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How do the Tories need to change?



  • My terraced house has increased in paper value by a factor of about eight since I bought it, but it means nothing since I need somewhere to live.
    If I live another fifty years or so then my pension prospects might describe me as a millionaire.
    The notion of Corbyn as a candidate for the Forbes rich list is not one that chimes with me.
  • cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.
    Is Corbyn a millionaire? Evidence please and don't say he has a house in Islington worth X as that would make half of London millionaires.
    Of course he is, why would you discount the property he owns? Yes you are right, a fair proportion of Londoners (assuming they don't have a mortgage) are millionaires.

  • seth plum said:

    My terraced house has increased in paper value by a factor of about eight since I bought it, but it means nothing since I need somewhere to live.
    If I live another fifty years or so then my pension prospects might describe me as a millionaire.
    The notion of Corbyn as a candidate for the Forbes rich list is not one that chimes with me.

    No one has said he is a multimillionaire, just a millionaire, which he is. Or close enough as makes no odds. He is without doubt one of the few not the many. That's a plain fact. Imagine for a moment if a Tory being paid £138k a year and living in a 700k house said "I don't consider myself high brow or wealthy." The same people on here defending Corbyn would be having a field day digging them out.
  • I don't see the hypocrisy. Nothing wrong with wanting better for others. It's not as if Corbyn had any say in either his salary or the London property market
  • Rob7Lee said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.
    Is Corbyn a millionaire? Evidence please and don't say he has a house in Islington worth X as that would make half of London millionaires.
    Of course he is, why would you discount the property he owns? Yes you are right, a fair proportion of Londoners (assuming they don't have a mortgage) are millionaires.

    For somebody who professes not to be a Tory I can't help noticing that you always seem to defend the Tories and always seem to support attacks on Labour. I find your stance on this particularly perplexing.
  • Rob7Lee said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.
    Is Corbyn a millionaire? Evidence please and don't say he has a house in Islington worth X as that would make half of London millionaires.
    Of course he is, why would you discount the property he owns? Yes you are right, a fair proportion of Londoners (assuming they don't have a mortgage) are millionaires.

    For somebody who professes not to be a Tory I can't help noticing that you always seem to defend the Tories and always seem to support attacks on Labour. I find your stance on this particularly perplexing.
    How is saying Corbyn is a millionaire an attack on labour?
  • The original post was an attack.
  • cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    There is quite a choice of things people might want to dig Corbyn out about, but accusations of being a hypocritical capitalist seem pretty lame and desperate.

    I merely described him as a millionaire, which he is. (To be fair, I didn't even include his £1.6mn pension pot from his time as an MP.)

    Getting desperate ?
  • Rob7Lee said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.
    Is Corbyn a millionaire? Evidence please and don't say he has a house in Islington worth X as that would make half of London millionaires.
    Of course he is, why would you discount the property he owns? Yes you are right, a fair proportion of Londoners (assuming they don't have a mortgage) are millionaires.

    For somebody who professes not to be a Tory I can't help noticing that you always seem to defend the Tories and always seem to support attacks on Labour. I find your stance on this particularly perplexing.
    How is saying Corbyn is a millionaire an attack on labour?
    It isn't but it was meant to be.

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  • cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.

    So after you read that meme on Facebook... did you bother looking into facts and think about the content or just come here to look smart ?

  • shine166 said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.

    So after you read that meme on Facebook... did you bother looking into facts and think about the content or just come here to look smart ?

    Nah, don't be silly, I just followed the precedent set by the thousands of pieces of Corbyn supporting/anti Tory crap posted on social media by Momentum and took it as gospel. Or I thought it was mildly amusing. Or I knew what reaction to expect and wasn't disappointed. You choose. I don't mind. It cracks me up that Corbyn's fawning disciples can give it out but then get all precious about flack coming the other way.
  • cafcfan said:

    shine166 said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.

    So after you read that meme on Facebook... did you bother looking into facts and think about the content or just come here to look smart ?

