Everyone, please disperse. Corbyn is the real racist. End of discussion.
How can he be? He's Labour and not just any Labour, the most unracist, most unsexist, most unislamaphobic, most unantisemitic person to walk this earth. HE writes the book on what is acceptable to think and all his follows spend 92.6% of their time trying to enforce it, but leave plenty of grey areas, just to trip people up here and there
Grid girls - You can’t wear that, how dare you, ban them immediately, I’m offended.
The Burka - How dare you tell women what they can and can’t wear.
The grid girl debate is about sexualisation and objectification. All liberals think women have the right to wear what they like. But sexploitation (such as it is) only serves to reinforce ideas that a woman's main selling point is her looks.
The burqa is about freedom of choice and expression, and in a personal setting too.
For what it's worth, I don't actually agree with the grid girls or darts walk-on girls being removed. But apparently as "liberals" we are one moving coherent mass, right?
Johnson defenders: it’s not anti Islam cos look at all these Muslims that say a burka isn’t required
Labour anti semitism defenders: it’s not anti Semitic to say you’re anti zionist, look at all these Jews that say Zionism isn’t a requirement for their faith
That is badly thought out on your behalf.
You have said on here that Jewish does not equal Zionist or indeed Israel and have pressed me and others not to make that comparison (which I never have).
Whether you agree with it or not Corbyn has been criticising the actions of Israel and defending the plight of Palestinians (and I accept that that contains numerous nuances). Johnson on the other hand has not been criticising the actions of Islam and neither has he been defending anybodies plight.
Although I guess you could argue that the target of his attack may also be the group of people he is trying to defend (Muslim women).
saying you're "anti zionist" is imo saying youre anti semitic. What does it mean? That you think the state of israel shouldnt exist? Why? Surely you should support the left wing parties in israel that have always encouraged open dialogue with the palestinians. Are you also anti hamas that also blast bombs at israel? Sure the israeli government has done more than the fair share of crimes, but to wittle it down to "we should just get rid of the state of israel" is incredibly ignorant of a complex situation and like letting off a nuclear bomb to open a ketchup bottle.
WTF. How does any of what you say, in any way, respond to what I have written?
I am anti anybody killing anybody else.
I oppose the current govt. of Israel, I oppose Hamas.
Do I support the right of Israel to exist? Yes of course.
Zionism was about the re-creation of a Jewish homeland in historic territories it wasn't about growing borders once established.
I don't understand your logic, you have said (rightly imo) many times that Israel is not all Jewish people. But here you are saying that people who are anti-Zionist are anti-Semites. Yet as we know many Jews are actually not Zionists and many more are critical of the current Israeli govt.
You should read www.haaretz.com/ for a more balanced view. And they are often rightly critical of Corbyn and Netenyahu and Trump.
What is Zionism? By dictionary definition if you’re an anti zionist you are anti whatever Zionism is. Which according to a dictionary is the formation and security of Israel. Why would you be against that? The only reason I can think is that you don’t like Jews.
I’m not saying you’re an anti semite. I’m saying people don’t understand that when they say they’re an anti-zionist it’s essentially saying they want Israel to be obliterated.
Your missives on this subject are getting increasingly bizarre and I am beginning to think that you are on a wind-up or worse that you are some kind of agent provocateur.
Zionism isn't and wasn't a dictionary definition, it was and is movement to re-create a Jewish homeland.
You see things too black and white. Yes, some people use anti-Israel or anti-Zionist language to mask their anti-Semitism, but an awful lot of people don't including both Jews and non Jews. At the centre of one of the storms around Corbyn was that he shared a platform (at a holocaust remembrance event) with a Jewish Auschwitz survivor who spoke out against Israel. This apparently, to some, makes them both anti-Semites.
This is of course frankly ridiculous, but it reflects what your definition is and that makes me an anti-Semite and George Soros and Gerald Kaufmann. And all of that is frankly ridiculous particularly as Soros is currently a big target for hard core anti-Semites in Hungary, Italy, Trump supporters and far right Brexiteers.
Grid girls - You can’t wear that, how dare you, ban them immediately, I’m offended.
The Burka - How dare you tell women what they can and can’t wear.
