Boring boring boring - he isn't winning - his plan has failed and he has now changed strategy to get himself in a position where he can sell the club - what is so hard to understand - get down there and support the team, get promoted and get rid of rd asap - it's that simple - or crucify yourself in a long drawn out nonsense
Even if it were true, it is immensely sad any group of supporters seeks to acclaim victory by a completely detached owner over another group of supporters.
The hypothesis I assume relates to the "protest battle ground" which as a) the protest group had, out of respect for the new manager, largely suspended hostilities until the end of the month b) many thousands of supporters have already walked away appears a somewhat hollow victory.
It reinforces the divisive nature of this regime.
Such thinking however is so tragically warped it completely misses the point. There is only one thing we should all be determined to achieve.........Charlton Athletic Football Club winning on and off the field of play.
The question needs to be "Is the club winning?"
Under M. Duchatelet has/have the clubs;
Attendance figures Playing status Executive Staff performance Coaching & Managerial staff Playing staff Financial status Trading position Industry profile & trading goodwill Communication Customer service standard
Improved or declined?
Bugger Duchatelet can the Facebook Group tell us if the club is winning!
M. Duchatelet and his Staprix NV/ Corporate empire is indeed winning.
Charlton is still just one of a stable of clubs across Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Spain and the UK.
Investment in St Truiden saw a stadium development generating revenue for the Duchatelet family.
Ujpest provides his son with gainful employment.
There are stadium investment plans at Carl Zeiss Jena
Alcorcon seem to be trundling along on their merry way.
Investment in Standard Liege produced a € 20mn dividend before he sold Liege for circa € 35mn.
The corporate infrastructure still plays a major role in the administration of all the clubs with the anomaly being the side lining of the corporate data analysts in terms of our player recruitment. However if you know anything of the corporate world you can pretty much guarantee they will be crawling all over every move Slade makes.
In terms of financing Charlton it is a locked in trading win-win. Every £ Staprix lends the club is an interest bearing asset in their corporate balance sheet. Yet it is their management increasing our debt/ their asset value. Every time they cock up the Staprix balance sheet wins.
While Meire tinkers with the club minutiae to "balance her budget" her corporate masters have burdened us with evermore debt by the expensive recruitment and disposal of players wholly unfit for purpose. In 32 months the club debt has likely tripled if not quadrupled.
In terms of corporate trading it only becomes an issue as and when you try to determine the club debt i.e. if/ when he wants to sell. The club sale proceeds will not repay the debt but while his overall trading group is cash rich he can afford to and will probably take a long term view.
If we can generate £30mn of player sales and he can then sell for £30mn-£40mn then he would probably, if we really wanted him to, consider walking away. Is it effectively what he did with Liege.
As of now the likelihood of securing £30mn in respect of player sales is pure fantasy. In the meantime for M. Duchatelet it is no big deal to let his financial football experiment meander just a little longer at least.
After all we have seen quite why anyone would want to support these people is entirely beyond me.
PS he could have sold the club last season or this season. He's rufused to even speak to prospective buyers.
He could have sold in the Championship but he didn't but now you believe he'll only sell if we're in the championship. Doesn't make sense just like most of the waffle they feed you and you pass on here like a beard.
zzzzz really??? who's they??? we weren't relegated then and now we are and it is clear that the previous strategy - his model - has been abandoned - understand?
The people you yourself have said on here are giving you this info from Richard Murray and others.
His aim remains to run a "successful" football club.
His business strategy is to show that it is possible to at least break even or make a profit while running a football club through reducing headcount and developing and selling young players. There is no evidence that that strategy has changed.
His operational method ie using Belgium coaches he knows and players from his network failed and so he is now, in order to get back to the championship, using an experienced manager and experienced players.
He hasn't changed but you carrying on believing what you want to believe because it came from an insider and you carry on being their beard. Do you not ever think why they tell you all this but don't make a public statement about it if it is some wonderful?
They can't for one reason. If they say the old operation plan was wrong then that is a criticism of Roland and Roland never gets anything wrong and she will never say no. Hence why she was in tears telling the Comms Manager to put the Rant press release out. She knew is was rubbish, Mel Baroni had said she would resign if it went out but she still put it out because Roland can not be wrong.
PS he could have sold the club last season or this season. He's rufused to even speak to prospective buyers.
