We go through managers at an incredible pace yet our appalling CEO remains spouting a stream of garbage and becoming increasingly deluded. If RD got rid of her he might buy himself a bit of time.
Why does RD support her or is it just part of his master plan to destroy our club? I'm not sure which of the two I despise more.
She is a complete chancer who loves playing the victim card and seems to care about little apart from her ego and career.
The only thing that could make matters worse is Pardew returning as manager....
There is, of course, the other argument and that is he does not care. Which has as much credence as the club cannot even start to recover until she goes.
B ) She is carrying out his instructions just as he wishes.
C) He cares more about her position than he does the club's.
There might be other possible reasons but all of them speak volumes about the jeopardy he is putting our club in.
If you listen to her earlier interviews and a discussion I had with her in April, when she talks about her role it is not about the business, it is about being between RD and the fans. Far from being a CEO she is a middle to junior manager making tactical decisions, whereas RD makes the strategic ones. Every now and then she forgets her position and tries to contribute to the strategy .. Peters and Luzon sacking and appointment and Slade here for the long term, and he reminds her she is a small cog, who is here to take the flak!
Not for a moment do I believe that RD does not know every fine detail of what goes on at the Valley, but then I used to work for someone like him and he had spies every where, plus he is a detail man and will want information to the finest of details sent to him and not just by her.
You would have thought with the many slap downs that have undermined her credibility in the worst possible ways (on top of her PR gaffes) she would have had enough and resigned and maybe the clue to her not having done so are two fold:-
Her unknown salary is golden handcuffs, where could she earn what she earns here, as a copyright lawyer.
How else would she get her 15 minutes of fame. Whilst much of it is negative how often has the media wanted to put her on TV or in the press and if she were a copyright lawyer how often would her views be sought after!?
He's recognised her untapped talent: 1%
She's young, cheap and compliant: 15%
He hates her and he wants her to suffer 25%
He hates us and he wants us to suffer 40%
Secret paternity case: 10%
Jonestown type apocalypse scenario where Meire and Dreisden have been selected to re-populate the planet after the evil one has killed everyone else off with little cups of orange juice laced with cyanide: 9%
I don't believe it's the same as when David met Karen ?
Sullivan gave the CEO's job at Birmingham, to 23 year old Brady after she impressed him with her adverting work she did for his
Wankartistic Magazines.My own theory is that it ties in someway with his political beliefs. Charlton should accept that they are never going to be as big as Manchester United so what is the point of even aspiring to compete with them. If, at point in the future, Charlton can break even by nurturing and selling players whilst finishing, say, nineteenth in the third level of English football in front of crowds of 3500, that is what Charlton should aim for. In those terms, why should he sack Katrien?
I also subscribe to the Uncle Roly theory, so he has probably been trying to groom her (gulp) for senior management. The CEO job is part figurehead/buffer between him and the everyday business of the club, part learning experience, with, as Kap says, limited real power. She probably disagrees with him more often than we know, but she has to pick her battlefields very carefully.
Whether he feels his plan for her is still working, his loyalty to her is not outweighed by any concerns over her performance and he clearly doesn't care too much about how she affects the club.