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Post Match View: Charlton v Chesterfield



  • It was a boring game but we deserved to win and to give RS credit, he played 4-4-2 throughout and his substitutions worked. Ajose looks like a dud in the McLeod mold.
  • jdmotion said:

    boogica said:

    Awful game, we held a lot of possession in the first half but weren't creating the chances from it. Second half was an improvement, Holmes was getting a lot of undeserved slack though...and rightly made a point of celebrating in front of the few fans that had been slagging him off when we scored!

    Holmes got stick like any player would he ain't untouchable , some people to like him some don't ,to be fair he tries but at times he runs around like a headless chicken , instead of moving the ball nice and simple
    But then again we have a few quite similar, he got stick from myself and a few of my mates , but he supplied a cracking cross for the goal and gave the stick back which isn't a problem fair play to him , maybe if Slade gave him a bollocking he might supply crosses like that more often, anyway still a shit performance .
    So you and your mates barrack the player who's been the best we've got all season, and who works harder than anyone. How does that make any sense at all? And how is that supposed to help?
    Our best player that's your opinion .
    My opion is as said above and that goes for most of them mediocre players .
  • Can you please boycott The Valley forever?
  • Nug said:

    boogica said:

    Awful game, we held a lot of possession in the first half but weren't creating the chances from it. Second half was an improvement, Holmes was getting a lot of undeserved slack though...and rightly made a point of celebrating in front of the few fans that had been slagging him off when we scored!

    Holmes got stick like any player would he ain't untouchable , some people to like him some don't ,to be fair he tries but at times he runs around like a headless chicken , instead of moving the ball nice and simple
    But then again we have a few quite similar, he got stick from myself and a few of my mates , but he supplied a cracking cross for the goal and gave the stick back which isn't a problem fair play to him , maybe if Slade gave him a bollocking he might supply crosses like that more often, anyway still a shit performance .
    If that's the stick you give to probably our only shining light of a player this season I dread to think what you'd call Crofts if he came near you. He is one of the worst players at Charlton in a long time, up their with Amdy Faye. If we truly have no-one better than him in the club, we're in for a very hard season. There must be a youngster we could give a go. Slades worst decision signing him as a starter for CM. Someone even gave him an 8.5 on the player marks thread!
    Crofts you are right is poor and he has been given stick also , look our players are mediocre at best , this Charlton side is poor Holmes to some is the bollocks to some people , ok he works hard but he ain't any different from the rest , he got some stick , replied in the right way with a cracking cross for the goal , and then made a beeline for my mate and gave stick back which wasn't a problem , this team is shocking the football is poor and fans get frustrated it happens at every ground up and down the country every week why should Charlton be any different .
  • LenGlover said:

    seth plum said:

    I have to agree with comments about match day communications, and general event management.
    Leaving aside the unforgivable Graham Moore/Ray Treacy situation last year, and the team line ups only coming in until the CARD free programmes were issued, we were told the PA system was buggered.
    The PA System is either still buggered or as I think is more likely badly managed by Mr Adamson and his unpaid student drones. Hearing the Red Red Robin is a lottery each game, and nobody could hear a word Andy Hunt said because of the amateurish incompetence of Brian Cole and his team.
    Once again Brian Cole has the vocal skills of a toothless old crone chewing a double dose of toffee. The faux cheerfulness which I suppose is going on (I can't hear it anyway) during the half time events is embarrassingly ill judged, and in effect quite patronising to the people there.
    It fits in with the fourteen chips, give the supporters any old crap culture that pervades the club. I admit to being rather obsessed with the way the event is structured at the Valley and it is very poor fare.
    Manipulated children waving flags.
    Inaudible PA
    Inaudible interviews.
    Inarticulate announcer.
    Half time fun which isn't.

    I bet the team that focus on this side of the event pat each other on the back and constantly speak the mantra of 'I think that went pretty well ' to each other to validate what they do.
    In my individual opinion I believe they are very poor indeed and I would probably prefer nothing at all than the cringeworthy patronising rubbish we are presented with.
    I emphasise this is my opinion. Others may love it and they may think it goes pretty well so I am pleased for them.

    Agree but Campbell not Treacy.
    You are absolutely right. My bad.
  • Holmes is an admirable footballer.
    He may have limitations but his personal footballing standards are high, the same goes for Magennis.
  • Totally uninspiring yesterday, as others have said it was like watching a training-ground game for much of it..