The grid girl debate is about sexualisation and objectification. All liberals think women have the right to wear what they like. But sexploitation (such as it is) only serves to reinforce ideas that a woman's main selling point is her looks.
The burqa is about freedom of choice and expression, and in a personal setting too.
For what it's worth, I don't actually agree with the grid girls or darts walk-on girls being removed. But apparently as "liberals" we are one moving coherent mass, right?
Surely your last point goes both ways, there is usually a bit of generalising when having these kind of discussions.
My main point of the post (I copied word for word, so not my wording) still stands though, as it all essentially comes under the "PC" banner, which in turn, is very liberal imo. It's not PC for women to be grid girls (Or to be "sexploited" lol **) and it's also not very PC to say that you believe people covering their faces in public places is wrong, because the people practising it are from a minority culture.
** I think the vast majority of grid girls etc., would feel quite patronised to hear you think they were "sexploited" tbh mate.
Note - I wonder what would happen if islam dictated that women should walk around dressed like grid girls. That'll be confusing as far as the who above argument goes.....
Just saw an interview with Jeremy Corbyn when questioned about the wreath laying “controversy”.
He really isn’t fit to lead the country. Not because of his presence at the conference or indeed the ceremony to lay a wreath in Paris. He’s just plain stupid.
When questioned about the wreath layed to honour PLO activists assassinated in Paris by Mossad after the Munich attacks he said and I paraphrase
“I was present at the wreath laying but I don’t think I was involved”
Advice to Jeremy. When you are in a hole at least have what you want to say already rehearsed. Stick to it and don’t suggest anything that makes you look even more stupid than people already think.
Just saw an interview with Jeremy Corbyn when questioned about the wreath laying “controversy”.
He really isn’t fit to lead the country. Not because of his presence at the conference or indeed the ceremony to lay a wreath in Paris. He’s just plain stupid.
When questioned about the wreath layed to honour PLO activists assassinated in Paris by Mossad after the Munich attacks he said and I paraphrase
“I was present at the wreath laying but I don’t think I was involved”
Advice to Jeremy. When you are in a hole at least have what you want to say already rehearsed. Stick to it and don’t suggest anything that makes you look even more stupid than people already think.
I really don't get what's with the man. If you want to stick by your friends, fine. But unfortunately running a country requires diplomacy, and I see no evidence he can either be diplomatic or run a country.
In this instance he should front up and own it. If Mossad murdered people in a foreign country without recourse to trial then Corbyn is perfectly at liberty to say he has sympathy for those victims. It is a political association regarding the Middle East scenario, and neither anti Jewish not pro terrorist if those killed were assassinated without trial.
Any labour leader in the run up to a General Election is always up against it. The right wing press are relentless in their quest to discredit, ridicule and create an image of incompetence. Ask Ed Milliband or Neil Kinnock. Michael Foot and Gordon Brown.
Can you imagine the field day that The Mail, Express, The Telegraph and Times will have with Corbyn. He has a back catalogue of gaffs and reasons to attack him and I don’t mean how he eats a bacon sandwich.
Labour should under the current circumstances be a long way ahead in the polls yet it would appear their lead is disputed and at best restricted to one or two points.
Corbyn is a liability and until he goes Labour will struggle to convince people in enough numbers to win an election. It’s a bloody shame because the Tories are without doubt the worst government this country has seen in generations.
Any labour leader in the run up to a General Election is always up against it. The right wing press are relentless in their quest to discredit, ridicule and create an image of incompetence. Ask Ed Milliband or Neil Kinnock. Michael Foot and Gordon Brown.
Can you imagine the field day that The Mail, Express, The Telegraph and Times will have with Corbyn. He has a back catalogue of gaffs and reasons to attack him and I don’t mean how he eats a bacon sandwich.
Labour should under the current circumstances be a long way ahead in the polls yet it would appear their lead is disputed and at best restricted to one or two points.
Corbyn is a liability and until he goes Labour will struggle to convince people in enough numbers to win an election. It’s a bloody shame because the Tories are without doubt the worst government this country has seen in generations.
Exactly how I see it. Agree with @seth plum as well, it was an atrocity... But why that atrocity and why now? Does he not think how it might look?
Any labour leader in the run up to a General Election is always up against it. The right wing press are relentless in their quest to discredit, ridicule and create an image of incompetence. Ask Ed Milliband or Neil Kinnock. Michael Foot and Gordon Brown.
