Where is the Prime Minister and where is she most needed today?
Is she in Brussels at the start of the Brexit negotitions? Or is she in Finsbury Park, assuring victims and local residents that the government is acting to prevent firther attrocities?
The point is this - most other PMs would have been at one or the other. And the public would accept that they can't be at both.
The fact is that she's not in Brussels because she's still unable to deliver a "deal" with the ten DUP MPs, nearly a fortnight after the election. Which means she's able to visit Finsbury Park, only to find she's heckled by bystanders because she's so utterly toxic.
For the sake of the Conservative Party, for the sake of the country, for the sake of the success of the Brexit negotiations and for the sake of her own sanity, she surely has to resign. Surely?
Where is the Prime Minister and where is she most needed today?
Is she in Brussels at the start of the Brexit negotitions? Or is she in Finsbury Park, assuring victims and local residents that the government is acting to prevent firther attrocities?
The point is this - most other PMs would have been at one or the other. And the public would accept that they can't be at both.
The fact is that she's not in Brussels because she's still unable to deliver a "deal" with the ten DUP MPs, nearly a fortnight after the election. Which means she's able to visit Finsbury Park, only to find she's heckled by bystanders because she's so utterly toxic.
For the sake of the Conservative Party, for the sake of the country, for the sake of the success of the Brexit negotiations and for the sake of her own sanity, she surely has to resign. Surely?
I thought I'd just seem her leaving Finsbury Park mosque? I'm all for giving her the stick she deserve but she did show up there today.
Where is the Prime Minister and where is she most needed today?
Is she in Brussels at the start of the Brexit negotitions? Or is she in Finsbury Park, assuring victims and local residents that the government is acting to prevent firther attrocities?
The point is this - most other PMs would have been at one or the other. And the public would accept that they can't be at both.
The fact is that she's not in Brussels because she's still unable to deliver a "deal" with the ten DUP MPs, nearly a fortnight after the election. Which means she's able to visit Finsbury Park, only to find she's heckled by bystanders because she's so utterly toxic.
For the sake of the Conservative Party, for the sake of the country, for the sake of the success of the Brexit negotiations and for the sake of her own sanity, she surely has to resign. Surely?
I thought I'd just seem her leaving Finsbury Park mosque? I'm all for giving her the stick she deserve but she did show up there today.
Yep, as I said. She was there, but was badly heckled by bystanders as she arrived and as she left. She's now poisonous.
isn't finsbury park, corbyns constituency, walked past the mosque in question many times, a lot of trouble along that road by jewish and muslim communities.
wouldnt expect her to be that popular there, locals were offering corbyn pints the other night up there and getting selfies with him.
May saw the Queen even before all the results were in. May presumably told Her Maj (god bless you ma'am) that she could form a Government. Maybe she underestimated the DUP and also the fall out from such a deal. Not looking good for the PM. Yesterday Hammond basically said the election campaign and the bexit approach is chite countered by Gove today Good old British democracy huh?
Watched the docu drama Theresa v Boris: How May became PM.
The (talking head) participants appeared super keen to demonstrate their own (perceived) self importance in the power game that took place.
It is truly amazing that they should believe Joe Public could be impressed by their self centred, smug, egotistical, back stabbing, smart arse revelations.
What a bunch of stupid bar-stewards. No wonder the country is on its knees.
isn't finsbury park, corbyns constituency, walked past the mosque in question many times, a lot of trouble along that road by jewish and muslim communities.
wouldnt expect her to be that popular there, locals were offering corbyn pints the other night up there and getting selfies with him.
Does Corbyn drink pints? I'd have had him down as a lime and soda type.
She needs to go and take the fall for the election etc. but I think they'll leave her in post for now as who ever comes in now will have to do the dirty work that will taint their leadership.
I suspect that they are all sitting plotting to be the leader after next.
She needs to go and take the fall for the election etc. but I think they'll leave her in post for now as who ever comes in now will have to do the dirty work that will taint their leadership.
I suspect that they are all sitting plotting to be the leader after next.
I agree, I think she'll be around for a while yet. Maybe early next year but it depends on the general feeling, she'll be the flack taker for a while longer.
isn't finsbury park, corbyns constituency, walked past the mosque in question many times, a lot of trouble along that road by jewish and muslim communities.
wouldnt expect her to be that popular there, locals were offering corbyn pints the other night up there and getting selfies with him.
Does Corbyn drink pints? I'd have had him down as a lime and soda type.
