NHS breathes a sigh of relief. I hate Hunt as much as any of the other cabinet rabble.
It is the most poisoned chalice to be fair to him. A Conservative Health Minister is probably the hardest job in government in normal circumstances, not that there is anything normal anymore.
Agreed. It’s not an easy job but Hunt is a proven liar and slimy toad.
Anyone that believes that Labour has a clear and coherent position on Brexit is deluding themselves as much as someone who says Conservatives are going to deliver Brexit.
Brexit is a shambles, because it is based on opinion, not fact, and it is beyond a typical left/right, or class divide. Because of that, no party can have a coherent strategy if it has enough people with opinions.
Labour are lucky they aren't the ones having to deliver "the will of the people" although I'm sure that if they were, many on here wouldn't be so critical of them.
NHS breathes a sigh of relief. I hate Hunt as much as any of the other cabinet rabble.
It is the most poisoned chalice to be fair to him. A Conservative Health Minister is probably the hardest job in government in normal circumstances, not that there is anything normal anymore.
Agreed. It’s not an easy job but Hunt is a proven liar and slimy toad.
He comes across well though... For goodness sake he has to be a better statesman than Gove. He looks like the kid that the kid with braces would bully at school ffs.
NHS breathes a sigh of relief. I hate Hunt as much as any of the other cabinet rabble.
It is the most poisoned chalice to be fair to him. A Conservative Health Minister is probably the hardest job in government in normal circumstances, not that there is anything normal anymore.
Agreed. It’s not an easy job but Hunt is a proven liar and slimy toad.
He comes across well though... For goodness sake he has to be a better statesman than Gove. He looks like the kid that the kid with braces would bully at school ffs.
Gove and Hunt are out of the same Mould.
I worked for the NHS so know how many lies Hunt told.
NHS breathes a sigh of relief. I hate Hunt as much as any of the other cabinet rabble.
It is the most poisoned chalice to be fair to him. A Conservative Health Minister is probably the hardest job in government in normal circumstances, not that there is anything normal anymore.
Agreed. It’s not an easy job but Hunt is a proven liar and slimy toad.
He comes across well though... For goodness sake he has to be a better statesman than Gove. He looks like the kid that the kid with braces would bully at school ffs.
Gove and Hunt are out of the same Mould.
I worked for the NHS so know how many lies Hunt told.
Out of interest, can you name a health minister you liked?
NHS breathes a sigh of relief. I hate Hunt as much as any of the other cabinet rabble.
It is the most poisoned chalice to be fair to him. A Conservative Health Minister is probably the hardest job in government in normal circumstances, not that there is anything normal anymore.
Agreed. It’s not an easy job but Hunt is a proven liar and slimy toad.
He comes across well though... For goodness sake he has to be a better statesman than Gove. He looks like the kid that the kid with braces would bully at school ffs.
Gove and Hunt are out of the same Mould.
I worked for the NHS so know how many lies Hunt told.
NHS breathes a sigh of relief. I hate Hunt as much as any of the other cabinet rabble.
It is the most poisoned chalice to be fair to him. A Conservative Health Minister is probably the hardest job in government in normal circumstances, not that there is anything normal anymore.
Agreed. It’s not an easy job but Hunt is a proven liar and slimy toad.
He comes across well though... For goodness sake he has to be a better statesman than Gove. He looks like the kid that the kid with braces would bully at school ffs.
Gove and Hunt are out of the same Mould.
I worked for the NHS so know how many lies Hunt told.
Out of interest, can you name a health minister you liked?
Anyone that believes that Labour has a clear and coherent position on Brexit is deluding themselves as much as someone who says Conservatives are going to deliver Brexit.
Brexit is a shambles, because it is based on opinion, not fact, and it is beyond a typical left/right, or class divide. Because of that, no party can have a coherent strategy if it has enough people with opinions.
Labour are lucky they aren't the ones having to deliver "the will of the people" although I'm sure that if they were, many on here wouldn't be so critical of them.
Labour wouldn't have done the vote in the first place. A referendum commenced purely for the ego and power struggle of David Cameron who then like the coward he is, buggered off and let everyone else deal with the mess.. I voted for Brexit, but I'm not kidding myself that the referendum was called for the good of the people or the country and was anything other than Tory infighting. .
Labour's six tests for a Brexit deal. Not sure why people say their position isn't clear or fair.
1. Does it ensure a strong and collaborative future relationship with the EU?
2. Does it deliver the “exact same benefits” as we currently have as members of the Single Market and Customs Union?
3. Does it ensure the fair management of migration in the interests of the economy and communities?
4. Does it defend rights and protections and prevent a race to the bottom?
5. Does it protect national security and our capacity to tackle cross-border crime?
6. Does it deliver for all regions and nations of the UK?
But points two and three conflict with one another in the same way as May's red lines do. We can't have the "exact same benefits" of the SM & CU without accepting freedom of movement - the EU are very clear on that.
The Labour position is as useless as the Tory's and if Corbyn were in charge now we'd be similar levels of madness.