Can you imagine the field day that The Mail, Express, The Telegraph and Times will have with Corbyn. He has a back catalogue of gaffs and reasons to attack him and I don’t mean how he eats a bacon sandwich.
Labour should under the current circumstances be a long way ahead in the polls yet it would appear their lead is disputed and at best restricted to one or two points.
Corbyn is a liability and until he goes Labour will struggle to convince people in enough numbers to win an election. It’s a bloody shame because the Tories are without doubt the worst government this country has seen in generations.
Couldn't agree more, with the current opposition our government isn't going to improve much either, sadly.
Still, I was pleased to see the Boris can do one thing right, he brought out cups of tea to the reporters outside his house and hadn't added the Milk, mans a genius, gets my vote (or maybe it was the butler).
Just saw an interview with Jeremy Corbyn when questioned about the wreath laying “controversy”.
He really isn’t fit to lead the country. Not because of his presence at the conference or indeed the ceremony to lay a wreath in Paris. He’s just plain stupid.
When questioned about the wreath layed to honour PLO activists assassinated in Paris by Mossad after the Munich attacks he said and I paraphrase
“I was present at the wreath laying but I don’t think I was involved”
Advice to Jeremy. When you are in a hole at least have what you want to say already rehearsed. Stick to it and don’t suggest anything that makes you look even more stupid than people already think.
I really don't get what's with the man. If you want to stick by your friends, fine. But unfortunately running a country requires diplomacy, and I see no evidence he can either be diplomatic or run a country.
Just saw an interview with Jeremy Corbyn when questioned about the wreath laying “controversy”.
He really isn’t fit to lead the country. Not because of his presence at the conference or indeed the ceremony to lay a wreath in Paris. He’s just plain stupid.
When questioned about the wreath layed to honour PLO activists assassinated in Paris by Mossad after the Munich attacks he said and I paraphrase
“I was present at the wreath laying but I don’t think I was involved”
Advice to Jeremy. When you are in a hole at least have what you want to say already rehearsed. Stick to it and don’t suggest anything that makes you look even more stupid than people already think.
I really don't get what's with the man. If you want to stick by your friends, fine. But unfortunately running a country requires diplomacy, and I see no evidence he can either be diplomatic or run a country.
Seems to have worked for Trump!
Likewise...you generally expect your Foreign Secretary to be right up there in the diplomatic stratosphere...and yet Boris got the job!!
Just saw an interview with Jeremy Corbyn when questioned about the wreath laying “controversy”.
He really isn’t fit to lead the country. Not because of his presence at the conference or indeed the ceremony to lay a wreath in Paris. He’s just plain stupid.
When questioned about the wreath layed to honour PLO activists assassinated in Paris by Mossad after the Munich attacks he said and I paraphrase
“I was present at the wreath laying but I don’t think I was involved”
Advice to Jeremy. When you are in a hole at least have what you want to say already rehearsed. Stick to it and don’t suggest anything that makes you look even more stupid than people already think.
I really don't get what's with the man. If you want to stick by your friends, fine. But unfortunately running a country requires diplomacy, and I see no evidence he can either be diplomatic or run a country.
Just saw an interview with Jeremy Corbyn when questioned about the wreath laying “controversy”.
He really isn’t fit to lead the country. Not because of his presence at the conference or indeed the ceremony to lay a wreath in Paris. He’s just plain stupid.
When questioned about the wreath layed to honour PLO activists assassinated in Paris by Mossad after the Munich attacks he said and I paraphrase
“I was present at the wreath laying but I don’t think I was involved”
Advice to Jeremy. When you are in a hole at least have what you want to say already rehearsed. Stick to it and don’t suggest anything that makes you look even more stupid than people already think.
I really don't get what's with the man. If you want to stick by your friends, fine. But unfortunately running a country requires diplomacy, and I see no evidence he can either be diplomatic or run a country.
Seems to have worked for Trump!
Likewise...you generally expect your Foreign Secretary to be right up there in the diplomatic stratosphere...and yet Boris got the job!!
Diplomacy left the building a long time ago when it comes to politics.
Just saw an interview with Jeremy Corbyn when questioned about the wreath laying “controversy”.
