so what were these 'criminal offences'? Has she reported them to plod? Are plod investigating? If not, how can she get away with accusing us all of these offences?
I was bought up by strict but fair parents. However it was instilled in me not to turn a blind eye and to stand up against bullying ,injustice etc especially on behalf of others. Suffice it to say that for the last few months I have had to put into practice these values with regards to Charlton, something I never envisaged there would be a need for . How dare she make sweeping, blanket statements, without, it seems backing them up with facts as regards the protestors. My peaceful, law-abiding protests are aimed at the CEO and owner who are morally bankrupt and their cohorts if they use bully-boy tactics. I can defend my actions. I am not a liar. I am an ordinary, decent person as are the vast majority of those involved in the protests. Publicly support your claims with evidence, I have no problem with this. In fact as the saying goes "Publish and be Damned"
She's thrown the mud. She now needs to give the evidence. Clearly not the fans or the media as she's blanking them, but she cannot make serious accusations without backing them up.
It looks like I've won the first bit of business for my new company, in time that my income hasn't been interrupted.
Im sitting in St. Pauls chilling with an iced coffee in the stunning weather.
And I may be able to help embarass Daisy.
Life is good.
Looking at yesterday's report it finished around 5pm.
Nice spot.
Today's closing statement is 3:30 according to the site. Maybe networking drinks after I guess?
Yesterdays was actually scheduled to finish at 5, today's is 3.30 and says close of conference so I'd expect them to come straight out after the last session.
I haven't read much of this thread so I'm probably echoing many others. It's not sport to constantly lie to your fanbase and playing staff either you clueless, deluded old cockwomble.
If you meet this girl known as Katrien, You'll see very soon what we mean. She'll stick her lip out, She'll stamp and she'll shout - It's really one hell of a scene !!
Another shit storm on the way!
Today's closing statement is 3:30 according to the site. Maybe networking drinks after I guess?
Good on you being down there. Wish I could join!
It's not sport to constantly lie to your fanbase and playing staff either you clueless, deluded old cockwomble.
We simply want our Charlton back
Yet all Katrien can do is attack
She cries out in vain
That we’re such a pain
So Roland please give her the sack
You'll see very soon what we mean.
She'll stick her lip out,
She'll stamp and she'll shout -
It's really one hell of a scene !!