Miliband completely duffed his campaign, alas, and Cameron's chummy lack of personality was enough to push him over the edge. Corbyn is at least a character. Look at the people who've challenged him! Eagle! Smith! Utter non-entities, middle-managers, with no convictions or apparent principles. And now Caroline Lucas is stepping down as Green leader ffs - a large part of me hopes she'll be parachuted straight into Labour as heir apparent
Wow, just wow. They can put that on his gravestone.
Gordon Brittas was a character but you wouldn't want him running the country.
Boris is a character but, well, you get the drift.
Labour's six tests for a Brexit deal. Not sure why people say their position isn't clear or fair.
1. Does it ensure a strong and collaborative future relationship with the EU?
2. Does it deliver the “exact same benefits” as we currently have as members of the Single Market and Customs Union?
3. Does it ensure the fair management of migration in the interests of the economy and communities?
4. Does it defend rights and protections and prevent a race to the bottom?
5. Does it protect national security and our capacity to tackle cross-border crime?
6. Does it deliver for all regions and nations of the UK?
But points two and three conflict with one another in the same way as May's red lines do. We can't have the "exact same benefits" of the SM & CU without accepting freedom of movement - the EU are very clear on that.
The Labour position is as useless as the Tory's and if Corbyn were in charge now we'd be similar levels of madness.
Not really!
Freedom of movement was set up decades ago to ensure that people moving country for jobs along with their families were not discriminated against. It wasn't that long ago that jobs and bedsits sometimes carried a notice saying "no blacks and no Irish" - early 1970s.
Your point is a reflection of the times where Farage and the Alt-right have weaponised immigration and turned it into the number one topic of concern back in 2016.
Funnily enough without daily coverage in the tabloids only 30% of the population see immigration as a major issue.
Take another look at the actual words. We need skilled immigrants for many roles and we also need casual Labour since the country has full employment status.
As posted before, Labour respects the referendum but clearly supports BINO. It doesnt shout this from the rooftops because that would be an open goal for the Tories.
Labour are simply watching the Tory machine devour itself and are ready to take up the reins of power when the time comes.
Rather than believe tabloid propaganda about Labour, just take a look at their manifesto from the last election. It was actually quite coherent! Not much madness at all.
We have this thing in patent law about not claiming a "result to be achieved" but claiming instead the means that achieve the result. Labour's six tests are meaningless.
The only reason Boris was in the cabinet was to avoid the damage his ambitions would do to the party outside of it. I think the best solution for the Tories is to adopt a zero tolerance to Boris and Rees-Mogg and kick them out of the party - they will undoubtably provide an excuse to do that in the coming weeks. It is an extreme action, but the two sides clearly can't be reconciled and the party has to decide what it is.
Now that May has found a position at last, it is put up or shut up time. It is no good trying to appease people - the party has to get behind the position. If they don't like it, they can rekindle UKIP or something!
Boris Johnson was strangely popular for a while and was seen as an asset to the party, but that time has come and gone. I'm sure he still has supporters, but he can never get enough of the British people behind him. Whenever I see him smiling and bumbling along now, I see that woman, wife and mother, in an Iranian jail who was close to being freed before he waded in. These things can happen, especially with him as he puts no care or research into his brief, but his attitude to putting it right has been a disgrace!
Whilst Davis is more loyal and sensible than Mogg and Johnson, it was a big mistake giving him the Brexit negotiator job, or possibly the mistake was him taking it. Surely that job is to negotiate on behalf of the government's position, not your position. When he threatened to resign a few weeks ago, May should have sacked him.
No chance of a general election. Tories won’t call an election that they could easily lose.
On that basis May will be allowed to stumble on until its impossible for her to remain. My best guess is until after Brexit in March 2019 most likely the following autumn.
She won’t be allowed to lead the conservatives into the next GE because her authority and credibility is shot. She is however a very good scapegoat and sacrificial lamb if it’s possible to be both at the same time. Can’t see a leadership battle to grasp this poison chalice and the DUP won’t jump up and down too much because making too many problems might lose them the only amount of influence they have ever had in Westminster.
I think what I’m saying is that politicians are all a bunch of cowardly, self serving weasels who would sooner do nothing to save their skins rather than do the right thing for the country.
May was only ever there for Brexit.. she got stitched up by Cameron big time
I can see Labour doing a deal with May to get this version of Brexit through.
I think I heard quite a few yesterday saying they wouldn't. But I did also hear some Tories are briefing labour on it
Strong and stable! Like I said, it shows how divisive Brexit is, across politicians and the people. I think May could have a small majority and still struggle.
Labour's six tests for a Brexit deal. Not sure why people say their position isn't clear or fair.
1. Does it ensure a strong and collaborative future relationship with the EU?
2. Does it deliver the “exact same benefits” as we currently have as members of the Single Market and Customs Union?
3. Does it ensure the fair management of migration in the interests of the economy and communities?
4. Does it defend rights and protections and prevent a race to the bottom?
5. Does it protect national security and our capacity to tackle cross-border crime?
6. Does it deliver for all regions and nations of the UK?
But points two and three conflict with one another in the same way as May's red lines do. We can't have the "exact same benefits" of the SM & CU without accepting freedom of movement - the EU are very clear on that.
