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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Cheers Henners. If this whole takeover situation isnt made into a TV show called "Fish Puns" then that's a huge opportunity missed
  • Thanks Henry much appreciated.

    Ditto - top work
  • cabbles said:

    Thanks Henry much appreciated.

    Ditto - top work
    but you point this out to the admin and they laugh in your face : - (
  • edited January 2019

    I am retiring to my drawing room. I will pour my self a large single malt, a splash of soda. I will then hope that this whole sorry saga ends soon!

    Fancy polluting a hopefully decent large single malt with soda.

    I will pour myself a large brandy, don my smoking jacket and retire to the smoking room.

    The drawing room is unfortunately full of protest gear.
    I'm donning my flannelette nightie, bed socks & Wee Willie Winky type sleeping cap , making a mug of Horlicks and retiring to my side of the double bed, where I'll be clinging to the edge c/o one splayed out, warm, hairy lump called Jasper....
    I didn't know that was Mr F's nickname, very harsh on him :wink:
  • SE7toSG3 said:

    Well done Ben and anyone else who attended and questioned LDT, also thanks for sharing so quickly, sad to hear that there is still someone attending these meetings and lapping it all up.

    You remember the conversation we had with Ian last night. He was right about him being a tosser.
  • cafcwill said:

    Thank you @Henry Irving for the report. Also that you for making LDT squirm a little.

    Ditto mate.

    But I still err on the side of bullshit when it comes to RD and his cronies...
    I'm in no way discounting the bullshit factor, just reporting my view of the evening. It was recorded on a phone by Tom Rubashow so there is a record.
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  • Yes, thanks HI, good to have something a little more concrete than the recent smoke and mirrors, even if it's not a Great Leap Forward.
  • 'AA have not submitted all the EFL paperwork. This includes financial and non financial paperwork'

    There are no "due dates" IE deadlines to complete.

    AA have "submitted proof of funds sometime ago"

    So the proof of funds some time ago , could of included funds from people who were disallowed by the EFL because of connections to other clubs.

    AA probably still have to get any new members cleared and reshow that funds are there.

  • Get some sleep Jimmy

    Sorry to be impatient, but was anything asked about this 70m nonsense?

    Yes but give us a chance
    It's 5AM and I'm cranky!
    Oh I'd love to, my 20 day old doesn't think it's such a good idea though, I think he's stressing about the takeover, or milk, not sure tbh.
    Congrats Stu mate
  • Sorry @Henry Irving you didn't kidnap LDT and threaten to kill him unless the takeover is completed in 2 weeks as I suggested!

    I'm afraid you're gonna have to be the new scapegoat😺

    Sorry but he said he had to leave to go to another meeting. He implied it was something important so I held back.
  • edited January 2019
    Cheers Hen.
  • edited January 2019
    Well played Henners, our WIOTOS membership numbers are growing by the minute :wink:
  • Bubble said:

    Laddick01 said:

    PopIcon said:

    PopIcon said:

    Part 5

    The £70+m

    Me - did you quote a price of over £70m to a buyer at short notice.

    LDT "I haven't signed an NDA" ( My personal view - OK English isn't his first language but this made no sense. If he hasn't signed an NDA he can comment)

    Me - but did you tell a potential buyer the price was over £70m three hours before a meeting having previously agreed a lower price.

    LDT "That is a rumour, i can't comment on rumours"

    I pushed him on this a few times and he finally said that no, this hadn't happened but he, IMHO squirmed a bit and didn't deny it straight away despite saying he was aware of the "rumour". He did finally say it hadn't happened or anything similar had happened.

    Good work. That is a lie.
    Your credibility has already gone mate, so you can pack that in right now..
    So the training ground tour happened as I tweeted, the Aussie money is American as I posted and DeTurck struggled with the £70m, which I knew he would. Pretty fair, I’d say.
    No need to be an asshole to one of the actual legitimate sources we have.

    Here, here .... some have adopted the bizarre logic that if whatever information gets passed on that doesn’t lead to the deal being completed it’s some how a lie. Same applies to Jim White ... Richard Cawley tweeted last year saying that the Aussie expected to complete within a week but oddly doesn’t get the same stick. Bizzare
    Not just me that thought that. I guess part of it is the association with CARD.
  • Part 6

    So some other points

    Have any buyers provided proof of funds for acquisition of the club and to run the club? Yes according to LDT

    Has anyone been given exclusivity? No according to LDT

    Will Duchatelet only sell to the Aussies No, whoever completes first.

    Who was shown around the training ground on 30 December "One of the Australian group"

    Did the JW revelations help or hinder the takeover?

    LDT "Helped as pushed the 2nd party (the Brits).

    Question "Are the Aussies the best option?"

    "They want to restore the relationship with the fans, I have told them that one of the first things they need to tell the fans when they takeover is why it took so long" LDT

    Both the AA and the Brits are in the "takeover for the football, not the bricks"

    The question of "if it's not the money what is the hold up?" was asked more than once but we never got what I would call a satisfactory answer

    I asked why after 22 months were the Aussies still considered viable buyers. LDT said that the Brits have been around for as long (in his time at the club ie the last 12 months) and they haven't completed the deal either.

