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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • My son is not a great footballer but decently committed. Some of his peers at school are in academies of local and other London clubs: 

    None that the parents that I know (my son is 8 to 9 age group) would have their kids at Charlton right now but admit they probably would have BD ‘ Before Duchâtelet’.

    The negative influence he exerts over the club impacts on so much of the support, the team, the ambition, the management influence and probably innumerable other areas of similar importance or of combined effect.

    There seems to be no road to resolution of these issues until Duchâtelet sells, and yet he does not apparently seem close to selling.

    my personal belief is that he needs a fig leaf to be able to mentally cover his mess ups.

    I don’t think using £18m as the purchase price is useful because the debt he assumed as a liability should probably be in there.

    Although controversial, I can see that assigning him the value of performance payments for players sold during his tenure could be ok.

    If that doesn’t get him to where he needs to get to as a massive massive loser, I would offer him 10% of profits of the club for the first 10 years after being in the premiership between 2015 and 2025x

    I am sure I can create a spreadsheet that suggests that is £200m whereas in reality would be zero. 

    Abailable for negotiaitoon advice to any interested party :wink:
    Not going to get anywhere, but may as well tout for business :-)
  • I still think it might be a moot point about players choosing us over less popular teams.  If Roland really reins in the costs we won’t even be making any offers for players to consider  - THAT’S my big concern 
  • supaclive said:
    My son is not a great footballer but decently committed. Some of his peers at school are in academies of local and other London clubs: 

    None that the parents that I know (my son is 8 to 9 age group) would have their kids at Charlton right now but admit they probably would have BD ‘ Before Duchâtelet’.

    The negative influence he exerts over the club impacts on so much of the support, the team, the ambition, the management influence and probably innumerable other areas of similar importance or of combined effect.

    There seems to be no road to resolution of these issues until Duchâtelet sells, and yet he does not apparently seem close to selling.

    my personal belief is that he needs a fig leaf to be able to mentally cover his mess ups.

    I don’t think using £18m as the purchase price is useful because the debt he assumed as a liability should probably be in there.

    Although controversial, I can see that assigning him the value of performance payments for players sold during his tenure could be ok.

    If that doesn’t get him to where he needs to get to as a massive massive loser, I would offer him 10% of profits of the club for the first 10 years after being in the premiership between 2015 and 2025x

    I am sure I can create a spreadsheet that suggests that is £200m whereas in reality would be zero. 

    Abailable for negotiaitoon advice to any interested party :wink:
    Not going to get anywhere, but may as well trout for business :-)
    Oh great, the fish puns are back. 
  • Bolton getting a quick takeover.
  • Chizz said:
    Chizz said:
    How long before players start to turn us down, on the basis we are basket case under RD.  If there's no sale or promotion, I wouldn't blame LT for going in the summer.  There's bound to be offers, and RD is likely to find it hard to refuse them. 

    Yes, it's great to have a cleaner slate to create a more balanced wage bill, but the player turnover will make success hard to come by, even if Bowyer and Gallen stay on (which i doubt they would, for the same reasons as LT).  

    We're not a basket case when compared to the majority of L1 sides though. Even with a reduced budget, we'll still be paying competitive wages, and have better training facilities and stadium.
    • Graffiti. Taxis. Pigs. Crisps. Beach balls. 
    • Riga. Peeters. Luzon. Fraeye. Slade. Robinson.
    • No management under contract on 1 July.  And, at that time, too few first team players under contract to have a meaningful five-aside game in training. 
    • A demand that the EFL buys the club. 
    • A million a month in losses. That's: a million a month in losses. 
    • ROT. 
    • CARD. 
    • Fans travelling to Belgium to let the owner know what they think of him, instead of travelling to Charlton to watch the team play. 
    • The lies, built upon lies, built upon lies, built upon lies dished up at FF meetings, written down, edited out and served up as verbatim transcripts, leaving out some of the lies.  
    • The vacant CEO role.  
    • No water for the kids. No lunch for the staff at their desks.  No ticket office.  
    • The. Owner. Is. Reported. To. Have. Turned. Down. Offers. Of. Twice. The. Amount. Of. Money. He. Paid. For. The. Club. 
    But, "we're not a basket case when compared to the majority of L1 sides though".  OK.
    He was clearly talking about the football team as opposed to "all the rest".
    If you're a good player, you get offers to join good clubs.  So you weigh them up, considering everything.  What good player would choose Charlton, when taking into consideration everything on the list, over other, similar sized clubs? 