He really isn’t fit to lead the country. Not because of his presence at the conference or indeed the ceremony to lay a wreath in Paris. He’s just plain stupid.
When questioned about the wreath layed to honour PLO activists assassinated in Paris by Mossad after the Munich attacks he said and I paraphrase
“I was present at the wreath laying but I don’t think I was involved”
Advice to Jeremy. When you are in a hole at least have what you want to say already rehearsed. Stick to it and don’t suggest anything that makes you look even more stupid than people already think.
Just saw an interview with Jeremy Corbyn when questioned about the wreath laying “controversy”.
He really isn’t fit to lead the country. Not because of his presence at the conference or indeed the ceremony to lay a wreath in Paris. He’s just plain stupid.
When questioned about the wreath layed to honour PLO activists assassinated in Paris by Mossad after the Munich attacks he said and I paraphrase
“I was present at the wreath laying but I don’t think I was involved”
Advice to Jeremy. When you are in a hole at least have what you want to say already rehearsed. Stick to it and don’t suggest anything that makes you look even more stupid than people already think.
Just saw an interview with Jeremy Corbyn when questioned about the wreath laying “controversy”.
He really isn’t fit to lead the country. Not because of his presence at the conference or indeed the ceremony to lay a wreath in Paris. He’s just plain stupid.
When questioned about the wreath layed to honour PLO activists assassinated in Paris by Mossad after the Munich attacks he said and I paraphrase
“I was present at the wreath laying but I don’t think I was involved”
Advice to Jeremy. When you are in a hole at least have what you want to say already rehearsed. Stick to it and don’t suggest anything that makes you look even more stupid than people already think.
Is this the BBC one you refer to, no where does he say he laid the wreath, as we have been told (lied to), verbally and visually by the press. I cant see the problem, the bloke understands that dialogue, and not the cycle of bombing each other brings peace. Its just like the debunked IRA rumours that we have all seen, when in fact a man who is a pacifist met them to discuss peace, and we now have peace. The banks (sorry government) are running scared of Corbyn, Imagine all the weapons that we WONT sell that eventually find their way to our enemies, if he came into power.
Is this the BBC one you refer to, no where does he say he laid the wreath, as we have been told (lied to), verbally and visually by the press. I cant see the problem, the bloke understands that dialogue, and not the cycle of bombing each other brings peace. Its just like the debunked IRA rumours that we have all seen, when in fact a man who is a pacifist met them to discuss peace, and we now have peace. The banks (sorry government) are running scared of Corbyn, Imagine all the weapons that we WONT sell that eventually find their way to our enemies, if he came into power.
Just saw an interview with Jeremy Corbyn when questioned about the wreath laying “controversy”.
He really isn’t fit to lead the country. Not because of his presence at the conference or indeed the ceremony to lay a wreath in Paris. He’s just plain stupid.
When questioned about the wreath layed to honour PLO activists assassinated in Paris by Mossad after the Munich attacks he said and I paraphrase
“I was present at the wreath laying but I don’t think I was involved”
Advice to Jeremy. When you are in a hole at least have what you want to say already rehearsed. Stick to it and don’t suggest anything that makes you look even more stupid than people already think.
If that article is accurate then the onus is on Labour and Corbyn to release a statement to that effect.
The reality is that at the next election, the electorate will have a clear choice between Labour and the Austerity Party aka coalition of chaos. Right now the polls show this as a tie leading to a hung parliament. But who knows how Brexit, the economy, the NHS and the other priorities for the country will develop?
The irony is that this is a thread about the Tory party and yet some who obsess about Corbyn cannot stop themselves. That so many on this site and across the country are prepared to run with a Mail/Express/Telegraph campaign against Corbyn is a sign of the times. Ultimately the conference season and the Brexit negotiations will bring some clarity to the landscape over the next few months. Labour have an opportunity to update and re-align their stance on Brexit and their are several grass roots movements targetting their conference so as to shift policy in this area.
Can somebody please explain where the Tories are going on this, the NHS, housing or education. They can't resolve their own internal differences so little chance of any progress for the nation!
