I’m interested to know if the meetings are cordial? I realise that you don’t have Duchatalet sitting in front of you.....but surely you tell LDT that you don’t believe a word he is saying and then explain why? I have this picture of you all just sitting there and listening to his load of crap and being polite. Please tell me that isn’t so and that you show significant anger and leave him in no doubt that you see him simply as a mouthpiece for Duchatalet and therefore much of what he is saying cannot be believed. He needs to be made to feel extremely uncomfortable and leave The Valley after each meeting knowing that we know he’s lying through his teeth on his bosses behalf.....plain and simple. 5 interested parties my arse!!!! A bit of fist banging on tables wouldn’t go amiss, make him feel f’ing as awkward as possible, no matter how amiable and reasonable he may appear......I’m pretty sure he’s a smooth operator and as such would make some of those attending feel awkward in showing a degree of hostility towards him but enough is enough guys! Finally, let him know loud and clear that St Truiden/ Belgium is firmly in our sights again, should it be deemed necessary.
I know this meeting is re the takeover, but can someone ask what the fuck is going on with the management teams contracts. Please feel free to use the word fuck! (sorry admin). We're a month away from the end of the season for God sake!!!
I've only been to one meeting but I think your image of the meetings is completely wrong.
I’m glad to hear that Ben.....could you be a bit more enlightening as to the tone and general atmosphere. Is LDT given a hard time then?
Hard questions are asked (at least they were when I was there) and statements are challenged.
Not sure what people expect? If attendees started banging tables or calling him a **** does makes us look good or confirm the regime's prejudices.
Some people will demand this , that and the other from behind a keyboard while at same time dismissing it all as a waste of time. And then want the minutes up in minutes.
I know that when LDT met another attendee who is very much involved with CARD (not CAST) he was surprised and a bit taken aback that that lifer was actually quite normal (debatable ) and polite while giving LDT a hard time over his lies.
The way the graffiti nonsense was dismissed as not relevant at the last meeting and the way the plan to split ownership of club and ground was instantly condemned shows that at least some attendees are not passive.
The meetings will always be less than satisfactory under this regime but that is due to the regime not the fans.
But for now it is one, if not the only, way we can speak directly to and question the regime.
I know this meeting is re the takeover, but can someone ask what the fuck is going on with the management teams contracts. Please feel free to use the word fuck! (sorry admin). We're a month away from the end of the season for God sake!!!I
If it were not for the fish, car, shoe, teeth, Willy, puns where would this thread be ? It be on page 3 or would've become a complete nonentity. If it were not for James Seed having contact with an Aussie consortium, where would this thread be ? We be on page 3 or would've become a complete nonentity. If it were not for Airman Brown and insider info where would this thread be ? We be on page 3 or would've become a complete nonentity. If it were not for Roland Duchatelet where would we be ? We be in the Premier, and having a sex wee.
Many thanks to Billy Connolly.
What you got against pot noodles. Maybe page 2, away from the titties.
I didn't what to check 1606 pages ! Now edited, cheers SE7
I've only been to one meeting but I think your image of the meetings is completely wrong.
I’m glad to hear that Ben.....could you be a bit more enlightening as to the tone and general atmosphere. Is LDT given a hard time then?
Hard questions are asked (at least they were when I was there) and statements are challenged.
Not sure what people expect? If attendees started banging tables or calling him a **** does makes us look good or confirm the regime's prejudices.
Some people will demand this , that and the other from behind a keyboard while at same time dismissing it all as a waste of time. And then want the minutes up in minutes.
I know that when LDT met another attendee who is very much involved with CARD (not CAST) he was surprised and a bit taken aback that that lifer was actually quite normal (debatable ) and polite while giving LDT a hard time over his lies.
The way the graffiti nonsense was dismissed as not relevant at the last meeting and the way the plan to split ownership of club and ground was instantly condemned shows that at least some attendees are not passive.
The meetings will always be less than satisfactory under this regime but that is due to the regime not the fans.
But for now it is one, if not the only, way we can speak directly to and question the regime.
Lady Irving is putting my dinner on the table soon so here is the first of a few
The five buyers as listed before
1st The Aussie/US group - have not lodged the documents needed with the EFL yet. What has changed said LDT is that they have recently asked about updated budget figures etc which to LDT suggests that they are going to submit them
2nd The British group. They have submitted new proof of funds but "can not bring the money to the table. They are still in contact with LDT and RM. This group still convinced they can do a deal. Asked to explain how they have the funds but can't put the money down LDT didn't really explain in a way that any of the FF could understand. @razil and @GlassHalfFull were there so maybe they can add to this.
