Hand on heart is there any amongst us that think that this will be a successful transfer window that will move the club forward? I think RD will not cough up and enjoy pissing us off yet again.
The stark challenge in my opinion is we need to win at Southend and then every single game in January, February and March, and if we do we can afford to draw away at Peterborough on April 1st.
I can't believe they've put that snippet of the press conference on the website as if fans are going to get all excited. Robinson's responses were hardly enthusiastic and his Premier League ambition comments were very telling I thought particularly in light of Roland's interviews this week about dancing being the most important thing....
The situation is set up for another huge own goal for the board in January if /when none of the players arrive and it will also leave Robinson knowing exactly where he stands.
Hand on heart is there any amongst us that think that this will be a successful transfer window that will move the club forward? I think RD will not cough up and enjoy pissing us off yet again.
I have never expected it to be - we have enough past evidence to tell us what we need to know about this shower. As for Robinson - I feel for him a bit. He clearly did not have much of a clue about the nincompoops he agreed to work for! I'd rather him trying to persuade them to do something right for once- even if it is naive to expect that pathetic idiot to do so, than him not bother. I say to fellow fans - don't make Robisnson the enemy - we know who that is!
They should have just put that interview out as audio only. Robinson's face when he mentions the presidents 'opinions' tells you everything you need to know about how that meeting went.
Seems to me Robinson is not prepared to sit meekly and wait for Roland to sack him, as all his predecessors have done. It would not surprise me if KR is the first to jump before he is pushed.
The body language, the facial expressions and where KR is looking, as well as the tone and words he used there during that snippet tells me he just had his pants pulled down in Belgium.
I read the comments as Robinson preparing excuses for not being successful. He met the owner & asked for players that he needed to be successful. The owner gave him their take on things ( but no reassurances or promises). Nothing was clearly agreed & you can see by the look on his face about how much of the Lookman money, he will get to strengthen & refresh the squad. I would not be surprised to see Robinson gone quite soon. Robinson is not a quiet person & Duchatelet likes his managers to keep quiet & work with what they are given.
The Presidential brown nosing comments are not going to persuade Duchatelet to give Robinson the players he wants or save him from Duchatelet pining the blame onto him, when it all goes pear shaped again. Robinson needs to stop with the 'president' comment already.
It is clear though that there is no coherence or planning in building a balanced team. It has been pretty clear that Lookman is going & the amount for. Any sensible club would have identified the targets & what was needed. A windfall of that amount, if reinvested sensibly into the team, should be sufficient to get the team near to the top two. Robinson now knows of how little money of that he will see & the lack of control he has in what signings he will get. Robinson is learning what the protests are about & the utterly rubbish way the club is run by completely incompetent & clueless idiots.
I genuinely have respect for Robinson. At least he seemingly is giving it a go. It's just a shame so far we have been absolutely crap on the pitch.
We all know it's going to end in tears but sod it. If Karl fails to get what he wants and eventually goes, the only positive will be that the protests will have more ammunition as it once again proves Roland is actively not taking the club in the right direction. Sigh. Clutching I know.
It might just be me but KR seems a lot less upbeat than usual. Slade came in full of the joys of summer and very quickly declined into looking like a man that had realised he had voluntarily strapped himself to the train tracks.
I thought that too.
It's now very clear to him.
I think he's now Karl less of a gobshite instead of just Karl gobshite. You can see reality has struck him in the face.
The Charlton we know and love has gone and will continue to fade.
I read the comments as Robinson preparing excuses for not being successful. He met the owner & asked for players that he needed to be successful. The owner gave him their take on things ( but no reassurances or promises). Nothing was clearly agreed & you can see by the look on his face about how much of the Lookman money, he will get to strengthen & refresh the squad. I would not be surprised to see Robinson gone quite soon. Robinson is not a quiet person & Duchatelet likes his managers to keep quiet & work with what they are given.
The Presidential brown nosing comments are not going to persuade Duchatelet to give Robinson the players he wants or save him from Duchatelet pining the blame onto him, when it all goes pear shaped again. Robinson needs to stop with the 'president' comment already.
It is clear though that there is no coherence or planning in building a balanced team. It has been pretty clear that Lookman is going & the amount for. Any sensible club would have identified the targets & what was needed. A windfall of that amount, if reinvested sensibly into the team, should be sufficient to get the team near to the top two. Robinson now knows of how little money of that he will see & the lack of control he has in what signings he will get. Robinson is learning what the protests are about & the utterly rubbish way the club is run by completely incompetent & clueless idiots.
True bit mind you Slade got the players he wanted, yes?
The deferential use of the word "president" as he gobbles up mr presidents bollocks is getting to me now . Robbo's battling with the lame Charlton fans who bend over and continue to receive a good shafting from our opinionated president whilst taking whatever bollocks he throws at them and being forever grateful for our masters musings over all things Charlton . Sad times .