Is this the BBC one you refer to, no where does he say he laid the wreath, as we have been told (lied to), verbally and visually by the press. I cant see the problem, the bloke understands that dialogue, and not the cycle of bombing each other brings peace. Its just like the debunked IRA rumours that we have all seen, when in fact a man who is a pacifist met them to discuss peace, and we now have peace. The banks (sorry government) are running scared of Corbyn, Imagine all the weapons that we WONT sell that eventually find their way to our enemies, if he came into power.
He says he was present “but doesn’t think he was involved”
Perhaps it’s just me but I believe he was there and fully aware of what being there meant.
You and I both know he didn't lay a wreath, how do we know? Well there would have been footage, even though it was 4 years ago, it would have been filmed, everything Corbyn has been to, is filmed. And the reason there is no footage, is that it didn't happen.
Just saw an interview with Jeremy Corbyn when questioned about the wreath laying “controversy”.
He really isn’t fit to lead the country. Not because of his presence at the conference or indeed the ceremony to lay a wreath in Paris. He’s just plain stupid.
When questioned about the wreath layed to honour PLO activists assassinated in Paris by Mossad after the Munich attacks he said and I paraphrase
“I was present at the wreath laying but I don’t think I was involved”
Advice to Jeremy. When you are in a hole at least have what you want to say already rehearsed. Stick to it and don’t suggest anything that makes you look even more stupid than people already think.
If that article is accurate then the onus is on Labour and Corbyn to release a statement to that effect.
That so many on this site and across the country are prepared to run with a Mail/Express/Telegraph campaign against Corbyn is a sign of the times.
The reality is that at the next election, the electorate will have a clear choice between Labour and the Austerity Party aka coalition of chaos. Right now the polls show this as a tie leading to a hung parliament. But who knows how Brexit, the economy, the NHS and the other priorities for the country will develop?
The irony is that this is a thread about the Tory party and yet some who obsess about Corbyn cannot stop themselves. Ultimately the conference season and the Brexit negotiations will bring some clarity to the landscape. Labour have an opportunity to update and re-align their stance on Brexit and their are several grass roots movements targetting their conference so as to shift policy in this area.
Can somebody please explaing where the Tories are going on this, the NHS, housing or education. They can't resolve their own internal differences so little chance of any progress for the nation!
It isn‘t just that though is it ?
Corbyn is a divisive person. He’s divided his own Parliamentary Party to the extent that the majority would see him gone. Certainly the right wing press will do their worst (see my post above), they always do. The point with Corbyn is that for many. Me included he is the sole reason that labour are not romping ahead in the polls. The Tories are making a mess of practically every single sphere where they influence. They score own goal after own goal. They should be approaching the point where the electorate will sling them out. Just like John Majors conservative government and Gordon Browns Labour government. Moribund. However. They are still very much in the game. It’s unbelievable. He’s a hypocrite and ideologue that will see the complete ruin of the Labour Party that people feel comfortable voting for. I agree a hung parliament is very possible and it’s not beyond the realms that JC might indeed have the opportunity to form a government. The point is, at this juncture he should be a shoe in.
Is this the BBC one you refer to, no where does he say he laid the wreath, as we have been told (lied to), verbally and visually by the press. I cant see the problem, the bloke understands that dialogue, and not the cycle of bombing each other brings peace. Its just like the debunked IRA rumours that we have all seen, when in fact a man who is a pacifist met them to discuss peace, and we now have peace. The banks (sorry government) are running scared of Corbyn, Imagine all the weapons that we WONT sell that eventually find their way to our enemies, if he came into power.
He says he was present “but doesn’t think he was involved”
Perhaps it’s just me but I believe he was there and fully aware of what being there meant.
You and I both know he didn't lay a wreath, how do we know? Well there would have been footage, even though it was 4 years ago, it would have been filmed, everything Corbyn has been to, is filmed. And the reason there is no footage, is that it didn't happen.
He didn’t lay a wreath. He was present at the wreath laying. Why ? Did he not know why or where he was ? Was he comfortable with being present ? We know the answer is yes otherwise he would say so.
Everyone, please disperse. Corbyn is the real racist. End of discussion.
No, Corbyn is just one of many racists but his fanboys will excuse any of his actions supporting terrorists, reject any evidence of him supporting racist, homophobic, misogynist terrorists and believe every ever more incredible excuses "I was there but didn't take part" being the latest.