    ..and yet, if we can get Kashi fit there ought to be enough quality to challenge. Ajose's confidence is low, but we know he can do it at this level. Lookman & Solly need to spend some time working out how to defend the right flank together, but we are not shipping loads of goals.

    What a mess we've made of the last few years, but let's not think we're down & out forever
  • Took my boy to his first ever game yesterday.

    We went in, held up a flag which he enjoyed. The play started, the crowd sung 'Roland Out' which he joined in with and he enjoyed clapping along and shouting Charlton.

    Then nothing happened and on 27 minutes he said he wanted to go home.

    Instead I gave him an IPad and he sat happily with that until, after 75 minutes he asked me never to take him to football again. He briefly stirred at the goal, jumped about a little.

    At the end, We made our way down to the corner of the pitch on the North East side and a gate was open so I told him to stand on the AstroTurf next to the pitch whilst I took a photo, he duly did this, whilst a steward behind us told him to get off as it wasn't allowed.

    He enjoyed patting the horses on the way up Floyd Road.

    At least we won.

    I want Roland to leave.

    Very sad
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  • LenGlover said:

    boogica said:

    jdmotion said:

    boogica said:

    Awful game, we held a lot of possession in the first half but weren't creating the chances from it. Second half was an improvement, Holmes was getting a lot of undeserved slack though...and rightly made a point of celebrating in front of the few fans that had been slagging him off when we scored!

    Holmes got stick like any player would he ain't untouchable , some people to like him some don't ,to be fair he tries but at times he runs around like a headless chicken , instead of moving the ball nice and simple
    But then again we have a few quite similar, he got stick from myself and a few of my mates , but he supplied a cracking cross for the goal and gave the stick back which isn't a problem fair play to him , maybe if Slade gave him a bollocking he might supply crosses like that more often, anyway still a shit performance .
    So you and your mates barrack the player who's been the best we've got all season, and who works harder than anyone. How does that make any sense at all? And how is that supposed to help?
    Our best player that's your opinion .
    My opion is as said above and that goes for most of them mediocre players .
    We're in division 3!

    'Mediocre players' goes with the territory. The way to get out of this division is the way Chris Powell did it. Foster a team spirit so that they all work hard for each other and hopefully negate each others weaknesses.

    In my view Holmes and Magennis have been our best signings by a street (discounting Rudd as a loan player) and week in week out get the highest marks.
    Fair point , the team as a whole is poor , fans get frustrated Holmes and Magnennis will get stick it's nothing personal , lookman got stick yesterday , crofts gets stick every week part and parcel being a footballer , fair play to Holmes got stick gave it back im sure my pal can live with that .
  • Another dull afternoon. Not the worst game I've seen this season but Chesterfield in the 5 minutes they actually attacked at the end caused us problems.

    All I'm hoping for Xmas is Roland to sell
  • edited October 2016
    robroy said:


    One is a horrible little toad......

    The other is also a horrible little toad.
  • mogodon said:

    On a day we managed to grind out a win, what actually is there to celebrate? Three-quarter empty stands, a side struggling to beat a struggling League 1 team, a hapless manager almost out of his depth even at this shallow level, people off forums hauled in by the police, and enough stewards inside the ground to almost outnumber supporters in some parts.

    This is the world that Katrien and Roland have created. No wonder he can't be arsed to ever turn up.

    Good grief thats awful, Covered End must have been a squeeze to get 10k out of that
  • edited October 2016
    Atmosphere in the stadium was toxic and football very negative. Poor PA system during a potentially good interview with Andy Hunt is just criminal. Steward telling a kid to get off the pitch for a photo being taken sums it all up.
    How can RD be proud of that. KM wake up and realise your useless and please go!
  • Forgive me if I am not sure how the glass half full approach works when the assessment is we need to bring in 5 new players.

    Does that not suggest that 45% of the current team are not worthy of their place in a team playing in what many have described as a very poor league.

    Once again we have the absurd assertion of what's the problem we have been crap for a decade. Quite apart from the fact that simply is not true when we secured the League 1 title and maintained Championship status with a hard working and modestly talented squad many of whom are still plying their trade with Championship clubs, the assertion it is ok to fail because we always fail is to embrace such mediocrity and failure.

    If that is why you watch football then have at it but forgive those who have a somewhat higher expectation.

    Is not the former approach condemned by the evidenced of the real attendance and atmosphere yesterday? Is it not the road to oblivion?