3rd and 4th group - Silence so considered as out of it
5th Group - The international group An offer has been recieved and a price agreed. They are in the final stages of due diligence.
Other enquiries but none of which have gone as far a signing an non-disclosure agreement.
In the opinion of LDT the three remaining parties (1, 2 & 5) all "eager" to complete by the end of the financial year (30 June)
I said what about the other party, the EFL. After much avoiding the issue LDT said that "RD has to accept that the EFL won't by the club". (I know a lot of you will be disappointed by that and some even shocked)
LDT says he has heard nothing about the investigation in the bonuses but has a meeting with Shaun Harvey at the EFL next week
Asked if the club would accept the EFLs ruling on the unpaid staff bonuses LDT said the matter was closed but he'd go to the EFL meeting and listen
Asked if RD's rant against the EFL was caused by them not doing what RD wanted ie attacking CARD and saying it was OK to withhold bonuses LDT said not.
Yes but house auctions involving owner renovation caused damages haven't 😉
I realise that you don’t have Duchatalet sitting in front of you.....but surely you tell LDT that you don’t believe a word he is saying and then explain why?
I have this picture of you all just sitting there and listening to his load of crap and being polite.
Please tell me that isn’t so and that you show significant anger and leave him in no doubt that you see him simply as a mouthpiece for Duchatalet and therefore much of what he is saying cannot be believed.
He needs to be made to feel extremely uncomfortable and leave The Valley after each meeting knowing that we know he’s lying through his teeth on his bosses behalf.....plain and simple.
5 interested parties my arse!!!!
A bit of fist banging on tables wouldn’t go amiss, make him feel f’ing as awkward as possible, no matter how amiable and reasonable he may appear......I’m pretty sure he’s a smooth operator and as such would make some of those attending feel awkward in showing a degree of hostility towards him but enough is enough guys!
Finally, let him know loud and clear that St Truiden/ Belgium is firmly in our sights again, should it be deemed necessary.
Is LDT given a hard time then?
Hard questions are asked (at least they were when I was there) and statements are challenged.
Not sure what people expect? If attendees started banging tables or calling him a **** does makes us look good or confirm the regime's prejudices.
Some people will demand this , that and the other from behind a keyboard while at same time dismissing it all as a waste of time. And then want the minutes up in minutes.
I know that when LDT met another attendee who is very much involved with CARD (not CAST) he was surprised and a bit taken aback that that lifer was actually quite normal (debatable
The way the graffiti nonsense was dismissed as not relevant at the last meeting and the way the plan to split ownership of club and ground was instantly condemned shows that at least some attendees are not passive.
The meetings will always be less than satisfactory under this regime but that is due to the regime not the fans.
But for now it is one, if not the only, way we can speak directly to and question the regime.
Now edited, cheers SE7
something on those lines at least
I reckon it's all a smokescreen and the Fans Forum are all having a nice meal at Craft on Roland
I always thought those cardis were a bit , well, girly !
Lady Irving is putting my dinner on the table soon so here is the first of a few
The five buyers as listed before
1st The Aussie/US group - have not lodged the documents needed with the EFL yet. What has changed said LDT is that they have recently asked about updated budget figures etc which to LDT suggests that they are going to submit them
2nd The British group. They have submitted new proof of funds but "can not bring the money to the table.
They are still in contact with LDT and RM. This group still convinced they can do a deal.
Asked to explain how they have the funds but can't put the money down LDT didn't really explain in a way that any of the FF could understand. @razil and @GlassHalfFull were there so maybe they can add to this.
3rd and 4th group - Silence so considered as out of it
5th Group - The international group An offer has been recieved and a price agreed. They are in the final stages of due diligence.
Other enquiries but none of which have gone as far a signing an non-disclosure agreement.
In the opinion of LDT the three remaining parties (1, 2 & 5) all "eager" to complete by the end of the financial year (30 June)
I said what about the other party, the EFL. After much avoiding the issue LDT said that "RD has to accept that the EFL won't by the club".
(I know a lot of you will be disappointed by that and some even shocked)
The EFL and their investigation.
LDT says he has heard nothing about the investigation in the bonuses but has a meeting with Shaun Harvey at the EFL next week
Asked if the club would accept the EFLs ruling on the unpaid staff bonuses LDT said the matter was closed but he'd go to the EFL meeting and listen
Asked if RD's rant against the EFL was caused by them not doing what RD wanted ie attacking CARD and saying it was OK to withhold bonuses LDT said not.
Dinner is served
Just sell the club and FUCK OFF