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#UnityProtest in Sint-Truiden - Official Protest/'Match' Thread 3rd/4th March 2017



  • RedPanda said:

    In pieces appreciate the concern , death would be the easier option right now

    Yeah Belgian beer is not for me. I think there's more than a 50% chance of me being sick on this coach. I'll blame it on Roland.
    Belgian beer needs to be treated carefully amigo.
    With the state you were in yesterday, you need to practice what you preach!
  • I thought the Belgium20 defensive wall at Sint Truiden last night was a little over-manned...

    Quality photo.

    Yes Elfs, even Jupiler is stronger than all our lagers. The overnight coach is soon arriving in Ypres. Rubbish weather again.
  • @rememberbillybonds wrote:

    I do not know the correct way to achieve this.
    I would like to request that the club gives a official response to the protests and their response as to why the fans still feel it necessary.
  • @LargeAddick wrote:

    In Ypres at the moment at the Menin Gate, very humbling.
  • Just wanted to give a huge thanks to all those who travelled to Belgium yesterday to stand up for the future of our club, heroes every one of you.

    Hopefully it achieves the aim but if not then I know you will return with even more of us including myself after my selfish mate decided to prevent me attending this time by having his wedding the same day.

    The fans will win this battle and it is thanks to all of you.

  • Solidgone said:

    It's a nice town: The square

    A town where few seem to leave their homes.
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  • RD tonight - but didn't dare show his face to us - he's running scared.

    Looks like a post - tantrum child, which he basically is
  • Ian Dennis on the 5 Live commentary of Hull v Leicester said that CAFC were losing to Northampton but that lots of Charlton fans were in Belgium protesting. Then Danny Mills the co commentator said "Save your money, guys".

    What a knob Mills is.

    Fuck off Mills you useless prick. You don't know anything.
    And that sums up Mills only worried about money no loyalty, wouldn't have a clue about supporting a club just trying to rip as much out of it as he could get.
    Grade A tosser.

    Only player to demand a move when we got relegated in 1999.
    He'd probably still be rotting in Norwich reserves if it wasn't for Charlton
  • This is the best video I've seen so far, as in showing the number of Charlton fans & as I've said elsewhere, I think there were only a very few STVV fans amongst us.
  • BBC London speaking about "Bonkers clubs" in short while they say.

    Orient and I can't think who else?
  • Discussing us now
  • Ok, time is almost upon us, i'm packed with leaflets,scarves,shirts,protest shirts and other items.

    Lets use this thread to publish pix and videos and anecdotes of the weekend - no doubt this will be viewed many times and we will sit down and laugh at what happened (and no doubt a few tears too).

    Looking forward to seeing you all in Sint Truiden

    Anyway, as our mate Henry might have said..

    "Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
    Stiffen the sinews,follow your spirit, and upon this charge
    God for Charlton, The Addicks, and Sint Truiden!"

  • Proud of you guys bunning it in Belgium. A long haul, anything but a picnic.
    This was the season to fully boycott the valley thus hats off to the refuseniks.
    Cov at home the one decent day in SE7 but didn't bother. Visited 7 x not scored > once and yet to see a win! Oh dear! lol
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  • KR described as "strange" re his public statements.

    Spoke with one of presenters on Weds night and asked if saw his comments in different light 24 hours on and KR said he was adamant that what he said re players was the case and stood by what he'd said.

    Presenters confused why he's now backing players and speculating that reality might be hitting KR that he can't move a lot of the players on as "Powelly" (that's what they called him) did and so will have to work with the players he has.

    Presenters saying don't understand the plan at Charlton what with players like Lookman being developed and sold but not replaced adequately.

    I'd say they'd hit the nail on the head because yesterday's performance was way worst than Tuesday's, and if anything KR would've been well within his right to come out and slate the team like he did after Shrewsbury. Naively, you only get to play that card once. He's played his too early.

    Because of that, what followed post Northampton was utter drivel
  • @Addickted

    Yes you missed my earlier post, clearly

    Left house 08.05 ( 10 mins earlier than I forecast)

    Arrived S-T 13.18, CET

    Journey time 4.13

    Relaxed, fed and ready to roll...
  • It's been a great tonic hearing about all the exploits out in Belgium. Well done to one and all for your massive dedication to the cause.
    After enduring that utter dross that was served up at Sixfields, I woke up so depressed this morning.
    KR has done a complete u-turn with his backing of the players. There was enough of our fans there yesterday to see that a lot of them were not doing nearly enough for the shirt.
    The thought of attending Tues also depresses me but I'll be there nevertheless.
  • The use of F**k on the banner was the subject of heated debate, we were told it would be fine in Belgium but anyway, we weren't sure. Did it anyway:
  • @LargeAddick wrote:

    In Ypres at the moment at the Menin Gate, very humbling.

    Was there last year, hugely moving
  • garfield said:

    @LargeAddick wrote:

    In Ypres at the moment at the Menin Gate, very humbling.

    Was there last year, hugely moving
    Don't mind admitting I had a tear or two in my eyes. The visit to Nobby Nightingale's grave was moving too. The fact that they play the Last Post at the Menin Gate every evening at 8pm and will continue to do so until it's been played once for every single one of the 55,000 remembered there is a poignant reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made by so many on our behalf. Played about 20,000 times so far so a way to go yet. I will be returning one day soon to hear it for myself. RIP lads.

  • Brilliant effort well done
  • We we're lucky enough to have @SE7toSG3 show us around the Messine Ridge area on Remembrance Day last year, the first time I have visited the any war graves.

    I was also in tears at several points in the day.
  • And I am reminded that I have confused the CL names of our two world war historians and credited @SE7toSG3 twice today when I meant @Mametz.

    That's both for the work in the door at Wim's and our guide for the Messine ridge both of whom were in fact @mametz.

    I knew who I meant...(lack of ability to bring off a satisfactory climax comments notwithstanding), hopefully now others will too.!

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Roland Out Forever!