He could have sold in the Championship but he didn't but now you believe he'll only sell if we're in the championship. Doesn't make sense just like most of the waffle they feed you and you pass on here like a beard.
zzzzz really??? who's they??? we weren't relegated then and now we are and it is clear that the previous strategy - his model - has been abandoned - understand?
The people you yourself have said on here are giving you this info from Richard Murray and others.
His aim remains to run a "successful" football club.
His business strategy is to show that it is possible to at least break even or make a profit while running a football club through reducing headcount and developing and selling young players. There is no evidence that that strategy has changed.
His operational method ie using Belgium coaches he knows and players from his network failed and so he is now, in order to get back to the championship, using an experienced manager and experienced players.
He hasn't changed but you carrying on believing what you want to believe because it came from an insider and you carry on being their beard. Do you not ever think why they tell you all this but don't make a public statement about it if it is some wonderful?
They can't for one reason. If they say the old operation plan was wrong then that is a criticism of Roland and Roland never gets anything wrong and she will never say no. Hence why she was in tears telling the Comms Manager to put the Rant press release out. She knew is was rubbish, Mel Baroni had said she would resign if it went out but she still put it out because Roland can not be wrong.
I have never said I get info from Richard Murray - that is your assumption - I don't disagree with what you have said but don't tell me the strategy hasn't changed - it has and it is to get back up and sell now the plan has failed in my opinion
Do u not think that admiting publicly the plan has failed would not put them in a worse negotiating position when trying to sell? That possibility is far more rational than your hypothesis - u have to stop hanging on km and rd's every word and think for yourself
Do u not think that admiting publicly the plan has failed would not put them in a worse negotiating position when trying to sell? That possibility is far more rational than your hypothesis - u have to stop hanging on km and rd's every word and think for yourself
Why, it's plain to everyone it has failed.
Varney might have paid £40m (I doubt it but he might) for CAFC but Roland won't even talk.
Meire even blocked talks. My guess is because she knows no other owner will employ her as no other owner is mates with her dad.
Do u reveal the sources of your information? Not really the done thing is it? But I am as equally capable of deciding for myself why the info is being given and whether or not I wish to believe it as you are thankyou
Roland will always be a loser as far as I'm concerned. He has completely missed the point of the real value of his acquisition of the club in SE7. He thinks it is just simply all about the money. How wide of the mark can you be?
Roland will always be a loser as far as I'm concerned. He has completely missed the point of the real value of his acquisition of the club in SE7. He thinks it is just simply all about the money. How wide of the mark can you be?
When I scan read this I thought it said 'tosser' not loser, either word is entirely appropriate .
Do u reveal the sources of your information? Not really the done thing is it? But I am as equally capable of deciding for myself why the info is being given and whether or not I wish to believe it as you are thankyou
So you won't deny it.
You knew RM was stepping down before it was announced too.
Boring boring boring - he isn't winning - his plan has failed and he has now changed strategy to get himself in a position where he can sell the club - what is so hard to understand - get down there and support the team, get promoted and get rid of rd asap - it's that simple - or crucify yourself in a long drawn out nonsense
Boring? Still peddling the same nonsense about Roland changing with no evidence.
Still selling our best players, still leaving the squad shol8rt, still not coming to games.
He has changed his plans of rebuilding the training ground and he's run out of Belgian coaches but nothing else has moved.
What is cute is that you still believe the major factor in us getting promoted is whether we protest or not rather than the quality and depth of the squad.
Really? U have a bizarre imagination - I hope u give the team a chance that's all - protest outside all u like for all I care - I may even re join u in stadium if season turns to shit
So you would join the protests if the season turns to shit? Says a lot about how fickle you are.
I think we'll be top six, I even had a bet on it, and I want us to go up winning every game.
But unlike you my opposition to the regime won't flip flop on a few results.
We were told, by the CEO, that the "strategy" was:
1. To be a competitive Championship team with Premiership ambitions ("there it is, black and white") 2. To grow the average attendance to 20,000 ("the only way to do this is obviously performance on the pitch and we need to improve fan engagements") 3. The Academy and Community is at the heart of the operations.
The extent to which these "strategic" pillars have been missed demonstrates how badly Roland is failing. No-one in their right mind can look at this list, made public on 10 November last year, and think that Roland and his CEO have been anything other than abject, total and complete failures.
How anyone can offer any defence of Roland, Katrien or any of the various members of the SMT, is beyond comprehension.