    Is that your approach to those 5 new players you want to bring in? Come and join us. Come and enjoy your career in a 3/4 empty stadium playing in a lifeless atmosphere. Do not expect too many win bonuses because we have been crap for years always will be.

    As it happens I am not going to get overly disappointed by yesterday's performance or result. Playing against struggling sides can drag any performance down. They got the job done no more no less.

    The team avoided a "banana skin". It was an acceptable outcome. I suggest such comments however can but be classified as being damned by the faintest of praise.

    To have any realistic ambition of competing for a play off position there is a very, very, very long way to go from here.

    Why anyone would have confidence in the current administrations' ability to travel such a journey is surely a matter of hope over substance.

    Regrettably It is becoming increasingly clear fewer and fewer could really give a toss one way or another.

    My comments were based on the performance of the 13 players who played yesterday. Agreed it wasn't brilliant, but I've seen a lot worse recently, and have to be grateful for small mercies.

    I don't have any confidence in the current regime, all I'm saying is that there was an improvement.
    We all know we have a fairly average league one team that needs strengthening. Whether enough decent players will be bought in January is a moot point.
    I thought that Crofts has been amongst our worst players this season, but watched him closely yesterday, and thought he had his best game that I've seen.
    Fox, who gets a lot of stick, also had a good game.
    Both players are decent squad players, but if you want to get promotion you definitely need to strengthen those positions.

    1. Sign two midfield dynamos, a good left back, and a creative attacking midfielder in January.
    2. Try Lookman upfront with Magennis.
    3. Start Botaka on the right.

    Will any of the above happen?
    Pigs might fly!
  • Went just because of the banner protest so my son could show his protest flag.
    Even with our poor play still should have won by three to four goals.Worst atmosphere ever experienced at the Valley. I wish to continue boycotting home games, but it must be said the protest movement is losing a voice with such low crowds- not sure what the answer is, as understand the aim is to deprive regime of income
    To cap a quite depressing experience got a load of abuse from a Charlton fan for our protest flag. Same guy then thought it was hard to swear at my son.
    Losing that Charlton feeling very quickly

    What was your protest flag or was it just the fact that you were protesting ?
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  • Spoke to Theo Foley b4 game and yes I spent money in Xbars.Oh for the days of Flanagan Hales and Powell - all his signings.For what it's worth I think we have a squad good enough to get us out of this lg if Slade would play to his strengths.Another 3 pts but please let's get behind the team.RD ain't going nowhere so let's try another tact.Support the team cos all this division among the fans is taking us nowhere

    You spent money in Xbars? Well done you & you're telling us why exactly ? What would Slades strengths be ? RD going nowhere ? What other tact should we try?
  • In the long run it's the hard working staff I feel sorry for, there's likely to be less income next year which means the club will struggle to employ the same number of staff
  • edited October 2016

    In the long run it's the hard working staff I feel sorry for, there's likely to be less income next year which means the club will struggle to employ the same number of staff

    Yet another consequence of the mismanagement. Not that Meire gives a flying one about anyone as beneath her such as employees.
  • In the long run it's the hard working staff I feel sorry for, there's likely to be less income next year which means the club will struggle to employ the same number of staff

    I bet Sue will still get her Perks though.
  • mogodon said:

    In the long run it's the hard working staff I feel sorry for, there's likely to be less income next year which means the club will struggle to employ the same number of staff

    Yet another consequence of the mismanagement. Not that Meire gives a flying one about anyone as beneath her such as employees.
    Employees ?????

    Surely she calls them minions !

  • Won't pay. Won't go at the mo.
    Is there a video of the crossbar challenge? Now the ball dribbling along the ground would have made me laugh.
  • It was quite funny. I think the ball got a foot off the floor at the apex.
  • In the long run it's the hard working staff I feel sorry for, there's likely to be less income next year which means the club will struggle to employ the same number of staff

    I bet Sue will still get her Perks though.
    I hope she does given all she has done to back Meire and Duchatalet. That kind of blind loyalty, and all for a few prawn sandwiches and a comfy seat, deserves rewarding.
  • Chesterfield were about as poor as you are going to get in this league. First half was rubbish. Ajose should have scored, but they hit the post too. Second half improved a little. Slade needs to make changes sooner when things are not working. We could easily have drawn that game, and against that level of opponent, it should have been much more comfortable.
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Roland Out Forever!