    Nah, don't be silly, I just followed the precedent set by the thousands of pieces of Corbyn supporting/anti Tory crap posted on social media by Momentum and took it as gospel. Or I thought it was mildly amusing. Or I knew what reaction to expect and wasn't disappointed. You choose. I don't mind. It cracks me up that Corbyn's fawning disciples can give it out but then get all precious about flack coming the other way.
    What are you talking about ? You moan about corbyns millions yet May Is worth a fortune and her fella is a tax dodging fk for g4s. I can give facts and take them... but listening to bollox spread by the likes of you makes my piss boil.

    Your saviour and her team are running he country into the ground, you think us lefties are annoying now? You wait 12 months until Corbyn is running the country ! You're gonna be hearing a lot more speeches to 100'000s of people x
  • Fiiish said:

    cafcfan said:

    shine166 said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.

    So after you read that meme on Facebook... did you bother looking into facts and think about the content or just come here to look smart ?

    Nah, don't be silly, I just followed the precedent set by the thousands of pieces of Corbyn supporting/anti Tory crap posted on social media by Momentum and took it as gospel. Or I thought it was mildly amusing. Or I knew what reaction to expect and wasn't disappointed. You choose. I don't mind. It cracks me up that Corbyn's fawning disciples can give it out but then get all precious about flack coming the other way.
    What flak? All you have implied is that if someone is rich then they can't speak out against poverty. Which is total bullshit.

    What's really shit is how people can be openly pro Tory then get all defensive and shirty when it is pointed out to them that the policies they vote for are actively harmful to the national interest.
    I am a local councillor - not Tory. We have an issue in our local A&E being downgraded (sorry the Tory austerity jargon is "developing local centres of clinical excellence"). The number of Tory councillors who spoke against their own policy was unbelievable. After the meeting they just didn't get that their own policies are causing the problem.
  • Rob7Lee said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.
    Is Corbyn a millionaire? Evidence please and don't say he has a house in Islington worth X as that would make half of London millionaires.
    Of course he is, why would you discount the property he owns? Yes you are right, a fair proportion of Londoners (assuming they don't have a mortgage) are millionaires.

    For somebody who professes not to be a Tory I can't help noticing that you always seem to defend the Tories and always seem to support attacks on Labour. I find your stance on this particularly perplexing.
    I think you read too much into my posts! A. number of people jumped on someone's comments about Corbyn being a millionaire, you asked for evidence and stated don't include his house.

    I simply stated you can't not include an asset in someone's wealth as you choose.

    So where in my reply did I defend the Tory's or attack labour? I just agreed with another poster that Corbyn is a millionaire and possibly more than one if you take all assets.
  • edited July 2017
    Saga Lout said:

    Look, the Tories don't need to change - can't you left-wing commie bar stewards get it into your heads? The Tories won the last election...

    And they've always had close links to the DUP...

    And Ireland deserved that extra money...

    So close that it took nearly three weeks and a bribe of £1.5 billion before those close links were agreed.

  • shine166 said:

    cafcfan said:

    shine166 said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.

    So after you read that meme on Facebook... did you bother looking into facts and think about the content or just come here to look smart ?

    Nah, don't be silly, I just followed the precedent set by the thousands of pieces of Corbyn supporting/anti Tory crap posted on social media by Momentum and took it as gospel. Or I thought it was mildly amusing. Or I knew what reaction to expect and wasn't disappointed. You choose. I don't mind. It cracks me up that Corbyn's fawning disciples can give it out but then get all precious about flack coming the other way.
    What are you talking about ? You moan about corbyns millions yet May Is worth a fortune and her fella is a tax dodging fk for g4s. I can give facts and take them... but listening to bollox spread by the likes of you makes my piss boil.

    Your saviour and her team are running he country into the ground, you think us lefties are annoying now? You wait 12 months until Corbyn is running the country ! You're gonna be hearing a lot more speeches to 100'000s of people x
    I didn't moan. Just pointed out a fact. Which seems to be like poking a hornets nest with a stick. I didn't vote, I'm disenfranchised. So not "my saviour". I hope you get over your boiling piss problem soon.
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  • Rob7Lee said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.
    Is Corbyn a millionaire? Evidence please and don't say he has a house in Islington worth X as that would make half of London millionaires.
    Of course he is, why would you discount the property he owns? Yes you are right, a fair proportion of Londoners (assuming they don't have a mortgage) are millionaires.

