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Protesting fans accused of not supporting the team in the i Newspaper



  • I appreciate that some are offended by the suggestion that some fans are 'so-called supporters' but there have been far worse names attributed to those that are not boycotting the club on here.

    I'm, in practice, indifferent either way but when some fans that are still going and buying burgers are being call vile things and being accused of destroying the club surely it is a little hypocritical, if not also super sensitive, when someone that has a different view questions those that are happy to damage the club in the short term to rid it of the current owners? Surely it's better to find out why this lady said the things she said and try to convince her as to why we don't agree with her than it is to 'call her out' and abuse her.

    I've said this before but we would be being naive if we thought we could allocate hundreds of man hours to making their lives difficult if we didn't expect then to 'fight back'. The difference is that CARD has access to hundreds (if not thousands) of fans and RD (and KM) have access to millions of pounds. This PR offensive is only going to increase. I would have thought that the bet way forward would be for CARD and those associated with it to look to 'win the hearts and minds' of the other supporters rather than start fights with them.

    I'm certainly not looking to tell anyone how to behave but I am quite confident that should we be successful in getting KM and/or RD to leave we need most, if not all, fans supporting actions of CARD. The more the club (and their hired help) can cause divisions within the supporter base the harder it is likely to be to beat them.
  • edited September 2016

    I appreciate that some are offended by the suggestion that some fans are 'so-called supporters' but there have been far worse names attributed to those that are not boycotting the club on here.

    I'm, in practice, indifferent either way but when some fans that are still going and buying burgers are being call vile things and being accused of destroying the club surely it is a little hypocritical, if not also super sensitive, when someone that has a different view questions those that are happy to damage the club in the short term to rid it of the current owners? Surely it's better to find out why this lady said the things she said and try to convince her as to why we don't agree with her than it is to 'call her out' and abuse her.

    I've said this before but we would be being naive if we thought we could allocate hundreds of man hours to making their lives difficult if we didn't expect then to 'fight back'. The difference is that CARD has access to hundreds (if not thousands) of fans and RD (and KM) have access to millions of pounds. This PR offensive is only going to increase. I would have thought that the bet way forward would be for CARD and those associated with it to look to 'win the hearts and minds' of the other supporters rather than start fights with them.

    I'm certainly not looking to tell anyone how to behave but I am quite confident that should we be successful in getting KM and/or RD to leave we need most, if not all, fans supporting actions of CARD. The more the club (and their hired help) can cause divisions within the supporter base the harder it is likely to be to beat them.

    I'm sorry!!! Who is calling her out and abusing her?

    You say there are far worse names attached to those protesting......does that make it ok then?
    You will see that I didn't name her in my original OS and I don't know how many times I have to say this but I do think it is a gross insult to be classified by one throw away sentence as being a 'so called supporter and I made the point that some of those in CARD are the same people who fought to get the Club back to The Valley.

    Where I have commented previously, I have said that fans who support the regime may also be buying into the customer approach so beloved of by Meire. I have never questioned their credentials as fans unlike this lady's comment.

    Super sensitive? Jezze, a Charlton fan comes out and says that other Charlton fans are not real or genuine or words to that effect in a National newspaper and you expect that to be passed off and not commented upon.

    Ok, well here's the ask whether it would be better (better than what if no-body has abused her unless you know otherwise) to find out whether this lady said the things she said and try to convince her as to why we don't agree with her.....

    Well, you are in luck because that is exactly what we can hope to achieve.
    You may be aware from an earlier posting that I live in Devon and by an incredible co-incidence friends of mine on FB are connected to her on FB so we may be able to hear her further views of the matter and please do not assume that this will involve abuse - why the hell would you assume that?

    I am semi-retired, nearly 70 years of age (hence 1947) and not given to trolling or any other aspect of unacceptable Social Media behaviour but I am devastated that Charlton fans are turning against each other.

  • edited September 2016

    I'm sorry if you thought my post was aimed, specifically, at you. It was not. I read a lot of posts on both this thread and another one where press comments 'supporting' the club were earning abuse.

    'So called fans' is, in my view, no worse that being called a traitor for buying a program. The point is that the club's PR machine are going to drag up more and more of these one liners and I think we just have to learn to ignore it.

    In the same way I have started ignoring those that suggest that it is, partly, my fault if I chose to go to home games and the club continues with this lot in charge.
  • John,

    I'm sorry if you thought my post was aimed, specifically, at you. It was not. I read a lot of posts on both this thread and another one where press comments 'supporting' the club were earning abuse.

    'So called fans' is, in my view, no worse that being called a traitor for buying a program. The point is that the club's PR machine are going to drag up more and more of these one liners and I think we just have to learn to ignore it.

    In the same way I have started ignoring those that suggest that it is, partly, my fault if I chose to go to home games and the club continues with this lot in charge.

    Yes, of course, I accept that your post was not aimed specifically at me or any one person.

    But you then go on to state that the comment about so-called fans in the i is no worse than being called a traitor for buying a programme!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Why? Did someone in a national newspaper call you a traitor for buying a programme?

    Also, we must clearly agree to differ when you state that those comments about 'so-called fans' are in your view something to be ignored (especially when they appear in a newspaper). I most certainly am not going to ignore comments like the one in the i which will be seen by a wide footballing audience and which do a great disservice to those protesting against the regime and I make no apologies for having drawn them to the attention of CL.

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