Watched the docu drama Theresa v Boris: How May became PM.
The (talking head) participants appeared super keen to demonstrate their own (perceived) self importance in the power game that took place.
It is truly amazing that they should believe Joe Public could be impressed by their self centred, smug, egotistical, back stabbing, smart arse revelations.
What a bunch of stupid bar-stewards. No wonder the country is on its knees.
That was a great show, surprised how many real life Tory MPs got involved with it though. The party came across as a complete shower, I imagine Labour were worse at the time.
I liked the Boris quip about playing wif waf! Interesting point about how he's popular with the public (terrifying) but not with the Tory MPs. That should (hopefully) prevent any leadership campaign from him but they don't seem to have many who could lead, just like Labour.
If there is a leadership election I would love to see Tobias Elwood put himself forward.
Really, why's that then? He's my MP and while he's the best of an astonishingly poor bunch in my area he's still utterly useless...in my opinion of course.
I would love to see Jacob Rees Mogg as leader - seems completely out of touch and would make an ideal PM. Bojo would also make a great PM - a posh version of Trump.
They have to abandon their cynical, secretive and determinedly dogmatic aim of dismantling the whole welfare state. At the heart of 21st century Conservatism is a fundamentalist craving for those who have to keep it all, while making more, and those who have not to rot. The central philosophy shared by those at the nucleus of tory policy-making is that the sick, lame, old & vulnerable aren't their problem and shouldn't be the State's either. It is viciously cruel and idiotically short-sighted but those at the tiller are already sufficiently insulated from the real world of the ordinary man to believe that they won't be blighted by too many of those issues personally and can afford to pay for such care and assistance as they and their dearest (sic!) may require - the rest of us can just get on with it. They have no perception that the sick, old or disenfranchised will ever actually be begging at their doors or dying on their property, thus creating the disconnect between their ravenous selfishness and the attendant self-destructive idiocy. In a nutshell 2017 Tory = "I have enough, I should be free to go about getting as much more as I like, if you don't have enough, that's your tough luck, not my problem and I shouldn't have to pay for it, at all." With the added comfort blanket of no plausible, credible or qualified opposition to hold them to account. Yes, Corbyn's rabble ran the best campaign by far and the British electorate poked the tories in the eye for their hubris, but if the dark heart of 21st century Conservatism is to be forced to reconsider its sincere aims there will need to be a very significant improvement in all aspects of the political opposition.
Revealed: Inside the secretive Tory election call centre
The Conservative Party contracted a secretive call centre during the election campaign which may have broken data protection and election laws, a Channel 4 News investigation has found.
Maybe they could promise to right off people's loans , seems to work for Corbyn.
The student loan book is a fiasco waiting to happen. The deal with student loans is that you start paying them off once you earn a certain amount. Many students don't and won't ever earn enough. In addition the govt are being taken to court by Martyn Lewis of money saving expert because they retrospectively changed the terms. At some point in the future huge amounts will have to be written off. Far better to bite that bullet now rather than continue to pile up huge debts both personal and for the country.
The most realistic solution is to cut the number that go to university. From what I've seen (and it is all anecdotal) there are a huge number of people in higher education that shouldn't be there and are 'wasting' the money that it's costing to educate them.
I find it hard to believe that there is much benefit in providing degrees in communications or media studies to people that are going to be serving fries at McDonalds. This is not an elitist agenda, but there are lots and lots of graduates that don't have the academic qualifications (like having two Ds and an E at 'A' Level) for a graduate training position and will have wasted three years of their lives and run up thousands of pounds of debt (not all of it in government backed student loans) and will still end up in the same kind of job that they could have got at eighteen.
Of my Niece and Nephew's generation there is a feeling that they have been cheated as they did 'A' levels (and got less than average grades) spent three years 'studying' (in reality drinking, playing video games and bunking off lectures) and now they've finished they have huge debts and can't get a job on a basic of £50k with a convertible company car! You see their parents went to University and have all those things. The fact that their parents worked much harder than they did - probably from about thirteen - and achieved much better 'A' levels and secured a place at a much better University and worked much, much harder while there is lost on them.
To get this back to the topic in hand, I think it's obscene that those that don't appreciate education but see it as a three year party should have someone else pay for it for them. Ironically of those graduates that I know that are Accountants or Solicitors (and I know quite a few) none of them begrudge paying back their student loans, but then they were so grateful for the opportunity to study for three years that they worked hard and justified the costs, both the tax payer's contribution and their own.