The Labour position is as useless as the Tory's and if Corbyn were in charge now we'd be similar levels of madness.
Not really!
Freedom of movement was set up decades ago to ensure that people moving country for jobs along with their families were not discriminated against. It wasn't that long ago that jobs and bedsits sometimes carried a notice saying "no blacks and no Irish" - early 1970s.
Your point is a reflection of the times where Farage and the Alt-right have weaponised immigration and turned it into the number one topic of concern back in 2016.
Funnily enough without daily coverage in the tabloids only 30% of the population see immigration as a major issue.
Take another look at the actual words. We need skilled immigrants for many roles and we also need casual Labour since the country has full employment status.
As posted before, Labour respects the referendum but clearly supports BINO. It doesnt shout this from the rooftops because that would be an open goal for the Tories.
Labour are simply watching the Tory machine devour itself and are ready to take up the reins of power when the time comes.
Rather than believe tabloid propaganda about Labour, just take a look at their manifesto from the last election. It was actually quite coherent! Not much madness at all.
NHS breathes a sigh of relief. I hate Hunt as much as any of the other cabinet rabble.
It is the most poisoned chalice to be fair to him. A Conservative Health Minister is probably the hardest job in government in normal circumstances, not that there is anything normal anymore.
Agreed. It’s not an easy job but Hunt is a proven liar and slimy toad.
An article about Jeremy Hunt. Read it and decide for yourself if his advancement is down to ability or patronage. Although I suppose there has to be some skill in recognising the opportunities open to you because of patronage and exploiting them!
I did the demo regarding Lewisham Hospital, and a quick reminder that Hunt was trying to close aspects of the non loss making Lewisham hospital in a LABOUR area in order to transfer it's money to a loss making hospital in an adjacent TORY area.
Just for a bit of light relief precise political reporting (NSFW)
Brexit is a shambles, because it is based on opinion, not fact, and it is beyond a typical left/right, or class divide. Because of that, no party can have a coherent strategy if it has enough people with opinions.
Labour are lucky they aren't the ones having to deliver "the will of the people" although I'm sure that if they were, many on here wouldn't be so critical of them.
Gove and Hunt are out of the same Mould.
I worked for the NHS so know how many lies Hunt told.
The Labour position is as useless as the Tory's and if Corbyn were in charge now we'd be similar levels of madness.
Gordon Brittas was a character but you wouldn't want him running the country.
Boris is a character but, well, you get the drift.
Freedom of movement was set up decades ago to ensure that people moving country for jobs along with their families were not discriminated against. It wasn't that long ago that jobs and bedsits sometimes carried a notice saying "no blacks and no Irish" - early 1970s.
Your point is a reflection of the times where Farage and the Alt-right have weaponised immigration and turned it into the number one topic of concern back in 2016.
Funnily enough without daily coverage in the tabloids only 30% of the population see immigration as a major issue.
Take another look at the actual words. We need skilled immigrants for many roles and we also need casual Labour since the country has full employment status.
As posted before, Labour respects the referendum but clearly supports BINO. It doesnt shout this from the rooftops because that would be an open goal for the Tories.
Labour are simply watching the Tory machine devour itself and are ready to take up the reins of power when the time comes.
Rather than believe tabloid propaganda about Labour, just take a look at their manifesto from the last election. It was actually quite coherent! Not much madness at all.
Corbyn and McDonnell see the EU as a capitalist cartel and want out of it and no amount of dissembling with aspirational bullshit can mask that.
Corbyn is on record saying he wants out of the SM and CU - he is no different to the right wing nutters on the other side on Brexit.
Now that May has found a position at last, it is put up or shut up time. It is no good trying to appease people - the party has to get behind the position. If they don't like it, they can rekindle UKIP or something!
Boris Johnson was strangely popular for a while and was seen as an asset to the party, but that time has come and gone. I'm sure he still has supporters, but he can never get enough of the British people behind him. Whenever I see him smiling and bumbling along now, I see that woman, wife and mother, in an Iranian jail who was close to being freed before he waded in. These things can happen, especially with him as he puts no care or research into his brief, but his attitude to putting it right has been a disgrace!
Whilst Davis is more loyal and sensible than Mogg and Johnson, it was a big mistake giving him the Brexit negotiator job, or possibly the mistake was him taking it. Surely that job is to negotiate on behalf of the government's position, not your position. When he threatened to resign a few weeks ago, May should have sacked him.
Strong and stable! Like I said, it shows how divisive Brexit is, across politicians and the people. I think May could have a small majority and still struggle.
Read it and decide for yourself if his advancement is down to ability or patronage.
Although I suppose there has to be some skill in recognising the opportunities open to you because of patronage and exploiting them!
I did the demo regarding Lewisham Hospital, and a quick reminder that Hunt was trying to close aspects of the non loss making Lewisham hospital in a LABOUR area in order to transfer it's money to a loss making hospital in an adjacent TORY area.
Just for a bit of
light reliefprecise political reporting (NSFW)