None so blind as those who refuse to see.
Cue the usual "Whataboutery", " he needs to speak to these terrorists to bring peace", "it's all a smear", etc etc etc
Just saw an interview with Jeremy Corbyn when questioned about the wreath laying “controversy”.
He really isn’t fit to lead the country. Not because of his presence at the conference or indeed the ceremony to lay a wreath in Paris. He’s just plain stupid.
When questioned about the wreath layed to honour PLO activists assassinated in Paris by Mossad after the Munich attacks he said and I paraphrase
“I was present at the wreath laying but I don’t think I was involved”
Advice to Jeremy. When you are in a hole at least have what you want to say already rehearsed. Stick to it and don’t suggest anything that makes you look even more stupid than people already think.
If that article is accurate then the onus is on Labour and Corbyn to release a statement to that effect.
That so many on this site and across the country are prepared to run with a Mail/Express/Telegraph campaign against Corbyn is a sign of the times.
The reality is that at the next election, the electorate will have a clear choice between Labour and the Austerity Party aka coalition of chaos. Right now the polls show this as a tie leading to a hung parliament. But who knows how Brexit, the economy, the NHS and the other priorities for the country will develop?
The irony is that this is a thread about the Tory party and yet some who obsess about Corbyn cannot stop themselves. Ultimately the conference season and the Brexit negotiations will bring some clarity to the landscape. Labour have an opportunity to update and re-align their stance on Brexit and their are several grass roots movements targetting their conference so as to shift policy in this area.
Can somebody please explaing where the Tories are going on this, the NHS, housing or education. They can't resolve their own internal differences so little chance of any progress for the nation!
It isn‘t just that though is it ?
Corbyn is a divisive person. He’s divided his own Parliamentary Party to the extent that the majority would see him gone. Certainly the right wing press will do their worst (see my post above), they always do. The point with Corbyn is that for many. Me included he is the sole reason that labour are not romping ahead in the polls. The Tories are making a mess of practically every single sphere where they influence. They score own goal after own goal. They should be approaching the point where the electorate will sling them out. Just like John Majors conservative government and Gordon Browns Labour government. Moribund. However. They are still very much in the game. It’s unbelievable. He’s a hypocrite and ideologue that will see the complete ruin of the Labour Party that people feel comfortable voting for. I agree a hung parliament is very possible and it’s not beyond the realms that JC might indeed have the opportunity to form a government. The point is, at this juncture he should be a shoe in.
I thought more Labour members vote for Corbyn than any other Labour leader. I also think that some of the enormous amount of crap (lies) thrown at him by the Right Wing press, has stuck. Ive got mates who still think that Corbyn is an IRA terrorist FFS. These are the same people who, when it was pointed out to them, that Nelson Mandela was called a terrorist, laughed. So when you get people blindly believing without looking/checking, you end up with a web of lies that are believed.
The grid girl debate is about sexualisation and objectification. All liberals think women have the right to wear what they like. But sexploitation (such as it is) only serves to reinforce ideas that a woman's main selling point is her looks.
The burqa is about freedom of choice and expression, and in a personal setting too.
For what it's worth, I don't actually agree with the grid girls or darts walk-on girls being removed. But apparently as "liberals" we are one moving coherent mass, right?
Zionism isn't and wasn't a dictionary definition, it was and is movement to re-create a Jewish homeland.
You see things too black and white. Yes, some people use anti-Israel or anti-Zionist language to mask their anti-Semitism, but an awful lot of people don't including both Jews and non Jews. At the centre of one of the storms around Corbyn was that he shared a platform (at a holocaust remembrance event) with a Jewish Auschwitz survivor who spoke out against Israel. This apparently, to some, makes them both anti-Semites.
This is of course frankly ridiculous, but it reflects what your definition is and that makes me an anti-Semite and George Soros and Gerald Kaufmann. And all of that is frankly ridiculous particularly as Soros is currently a big target for hard core anti-Semites in Hungary, Italy, Trump supporters and far right Brexiteers.
My main point of the post (I copied word for word, so not my wording) still stands though, as it all essentially comes under the "PC" banner, which in turn, is very liberal imo. It's not PC for women to be grid girls (Or to be "sexploited" lol **) and it's also not very PC to say that you believe people covering their faces in public places is wrong, because the people practising it are from a minority culture.