    I hope that is useful. I know Golfie will moan (when doesn't he) but the questions were asked and asked again and the answers also questioned but I and the others can't make him say what we want.

    An interesting evening even if there was still as least one person happy to lap up what was being said uncritically (not a lifer I think).

    Mu own view is that a deal with the Aussies is possible and a deal this window with the Aussie is possible but by no means guaranteed or likely. i think there is a lot more we are not being told and perhaps never will.


    Poor Jim White and anyone else who fell for the latest comical Ali fake news moment
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  • The British bid will win
  • If he’s prepared to lie about one thing then who knows what other whoppers he’s fed the forum.

    Wouldn’t trust Duchatelet or any of his cronies one bit.
  • The British bid will win

    Maybe but Richard Murray know them which to me means that it is likely that he would have a role in the new set up
  • So part three

    Lady Irving called me for supper you impatient lot.

    So group one is the Aussie Americans (AA)

    LDT was in the conference call mentioned by JW.

    LDT said he is in regular contact so this is not exceptional.

    LTD said that the "complexity has been reduced". When pushed on what this meant he said "fewer decision makers".

    There is no split of ownership ie of ground v club with AA, they will all have shares.

    AA have not submitted all the EFL paperwork. This includes financial and non financial paperwork.

    There are no "due dates" IE deadlines to complete.

    AA have "submitted proof of funds sometime ago"

    LDT was asked more than once and stressed that the AA have the money and that money is not the issue. He wouldn't say what is the issue.

    I stress here that I'm reporting what was said not necessarily agreeing with or endorsing it.

    So if money isn’t the issue then what is I wonder?
    The price

  • Get some sleep Jimmy

    Sorry to be impatient, but was anything asked about this 70m nonsense?

    Yes but give us a chance
    It's 5AM and I'm cranky!
    Oh I'd love to, my 20 day old doesn't think it's such a good idea though, I think he's stressing about the takeover, or milk, not sure tbh.
    Congratulations!! And *snap*!!
    I also have a 20-day-old!
  • Bilko said:

    The “Brits” have been around for a long time. If they “still want to close the deal” why havn’t they been able to do so ?

    Because they haven’t sold Newcastle yet 😀

  • So part three

    Lady Irving called me for supper you impatient lot.

    So group one is the Aussie Americans (AA)

    LDT was in the conference call mentioned by JW.

    LDT said he is in regular contact so this is not exceptional.

    LTD said that the "complexity has been reduced". When pushed on what this meant he said "fewer decision makers".

    There is no split of ownership ie of ground v club with AA, they will all have shares.

    AA have not submitted all the EFL paperwork. This includes financial and non financial paperwork.

    There are no "due dates" IE deadlines to complete.

    AA have "submitted proof of funds sometime ago"

    LDT was asked more than once and stressed that the AA have the money and that money is not the issue. He wouldn't say what is the issue.

    I stress here that I'm reporting what was said not necessarily agreeing with or endorsing it.

    So if money isn’t the issue then what is I wonder?
    The price
    Nothing to do wit it
  • So part three

    Lady Irving called me for supper you impatient lot.

    So group one is the Aussie Americans (AA)

    LDT was in the conference call mentioned by JW.

    LDT said he is in regular contact so this is not exceptional.

    LTD said that the "complexity has been reduced". When pushed on what this meant he said "fewer decision makers".

    There is no split of ownership ie of ground v club with AA, they will all have shares.

    AA have not submitted all the EFL paperwork. This includes financial and non financial paperwork.

    There are no "due dates" IE deadlines to complete.

    AA have "submitted proof of funds sometime ago"

    LDT was asked more than once and stressed that the AA have the money and that money is not the issue. He wouldn't say what is the issue.

    I stress here that I'm reporting what was said not necessarily agreeing with or endorsing it.

    So if money isn’t the issue then what is I wonder?
    The price
    LDT says not.
  • So part three

    Lady Irving called me for supper you impatient lot.

    So group one is the Aussie Americans (AA)

    LDT was in the conference call mentioned by JW.

    LDT said he is in regular contact so this is not exceptional.

    LTD said that the "complexity has been reduced". When pushed on what this meant he said "fewer decision makers".

    There is no split of ownership ie of ground v club with AA, they will all have shares.

    AA have not submitted all the EFL paperwork. This includes financial and non financial paperwork.

    There are no "due dates" IE deadlines to complete.

    AA have "submitted proof of funds sometime ago"

    LDT was asked more than once and stressed that the AA have the money and that money is not the issue. He wouldn't say what is the issue.

    I stress here that I'm reporting what was said not necessarily agreeing with or endorsing it.

    So if money isn’t the issue then what is I wonder?
    The price
    Keep up. The price has been agreed.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!