Wasn't this all about getting the unemployment figures down? The more young people go to uni, the less get counted as unemployed when they leave school...
I have no idea if the DUP have any connections at all. However I heard there was a case today regarding a previous Loyalist paramilitary, part of what I heard was he had done five murders. Isn't it good that at the moment in Ireland this kind of stuff appears to have gone from both extreme nationalists and extreme Loyalists. I do find it interesting that parts of the media were doing everything they could to disconnect any degrees of separation and paint Jeremy Corbyn as an IRA activist. I wonder what degrees of separation exist between the DUP and Loyalist extremists, and if there are parts of the media who want to make connections between Theresa May and extreme behaviour.
Outside of political views, the most worrying thing for the Tories must be the level of incompetence running throught their party. Look how bad May is - then look who her last rival was for the party leadership - Calling for the media to be more patriotic over Brexit negotiations - I mean what is she on about?
Is she in Brussels at the start of the Brexit negotitions? Or is she in Finsbury Park, assuring victims and local residents that the government is acting to prevent firther attrocities?
The point is this - most other PMs would have been at one or the other. And the public would accept that they can't be at both.
The fact is that she's not in Brussels because she's still unable to deliver a "deal" with the ten DUP MPs, nearly a fortnight after the election. Which means she's able to visit Finsbury Park, only to find she's heckled by bystanders because she's so utterly toxic.
For the sake of the Conservative Party, for the sake of the country, for the sake of the success of the Brexit negotiations and for the sake of her own sanity, she surely has to resign. Surely?
wouldnt expect her to be that popular there, locals were offering corbyn pints the other night up there and getting selfies with him.
Maybe she underestimated the DUP and also the fall out from such a deal.
Not looking good for the PM. Yesterday Hammond basically said the election campaign and the bexit approach is chite countered by Gove today
Good old British democracy huh?
The (talking head) participants appeared super keen to demonstrate their own (perceived) self importance in the power game that took place.
It is truly amazing that they should believe Joe Public could be impressed by their self centred, smug, egotistical, back stabbing, smart arse revelations.
What a bunch of stupid bar-stewards. No wonder the country is on its knees.
I suspect that they are all sitting plotting to be the leader after next.
I liked the Boris quip about playing wif waf! Interesting point about how he's popular with the public (terrifying) but not with the Tory MPs. That should (hopefully) prevent any leadership campaign from him but they don't seem to have many who could lead, just like Labour.
The more out of touch the better.
At the heart of 21st century Conservatism is a fundamentalist craving for those who have to keep it all, while making more, and those who have not to rot. The central philosophy shared by those at the nucleus of tory policy-making is that the sick, lame, old & vulnerable aren't their problem and shouldn't be the State's either. It is viciously cruel and idiotically short-sighted but those at the tiller are already sufficiently insulated from the real world of the ordinary man to believe that they won't be blighted by too many of those issues personally and can afford to pay for such care and assistance as they and their dearest (sic!) may require - the rest of us can just get on with it. They have no perception that the sick, old or disenfranchised will ever actually be begging at their doors or dying on their property, thus creating the disconnect between their ravenous selfishness and the attendant self-destructive idiocy.
In a nutshell 2017 Tory = "I have enough, I should be free to go about getting as much more as I like, if you don't have enough, that's your tough luck, not my problem and I shouldn't have to pay for it, at all." With the added comfort blanket of no plausible, credible or qualified opposition to hold them to account. Yes, Corbyn's rabble ran the best campaign by far and the British electorate poked the tories in the eye for their hubris, but if the dark heart of 21st century Conservatism is to be forced to reconsider its sincere aims there will need to be a very significant improvement in all aspects of the political opposition.
What a great way to start a weekend!
The Conservative Party contracted a secretive call centre during the election campaign which may have broken data protection and election laws, a Channel 4 News investigation has found.
However I heard there was a case today regarding a previous Loyalist paramilitary, part of what I heard was he had done five murders.
Isn't it good that at the moment in Ireland this kind of stuff appears to have gone from both extreme nationalists and extreme Loyalists.
I do find it interesting that parts of the media were doing everything they could to disconnect any degrees of separation and paint Jeremy Corbyn as an IRA activist.
I wonder what degrees of separation exist between the DUP and Loyalist extremists, and if there are parts of the media who want to make connections between Theresa May and extreme behaviour.