** I think the vast majority of grid girls etc., would feel quite patronised to hear you think they were "sexploited" tbh mate.
Note - I wonder what would happen if islam dictated that women should walk around dressed like grid girls. That'll be confusing as far as the who above argument goes.....
He really isn’t fit to lead the country. Not because of his presence at the conference or indeed the ceremony to lay a wreath in Paris. He’s just plain stupid.
When questioned about the wreath layed to honour PLO activists assassinated in Paris by Mossad after the Munich attacks he said and I paraphrase
“I was present at the wreath laying but I don’t think I was involved”
Advice to Jeremy. When you are in a hole at least have what you want to say already rehearsed. Stick to it and don’t suggest anything that makes you look even more stupid than people already think.
It is a political association regarding the Middle East scenario, and neither anti Jewish not pro terrorist if those killed were assassinated without trial.
Can you imagine the field day that The Mail, Express, The Telegraph and Times will have with Corbyn. He has a back catalogue of gaffs and reasons to attack him and I don’t mean how he eats a bacon sandwich.
Labour should under the current circumstances be a long way ahead in the polls yet it would appear their lead is disputed and at best restricted to one or two points.
Corbyn is a liability and until he goes Labour will struggle to convince people in enough numbers to win an election. It’s a bloody shame because the Tories are without doubt the worst government this country has seen in generations.
Still, I was pleased to see the Boris can do one thing right, he brought out cups of tea to the reporters outside his house and hadn't added the Milk, mans a genius, gets my vote
Likewise...you generally expect your Foreign Secretary to be right up there in the diplomatic stratosphere...and yet Boris got the job!!
He was present.
This was not the same wreath to honour those killed by Israeli bombing in Tunis.
I cant see the problem, the bloke understands that dialogue, and not the cycle of bombing each other brings peace.
Its just like the debunked IRA rumours that we have all seen, when in fact a man who is a pacifist met them to discuss peace, and we now have peace. The banks (sorry government) are running scared of Corbyn, Imagine all the weapons that we WONT sell that eventually find their way to our enemies, if he came into power.
Perhaps it’s just me but I believe he was there and fully aware of what being there meant.
The reality is that at the next election, the electorate will have a clear choice between Labour and the Austerity Party aka coalition of chaos. Right now the polls show this as a tie leading to a hung parliament. But who knows how Brexit, the economy, the NHS and the other priorities for the country will develop?
The irony is that this is a thread about the Tory party and yet some who obsess about Corbyn cannot stop themselves. That so many on this site and across the country are prepared to run with a Mail/Express/Telegraph campaign against Corbyn is a sign of the times. Ultimately the conference season and the Brexit negotiations will bring some clarity to the landscape over the next few months. Labour have an opportunity to update and re-align their stance on Brexit and their are several grass roots movements targetting their conference so as to shift policy in this area.
Can somebody please explain where the Tories are going on this, the NHS, housing or education. They can't resolve their own internal differences so little chance of any progress for the nation!
Corbyn is a divisive person. He’s divided his own Parliamentary Party to the extent that the majority would see him gone. Certainly the right wing press will do their worst (see my post above), they always do. The point with Corbyn is that for many. Me included he is the sole reason that labour are not romping ahead in the polls. The Tories are making a mess of practically every single sphere where they influence. They score own goal after own goal. They should be approaching the point where the electorate will sling them out. Just like John Majors conservative government and Gordon Browns Labour government. Moribund. However. They are still very much in the game. It’s unbelievable. He’s a hypocrite and ideologue that will see the complete ruin of the Labour Party that people feel comfortable voting for. I agree a hung parliament is very possible and it’s not beyond the realms that JC might indeed have the opportunity to form a government. The point is, at this juncture he should be a shoe in.
None so blind as those who refuse to see.
Cue the usual "Whataboutery", " he needs to speak to these terrorists to bring peace", "it's all a smear", etc etc etc
Ive got mates who still think that Corbyn is an IRA terrorist FFS. These are the same people who, when it was pointed out to them, that Nelson Mandela was called a terrorist, laughed.
So when you get people blindly believing without looking/checking, you end up with a web of lies that are believed.