If the club has been doing this for a number of years, it simply means that a number of years ago, someone made a poor decision, and no one has yet had the sense to reverse it. This should be the time to do so. Irrespective of the ownership under which this started, it comes across as a bit grubby. That isn't a criticism of the media team - if it's what has always happened, then they may not see how mildly ridiculous it is. It would be a sign of the club's willingness to listen if it were confirmed that the money raised on ebay will now be donated to an appropriate charity..it's never too late to start doing things differently.
I'm playing the long game and saving my dough for the time they put on a bed sheet on eBay with the word "Liar" and an arrow pointing in a downwards direction.
They should pay for the one of those Polaroid cameras that the website boys require.
If the club has been doing this for a number of years, it simply means that a number of years ago, someone made a poor decision, and no one has yet had the sense to reverse it. This should be the time to do so. Irrespective of the ownership under which this started, it comes across as a bit grubby. That isn't a criticism of the media team - if it's what has always happened, then they may not see how mildly ridiculous it is. It would be a sign of the club's willingness to listen if it were confirmed that the money raised on ebay will now be donated to an appropriate charity..it's never too late to start doing things differently.
Fair enough if it was for charity. Doing it to raise funds to buy equipment for staff to use demeans a club of Charlton's stature and is yet another indication that the senior management have no clue what they are doing. Or simply don't care.
It may be me, but I find it weird that the club is putting things on ebay to sell for, and I quote: for much-needed equipment for Charlton's media team ahead of the 2016/17 season
Also, doesn't Uncle Roly own an electronics conglomerate? Surely he could pick up 'much-needed equipment' through either his own business or through a partner without the hassle of the equivalent of a boot sale?
Who do you think they're buying it from? Maybe Roland has reverse-mates rates and charges Charlton twice as much.
I bought some stuff way back when during the glory years from the club via eBay Deano's gloves , rommedahls boots , SCP boot and top etc and they were raising funds for demelza , well I thought they were until I read , after I'd purchased an item , I was putting money to some stewards football tour or something which wasnt a reason id be wanting to buy Charlton toot for
They should pay for the one of those Polaroid cameras that the website boys require.
And in the current climate finding buyers will be fun, Olly might raise enough money for a couple of notepads and a box of Bic biros.
Buyers can expect a deluge of opprobrium and brickbats for helping to prop up roly's sick pantomime
Does the reddit poster post on here?
They also help out in other ways whenever they can.
Oops. Major French news outlet ripping into Roland for being a cheap bastard.
That'll please him.