    For somebody who professes not to be a Tory I can't help noticing that you always seem to defend the Tories and always seem to support attacks on Labour. I find your stance on this particularly perplexing.
    I think you read too much into my posts! A. number of people jumped on someone's comments about Corbyn being a millionaire, you asked for evidence and stated don't include his house.

    I simply stated you can't not include an asset in someone's wealth as you choose.

    So where in my reply did I defend the Tory's or attack labour? I just agreed with another poster that Corbyn is a millionaire and possibly more than one if you take all assets.
    Fair enough. I look forward to seeing your balanced assessment of all parties in the future.
  • Rob7Lee said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.
    Is Corbyn a millionaire? Evidence please and don't say he has a house in Islington worth X as that would make half of London millionaires.
    Of course he is, why would you discount the property he owns? Yes you are right, a fair proportion of Londoners (assuming they don't have a mortgage) are millionaires.

    For somebody who professes not to be a Tory I can't help noticing that you always seem to defend the Tories and always seem to support attacks on Labour. I find your stance on this particularly perplexing.
    I think you read too much into my posts! A. number of people jumped on someone's comments about Corbyn being a millionaire, you asked for evidence and stated don't include his house.

    I simply stated you can't not include an asset in someone's wealth as you choose.

    So where in my reply did I defend the Tory's or attack labour? I just agreed with another poster that Corbyn is a millionaire and possibly more than one if you take all assets.
    Fair enough. I look forward to seeing your balanced assessment of all parties in the future.
    Thats easy, they are all awful, different degrees of awful on different subjects, but awful all the same.
  • Rob7Lee said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.
    Is Corbyn a millionaire? Evidence please and don't say he has a house in Islington worth X as that would make half of London millionaires.
    Of course he is, why would you discount the property he owns? Yes you are right, a fair proportion of Londoners (assuming they don't have a mortgage) are millionaires.

    For somebody who professes not to be a Tory I can't help noticing that you always seem to defend the Tories and always seem to support attacks on Labour. I find your stance on this particularly perplexing.
    I think you read too much into my posts! A. number of people jumped on someone's comments about Corbyn being a millionaire, you asked for evidence and stated don't include his house.

    I simply stated you can't not include an asset in someone's wealth as you choose.

    So where in my reply did I defend the Tory's or attack labour? I just agreed with another poster that Corbyn is a millionaire and possibly more than one if you take all assets.
    If Rob says you can't include something, you simply can't.
  • Rob7Lee said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.
    Is Corbyn a millionaire? Evidence please and don't say he has a house in Islington worth X as that would make half of London millionaires.
    Of course he is, why would you discount the property he owns? Yes you are right, a fair proportion of Londoners (assuming they don't have a mortgage) are millionaires.

    For somebody who professes not to be a Tory I can't help noticing that you always seem to defend the Tories and always seem to support attacks on Labour. I find your stance on this particularly perplexing.
    I think you read too much into my posts! A. number of people jumped on someone's comments about Corbyn being a millionaire, you asked for evidence and stated don't include his house.

    I simply stated you can't not include an asset in someone's wealth as you choose.

    So where in my reply did I defend the Tory's or attack labour? I just agreed with another poster that Corbyn is a millionaire and possibly more than one if you take all assets.
    If Rob says you can't include something, you simply can't.
    Think you've got me all wrong Muttley, I never said you can't include something....... I dunno, all this misquoting on here :wink:
  • Rob7Lee said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    Rob7Lee said:

    cafcfan said:

    seth plum said:

    Tory Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is supposed to have sorted out the lack of a Northern Ireland government by now.
    Why should he bother any more when the Tories have sided with the DUP to the tune of billion and a half quid?
    The Tory reprehensible political deal in Northern Ireland, combined with a collapse in power sharing, combined with the hard border created by a Tory Brexit is beginning to look like a perfect storm brewing.
    The true nature of the Tories is power at any price for what looks like self serving reasons, if there are genuine problems in the country the Tory solution is to let the charities sort it out.
    Yesterday in PMQ's Theresa May was overjoyed telling us that difficult decisions need to be taken.
    By mid day the day after the election she had already taken the difficult decision to bribe the DUP in order to hang on to power.
    Labour might be a disaster waiting to happen, but the Tories are a disaster actually happening.

