Probably worth mentioning that this is nothing new. The club has done this pretty much every summer for a number of years.
Good point, and thanks for joining in the conversation Olly. I've noticed this the past few years and it's always felt a bit strange. That said, I work in Government contracting and can appreciate how nice it can be to have "non-appropriated funds" (funds that don't come directly out of a budget, and which give you a bit more freedom).
Just went on Amazon and it looks like the high end GoPros are around $500 (which means they're probably 500 quid because that's how technology works apparently). I'd be lying if I didn't say the whole thing feels a bit odd.
All of that said, I would like to take the opportunity to add that I've really, really appreciated the leap in the quality of content outputs (GoPro's, streaming Youth Games, etc.) over the last couple years. As someone whose lucky to get to matches once or twice a year, I really appreciate anything and everything I can get. Sorry this message had to be muddled amongst all the other stuff.
It may be me, but I find it weird that the club is putting things on ebay to sell for, and I quote: for much-needed equipment for Charlton's media team ahead of the 2016/17 season
Is our plummet into non-league football going to be so quick that they need state-of-the-art equipment to document it?
Also, doesn't Uncle Roly own an electronics conglomerate? Surely he could pick up 'much-needed equipment' through either his own business or through a partner without the hassle of the equivalent of a boot sale?
It's a shame Olly didn't put Carol 's note to Jacko or the signed laundry basket up for sale on eBay. Maybe next time when we need a few bob for a football or some halftime oranges.
It may be me, but I find it weird that the club is putting things on ebay to sell for, and I quote: for much-needed equipment for Charlton's media team ahead of the 2016/17 season
Someone ought to tell them that the media interest in League One is, er, minimal. The media are only likely to turn up in expectation of another protest, so assume the 'much-needed equipment' includes blindfolds, helmets and We Love Katrien t-shirts.
I really liked him, can you tell?.
Just went on Amazon and it looks like the high end GoPros are around $500 (which means they're probably 500 quid because that's how technology works apparently). I'd be lying if I didn't say the whole thing feels a bit odd.
All of that said, I would like to take the opportunity to add that I've really, really appreciated the leap in the quality of content outputs (GoPro's, streaming Youth Games, etc.) over the last couple years. As someone whose lucky to get to matches once or twice a year, I really appreciate anything and everything I can get. Sorry this message had to be muddled amongst all the other stuff.
Also, doesn't Uncle Roly own an electronics conglomerate? Surely he could pick up 'much-needed equipment' through either his own business or through a partner without the hassle of the equivalent of a boot sale?