollocks article.
    Boris Johnson made the plight of Nazanin worse, he was the Foreign Secretary when he did it, Corbyn condemned him because of it.
    I mean the article reads as if Boris Johnson is saying 'Yeah Corbyn, I have made matters worse, but what were you doing about it before huh? At least I did something!!!'.

    Sure we all know Johnson's an arsewipe and about as useful as a chocolate dildo. That's a given. I take it you haven't managed to find anything Corbyn's actually done about it either then? Do you not find that strange in the extreme?
    Sorry 2 things here. Chocolate dildo is hardly useless, use your imagination man!
    Second, what exatly are you expecting the leader of the Opposition to do about a situation in Iran?
    Sorry for ther delay in responding but I've been up in Accrington.

    Anyway, ha! - use your imagination man, right back at you! But off the top of my head, get his mates in Hamas, who are well in with Iran, to make some overtures on his/her behalf; speak himself with their UK ambassador; write a letter to the Iranian President; make a phone call to the said president; or threaten them by proposing Emily Thornberry will be making a fact-finding visit to adjudge the position and she won't be wearing a headscarf. The possibilities are almost endless.
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    edited August 2018
    what's people's thoughts on jamie oliver being accused of cultural appropriation by making jerk rice?

    Gonna have to get rid of all my curry recipe books, i'll also admit i had yorkshire pudding last night despite being from kent. I'm so sorry everyone.
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    is anyone going to tell dawn butler that the word "Curry" is a bastardisation of an indian word kuri?
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    I think the issue with Jamie Oliver and the jerk rice is that he made it without the key jerk spices (allspice and scotch bonnet peppers). I don't think anyone has a problem with him making Jamaican food, just using a name that has certain ingredients on something without them, a bit like if an Italian chef decided Yorkshire pudding would be made with pizza dough and basil, rather than batter.
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    edited August 2018
    I'm amazed Big Bad World isn't already here slavering over this opportunity to call out a black female Labour MP for being a snowflake
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    rananegra said:

    I think the issue with Jamie Oliver and the jerk rice is that he made it without the key jerk spices (allspice and scotch bonnet peppers). I don't think anyone has a problem with him making Jamaican food, just using a name that has certain ingredients on something without them, a bit like if an Italian chef decided Yorkshire pudding would be made with pizza dough and basil, rather than batter.

    Some of Jamie’s Italian stretches the definition of being Italian. Is that cultural appropriation?
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    rananegra said:

    rananegra said:

    I think the issue with Jamie Oliver and the jerk rice is that he made it without the key jerk spices (allspice and scotch bonnet peppers). I don't think anyone has a problem with him making Jamaican food, just using a name that has certain ingredients on something without them, a bit like if an Italian chef decided Yorkshire pudding would be made with pizza dough and basil, rather than batter.

    Some of Jamie’s Italian stretches the definition of being Italian. Is that cultural appropriation?
    I think Jamie Oliver plays fast and loose with most culinary traditions. Italian food has been abused for ages and I'm sure they're used to it, but equally if you start making a hard cheese in Kent and call it Parmesan, they'll have something to say about it.
    I'm not keen on the idea of "cultural appropriation" as it ignores the reality that almost all cultures steal from others. If he'd called it Jamaican style rice rather than Jerk rice this wouldn't be happening. But if a Jamaican wants to slag him off for getting elements of their national dish wrong, and passing something else off as "jerk" rice, then I'm not going to argue with them.

    edit: I don't really think this is much to do with how the Tories need to change either
    Indeed. Some so-called Italian restaurants in the USA think chucking a can of heavily sweetened chopped tomatoes on any food at all makes it Italian.
    The last meal I had in one such establishment was so bad that when the inevitable happened and a member of staff asked how my food was, I just said "the chef's never been to Italy has he?".
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    what's people's thoughts on jamie oliver being accused of cultural appropriation by making jerk rice?

    Gonna have to get rid of all my curry recipe books, i'll also admit i had yorkshire pudding last night despite being from kent. I'm so sorry everyone.

    Where’s my pitchfork!

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    edited August 2018
    I don’t know what to be more outraged about... Jamie Oliver’s non-jerk “jerk rice” or Dawn Butler calling him out on it.

    Hmmmm tough one. Either way, I think I’ll live.

    Anyway, back to the Tories.
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    On that twat with the jerk rice comments no wonder why most people think politicians are cnuts - complain about real issues ffs

    Just watching this program on prisons and the current state of them on itv - prisoners rioting because they don’t have anything to do - surely you are inside for wrongdoing?
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