    Corbyn has a vision and they are now chanting his name at music festivals to the seven nation army tune.

    Yeah, a millionaire (Corbyn) standing next to another millionaire (Eavis) who has just charged the audience £238 each (plus booking fee) to listen to other millionaires sing and telling them that capitalism has failed them. Go figure.
    Is Corbyn a millionaire? Evidence please and don't say he has a house in Islington worth X as that would make half of London millionaires.
    Of course he is, why would you discount the property he owns? Yes you are right, a fair proportion of Londoners (assuming they don't have a mortgage) are millionaires.

    For somebody who professes not to be a Tory I can't help noticing that you always seem to defend the Tories and always seem to support attacks on Labour. I find your stance on this particularly perplexing.
    I think you read too much into my posts! A. number of people jumped on someone's comments about Corbyn being a millionaire, you asked for evidence and stated don't include his house.

    I simply stated you can't not include an asset in someone's wealth as you choose.

    So where in my reply did I defend the Tory's or attack labour? I just agreed with another poster that Corbyn is a millionaire and possibly more than one if you take all assets.
    Fair enough. I look forward to seeing your balanced assessment of all parties in the future.
    Thats easy, they are all awful, different degrees of awful on different subjects, but awful all the same.
    So I can look forward to you laying into the Tories as much as you have laid into Labour.
  • You two are funny :smiley:

    If you read back on the election thread you'll see I gave them an amount of stick, not as much as Labour granted, but that's because I think Labour are worse. I said many times voting for the Tory's was in my view the best of a truly bad bunch.

    There's a lot wrong with the conservatives and some of their policies, a rubbish PM, a poor election campaign to name just two. I also think Corbyn would be an awful PM but Labour ran a very good campaign.

    Have a look back at my first post on page 1 of this thread.
  • .
    Rob7Lee said:

    You two are funny :smiley:

    If you read back on the election thread you'll see I gave them an amount of stick, not as much as Labour granted, but that's because I think Labour are worse. I said many times voting for the Tory's was in my view the best of a truly bad bunch.

    There's a lot wrong with the conservatives and some of their policies, a rubbish PM, a poor election campaign to name just two. I also think Corbyn would be an awful PM but Labour ran a very good campaign.

    Have a look back at my first post on page 1 of this thread.

    So you sometimes vote labour then?
  • vffvff
    edited July 2017
    It is a typical Tory tactic to deflect discussion away from some of the negative and bad impact of their policies into a personal attack on the opposition or try to blame Labour for all the current events.

    Getting back to the thread title, it is one of the important ways that the Tories need to change is to not to ignore or deflect away from considering the negative impact of policies and pretend it is not happening - and then go on to change the subject to negatively attack the opposition. A better and deeper discussion of policy would be better for the country. If the Tories could change one thing then that would be a good place to start. It is very engrained and I think they will struggle to achieve it.
  • .

    Rob7Lee said:

    You two are funny :smiley:

    If you read back on the election thread you'll see I gave them an amount of stick, not as much as Labour granted, but that's because I think Labour are worse. I said many times voting for the Tory's was in my view the best of a truly bad bunch.

    There's a lot wrong with the conservatives and some of their policies, a rubbish PM, a poor election campaign to name just two. I also think Corbyn would be an awful PM but Labour ran a very good campaign.

    Have a look back at my first post on page 1 of this thread.

    So you sometimes vote labour then?
    Yes, I'm not tied to one party, I decide where my vote will go each election. Roughly 50/50 over the past 26 years and I didn't vote once. Although some seem to think I'm a raving Tory despite mentioning this numerous times.

    Just like being accused of voting Tory to protect myself financially when the reality is I'd have been considerably better off under Labours proposals at least in the short term but probably longer term also and I am a lot worse off financially since 2010 under conservatives/lib dems.
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