Do u not think that admiting publicly the plan has failed would not put them in a worse negotiating position when trying to sell? That possibility is far more rational than your hypothesis - u have to stop hanging on km and rd's every word and think for yourself
Henry's hypothesis has actual evidence to back it up, your back-up is repeated failure, over and over.
We don't even have a proper goalkeeper ffs, nothing's changed.
We were told, by the CEO, that the "strategy" was:
1. To be a competitive Championship team with Premiership ambitions ("there it is, black and white") 2. To grow the average attendance to 20,000 ("the only way to do this is obviously performance on the pitch and we need to improve fan engagements") 3. The Academy and Community is at the heart of the operations.
The extent to which these "strategic" pillars have been missed demonstrates how badly Roland is failing. No-one in their right mind can look at this list, made public on 10 November last year, and think that Roland and his CEO have been anything other than abject, total and complete failures.
How anyone can offer any defence of Roland, Katrien or any of the various members of the SMT, is beyond comprehension.
There is no way anybody can say the strategy has changed. We will only know about that if we are operating at Championship level where the experiment began. The present strategy is a desperate (hopefully successful) attempt to get promotion. Even with the current strategy we are at the moment, as has been famously said, 'miles away '.
Do u reveal the sources of your information? Not really the done thing is it? But I am as equally capable of deciding for myself why the info is being given and whether or not I wish to believe it as you are thankyou
So you won't deny it.
You knew RM was stepping down before it was announced too.
Bang to rights or should that be bang to beard.
i'll neither deny or confirm but your clearly hanging off my every word now as well
Boring boring boring - he isn't winning - his plan has failed and he has now changed strategy to get himself in a position where he can sell the club - what is so hard to understand - get down there and support the team, get promoted and get rid of rd asap - it's that simple - or crucify yourself in a long drawn out nonsense
Boring? Still peddling the same nonsense about Roland changing with no evidence.
Still selling our best players, still leaving the squad shol8rt, still not coming to games.
He has changed his plans of rebuilding the training ground and he's run out of Belgian coaches but nothing else has moved.
What is cute is that you still believe the major factor in us getting promoted is whether we protest or not rather than the quality and depth of the squad.
Really? U have a bizarre imagination - I hope u give the team a chance that's all - protest outside all u like for all I care - I may even re join u in stadium if season turns to shit
So you would join the protests if the season turns to shit? Says a lot about how fickle you are.
I think we'll be top six, I even had a bet on it, and I want us to go up winning every game.
But unlike you my opposition to the regime won't flip flop on a few results.
Says how open minded and positive I am
No, it shows how fickle you are.
No, it shows you don't understand my reasoning - support the team as I see promotion being the quickest way to get rid of RD - if it becomes clear that isn't going to happen, try and hound him out again. Call it fickle if you want, call it what you like. Rational seems appropriate.
There is no way anybody can say the strategy has changed. We will only know about that if we are operating at Championship level where the experiment began. The present strategy is a desperate (hopefully successful) attempt to get promotion. Even with the current strategy we are at the moment, as has been famously said, 'miles away '.
so strategy hasn't changed but you refer to it as the present / current strategy - we are all splitting hairs here - fundamentally its about what we believe is required for rd to clear off - you believe hounding him out / a slow painful grind / destruction - I'm hoping promotion and a sale.
Do u not think that admiting publicly the plan has failed would not put them in a worse negotiating position when trying to sell? That possibility is far more rational than your hypothesis - u have to stop hanging on km and rd's every word and think for yourself
Henry's hypothesis has actual evidence to back it up, your back-up is repeated failure, over and over.
We don't even have a proper goalkeeper ffs, nothing's changed.
none of what you have said makes any sense - strategy change hence no repeated failure - i'm hoping and we do have a great new keeper
Time will tell on that one.
The bloke and his cronies are scum filth who have no place in our club,
He won't win he can never recover from the mistakes of his past
The hypothesis I assume relates to the "protest battle ground" which as a) the protest group had, out of respect for the new manager, largely suspended hostilities until the end of the month b) many thousands of supporters have already walked away appears a somewhat hollow victory.
It reinforces the divisive nature of this regime.
Such thinking however is so tragically warped it completely misses the point. There is only one thing we should all be determined to achieve.........Charlton Athletic Football Club winning on and off the field of play.
The question needs to be "Is the club winning?"
Under M. Duchatelet has/have the clubs;
Attendance figures
Playing status
Executive Staff performance
Coaching & Managerial staff
Playing staff
Financial status
Trading position
Industry profile & trading goodwill
Customer service standard
Improved or declined?