    If you're not a good player, you're not fussy.  But we should be. 
    If I were a good player & ignoring where I lived, I'd choose Charlton in L1 above most others.
    Perhaps Sunderland & Pompey would be preferential, but the other 21 ?

    Charlton or Barnsley, Donny, Luton, Blackpool, Gillingham, Burton, Rochdale, Southend etc etc. 
    Definitely Charlton.
    So would I. Anything to save buying a season ticket.
  • Bolton getting a quick takeover.

    Going to be done by weekend FFS!

  • Any bankers in the crowd tonight 😉
  • CafcSCP said:
    Any bankers in the crowd tonight 😉
    I gather @clb74 is going.

    Oh, sorry, I misread the question.
  • CafcSCP said:
    Any bankers in the crowd tonight 😉
  • No one here tonight no takeover.
  • Sponsored links:

  • No one here tonight no takeover.’s evaporated
  • 1581, Francis Drake is knighted by Elizabeth 1.
  • All gone very quiet. Worrying!!
  • Taxi_Lad said:
    All gone very quiet. Worrying!!
    Ssshhhh! Let sleeping cows lie :wink:.
  • edited March 2019
    What were we expectng? We now know that offers in the region of £30 are significantly below what our completely mad owner wants. What is clear is that there are people willing to pay a more than fair price for us. 
  • I predict this thread will soon have to close. Its epitaph will read "Born in Desperation, Died of Boredeom"
  • ...sorry 'boredom' of course
  • What were we expectng? We now know that offers in the region of £30 are significantly below what our completely mad owner wants. What is clear is that there are people willing to pay a more than fair price for us. 
    Yes. Significantly.
  • Rolly is a forward thinking sort of a chap, has anyone told him about the ‘new’ way of selling a house where anyone who is interested put in a sealed bid and the highest one wins. 

    Proof of funds to buy buy the Club lock stock and barrel to be supplied and on conformation, copies of all due diligence to be made available at no cost. Cash within one month of winning the bid. Simples.
  • Taxi_Lad said:
    All gone very quiet. Worrying!!
    Lol, the only noise being made was from "people in the know". It aint gonna happen.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Hope that isn't a shark - don't want one of those as our new owner!
  • There is no takeover 
    Charlton will either go out of business or a takeover will happen eventually - nobody has a clue when. Everyone has failed to make sense of RD.
  • There is no takeover 
    Charlton will either go out of business or a takeover will happen eventually - nobody has a clue when. Everyone has failed to make sense of RD.
    I don’t think CAFC will go out of business but I can easily see that the neglect and refusal of the owner to properly or adequately invest in a club of Charltons size will see the club slide inexorably into first a relegation eventually into league two and there to languish with crowds of a few thousand and a stadium for the best part mothballed. That is I believe our future under Duchatelet. We have been told he won’t lower his price. What other future is there under those circumstances. 
    My biggest fear is RD destroys the club - it might seem ridiculous but I wouldn't put anything past him. So long as the club is intact when he finally goes even if we're in League 2 then we can rebuild.

    It's hard to see what the future holds for us with him in charge - he has no interest in football, in Charlton and he seems a very vindictive individual.
  • edited March 2019
    There is no takeover 
    Even though, you, me, Henry, Covered End and many other CL members won't be around to see it, my dream is when Roderick Duchatelet sells Charlton in 2050 to the Texas addicts consortium for $30 million (we will be the 51st state by then) our Children and grandchildren can march hand in hand ( metaphorically speaking as no touching in a public place is allowed) to the valley (Dallas Fracking Stadium)  and see our fluid gender robotic well oiled machine bounce back and win the Super bowl of soccer.

    I Have a Dream.
  • We've got to put some pressure on him. I think we need to go to Belgium again as it gets under his skin.
    And I think we need to try and make contact with his family as on current form, we will be dealing with them sooner or later. I think we need to give his partner and kids the benefit of the doubt and ask them:
     i) do they want to see us keeping up the pressure on RD in Belgium? (making it clear that we will)
     ii) do they want to deal with us in the event of RD not selling? Again - they will be if he never sells (which seems the most likely scenario to me). 
     and possibly iii) do they not have any concerns about RD's mental health given the ludicrous statements he's made recently. 

    If I had any eccentric rich old relatives throwing millions away to save face I would be concerned. I'd use the example of Bolton's former owner Eddie Davis who wrote off £175M of loans.

This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!