I read the comments as Robinson preparing excuses for not being successful. He met the owner & asked for players that he needed to be successful. The owner gave him their take on things ( but no reassurances or promises). Nothing was clearly agreed & you can see by the look on his face about how much of the Lookman money, he will get to strengthen & refresh the squad. I would not be surprised to see Robinson gone quite soon. Robinson is not a quiet person & Duchatelet likes his managers to keep quiet & work with what they are given.
The Presidential brown nosing comments are not going to persuade Duchatelet to give Robinson the players he wants or save him from Duchatelet pining the blame onto him, when it all goes pear shaped again. Robinson needs to stop with the 'president' comment already.
It is clear though that there is no coherence or planning in building a balanced team. It has been pretty clear that Lookman is going & the amount for. Any sensible club would have identified the targets & what was needed. A windfall of that amount, if reinvested sensibly into the team, should be sufficient to get the team near to the top two. Robinson now knows of how little money of that he will see & the lack of control he has in what signings he will get. Robinson is learning what the protests are about & the utterly rubbish way the club is run by completely incompetent & clueless idiots.
True bit mind you Slade got the players he wanted, yes?
Can't quite work out if you are being serious or not @uie2 But ermm no, Slade said he needed 5 or 6 players & he got 3. If Slade had got a better central midfield then results would have been better. But those that thought they know better said that the team was strong enough. Not that Duchatelet, Meire or any of the network scouts will acknowledge that evident mistake.
Robinson doesn't look or sound as upbeat in that video as he was a couple of weeks ago.
I wonder why? It is absolutely clear as day that he know nows that the presic___ is a lying, arrogant, obnoxious and cluessless individual. Welcome to the comedy show Karl that clearly isn't amusing.
Roland says “I want to make this club great again and you can only do that by holding dances and building hotels and offices in the Jimmy Seed Stand. That has to be the aim.”
The upside of our destiny, which involves losing to Millwall at least twice a season, is that we can rely on their fans to destroy any new developments in the Jimmy Seed Stand.
Bloody hell. Might've caught him on an off day but he looks done in already. Gone by March imo and as Seth said above, we have the man ready to step in
I don't get the criticism of KR. He's finding out what he's up against and dealing with it the best way he knows how it seems to me. Obviously he's going to put on the best "spin" that he can short of telling outright lies. Probably his biggest mistake so far was taking the job in the first place, but like most of us thinks he can succeed where others have failed. He hasn't got much to work with, and he's still learning what these (often second string) players can and can't do. Expecting great results right now is unrealistic, and speculating about the conversations with RD is futile. I feel the criticism on here is, so far, more than a little unfair.
The best spin KR can put on it would be to remain silent rather than present us with a stream of inane sycophantic drivel. If he can get a few decent players in then he should let them do the talking. If not he should walk to preserve what remains of his dignity. That said there seems to be quite a market for managers prepared to work for owners who don't give a damn about the fans - Russell Slade has now worked for Vincent Tan, RD and Sisu - so Oyston cannot be faraway.
What is it with some of you lot -'if not he should walk to preserve what remains of his dignity'.I have said it before but some of you are only genuinely happy if you see us failing - find that very sad.Give the bloke a chance
You are misquoting me - I would be delighted if KR could strengthen the squad during the transfer window - but he is clearly making a rod for his own back with the drivel he is spouting at present, especially given the past record of the regime over transfer windows.
I think RD will not cough up and enjoy pissing us off yet again.
The situation is set up for another huge own goal for the board in January if /when none of the players arrive and it will also leave Robinson knowing exactly where he stands.
All very inevitable and all very depressing.....
Not a great statement...if we've only just identified the type of players then it doesn't sound that promising.
Driesen's spreadsheet must be goal seeking a match as we speak!
The Presidential brown nosing comments are not going to persuade Duchatelet to give Robinson the players he wants or save him from Duchatelet pining the blame onto him, when it all goes pear shaped again. Robinson needs to stop with the 'president' comment already.
It is clear though that there is no coherence or planning in building a balanced team. It has been pretty clear that Lookman is going & the amount for. Any sensible club would have identified the targets & what was needed. A windfall of that amount, if reinvested sensibly into the team, should be sufficient to get the team near to the top two. Robinson now knows of how little money of that he will see & the lack of control he has in what signings he will get. Robinson is learning what the protests are about & the utterly rubbish way the club is run by completely incompetent & clueless idiots.
We all know it's going to end in tears but sod it. If Karl fails to get what he wants and eventually goes, the only positive will be that the protests will have more ammunition as it once again proves Roland is actively not taking the club in the right direction. Sigh. Clutching I know.
It's now very clear to him.
I think he's now Karl less of a gobshite instead of just Karl gobshite. You can see reality has struck him in the face.
The Charlton we know and love has gone and will continue to fade.
Just hate them.
Robbo's battling with the lame Charlton fans who bend over and continue to receive a good shafting from our opinionated president whilst taking whatever bollocks he throws at them and being forever grateful for our masters musings over all things Charlton .
Sad times .