Bugger Duchatelet can the Facebook Group tell us if the club is winning!
M. Duchatelet and his Staprix NV/ Corporate empire is indeed winning.
Charlton is still just one of a stable of clubs across Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Spain and the UK.
Investment in St Truiden saw a stadium development generating revenue for the Duchatelet family.
Ujpest provides his son with gainful employment.
There are stadium investment plans at Carl Zeiss Jena
Alcorcon seem to be trundling along on their merry way.
Investment in Standard Liege produced a € 20mn dividend before he sold Liege for circa € 35mn.
The corporate infrastructure still plays a major role in the administration of all the clubs with the anomaly being the side lining of the corporate data analysts in terms of our player recruitment. However if you know anything of the corporate world you can pretty much guarantee they will be crawling all over every move Slade makes.
In terms of financing Charlton it is a locked in trading win-win. Every £ Staprix lends the club is an interest bearing asset in their corporate balance sheet. Yet it is their management increasing our debt/ their asset value. Every time they cock up the Staprix balance sheet wins.
While Meire tinkers with the club minutiae to "balance her budget" her corporate masters have burdened us with evermore debt by the expensive recruitment and disposal of players wholly unfit for purpose. In 32 months the club debt has likely tripled if not quadrupled.
In terms of corporate trading it only becomes an issue as and when you try to determine the club debt i.e. if/ when he wants to sell. The club sale proceeds will not repay the debt but while his overall trading group is cash rich he can afford to and will probably take a long term view.
If we can generate £30mn of player sales and he can then sell for £30mn-£40mn then he would probably, if we really wanted him to, consider walking away. Is it effectively what he did with Liege.
As of now the likelihood of securing £30mn in respect of player sales is pure fantasy. In the meantime for M. Duchatelet it is no big deal to let his financial football experiment meander just a little longer at least.
After all we have seen quite why anyone would want to support these people is entirely beyond me.
His aim remains to run a "successful" football club.
His business strategy is to show that it is possible to at least break even or make a profit while running a football club through reducing headcount and developing and selling young players. There is no evidence that that strategy has changed.
His operational method ie using Belgium coaches he knows and players from his network failed and so he is now, in order to get back to the championship, using an experienced manager and experienced players.
He hasn't changed but you carrying on believing what you want to believe because it came from an insider and you carry on being their beard. Do you not ever think why they tell you all this but don't make a public statement about it if it is some wonderful?
They can't for one reason. If they say the old operation plan was wrong then that is a criticism of Roland and Roland never gets anything wrong and she will never say no. Hence why she was in tears telling the Comms Manager to put the Rant press release out. She knew is was rubbish, Mel Baroni had said she would resign if it went out but she still put it out because Roland can not be wrong.
He said even in the Championship Roland wants £30m of player sales and a £30 - 40m sale price.
Do you really think we will have £30m worth of players to sell next season. Lookman, Konsa, who else?
And who is going to pay £40 for a club Roland bought for £14m?
Just for once take the beard off and look at the stuff you are being fed with a sceptical eye.
Varney might have paid £40m (I doubt it but he might) for CAFC but Roland won't even talk.
Meire even blocked talks. My guess is because she knows no other owner will employ her as no other owner is mates with her dad.
And you haven't answered the question.
He has completely missed the point of the real value of his acquisition of the club in SE7.
He thinks it is just simply all about the money.
How wide of the mark can you be?
You knew RM was stepping down before it was announced too.
Bang to rights or should that be bang to beard.
1. To be a competitive Championship team with Premiership ambitions ("there it is, black and white")
2. To grow the average attendance to 20,000 ("the only way to do this is obviously performance on the pitch and we need to improve fan engagements")
3. The Academy and Community is at the heart of the operations.
The extent to which these "strategic" pillars have been missed demonstrates how badly Roland is failing. No-one in their right mind can look at this list, made public on 10 November last year, and think that Roland and his CEO have been anything other than abject, total and complete failures.
How anyone can offer any defence of Roland, Katrien or any of the various members of the SMT, is beyond comprehension.
We don't even have a proper goalkeeper ffs, nothing's changed.
We will only know about that if we are operating at Championship level where the experiment began.
The present strategy is a desperate (hopefully successful) attempt to get promotion. Even with the current strategy we are at the moment, as has been famously said, 'miles away '.