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Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt



  • edited April 2016
    My bet is on MikaelMaus to be the next CARD-basher to pop up on here. It will be the same person, anyway. It seems they can only find one to do it.
  • The 'angling for jobs' is an interesting one. Maybe there are some that would like a job under the new regime, maybe there aren't. It's a complete red herring though and as LuckyReds so excellently puts it, it's a sign that they have no other ammunition. So what if there are some that would like to work for the club? It really doesn't matter. In fact, with the passion, energy and skill that has been displayed by card we can be certain that they'd be better than the current incompetent rabble. But the fact still remains that there are loads of other 'genuine' reasons to want them out: their player failed player-farming strategy; their general incompetence; their arrogance and unpreparedness to change and many many more. LuckyReds asks, "It's a matter of trust, and do you trust those who are life long supporters or the regime who have been here two years and got us relegated?" I trust the protesters 100%. I wouldn't trust the regime as far as I could fling them!
  • edited April 2016

    ^^ I've been censored :neutral:
  • On the 'angling for jobs point / egos' point, months down the line now and not even the most socially active of fans could accurately guess the majority of people who input to CARD decision making / organisation. If those people were angling for jobs or recognition, they are not going about it particularly well.

    What I think they mean is Rick as one of the more public-facing ones wants his job back. (Which he responded to on here over the weekend), and really is a bit of a flippant cheap shot given the amount of time, effort and determination he (alongside many others) is giving to this.

    As a mere foot soldier for CARD, I'm hoping the position of tea lady at The Valley will become vacant when RD packs his bags.

    Sadly, I'm not qualified as a masseuse.


  • On the 'angling for jobs point / egos' point, months down the line now and not even the most socially active of fans could accurately guess the majority of people who input to CARD decision making / organisation. If those people were angling for jobs or recognition, they are not going about it particularly well.

    What I think they mean is Rick as one of the more public-facing ones wants his job back. (Which he responded to on here over the weekend), and really is a bit of a flippant cheap shot given the amount of time, effort and determination he (alongside many others) is giving to this.

    As a mere foot soldier for CARD, I'm hoping the position of tea lady at The Valley will become vacant when RD packs his bags.

    Sadly, I'm not qualified as a masseuse.


    Just keep rubbing Roland up the wrong way Fanny, that's skill enough...

    (Stop sniggering at the back...)
  • edited April 2016

    It reflects the nature of the thinking at the club. They remain in the mind set this is personal, to them it has to be about nationality and gender.

    This has been their perception for some time now ... they just cannot believe that it has nothing to do with either. True bunker mentality.
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  • @LuckyReds I don't understand how anyone can read his interview on the CAST site, and still believe that he should remain as owner
  • BelgiumBun and Al'sAnalSauce have both popped up in the last few days. It says on their accounts that they have been members since November 2014 and October 2015 respectively, but their actual join dates are April 4th and March 16th this year
  • edited April 2016

    What Card and Roland are doing in my eyes is acting like divorcing parents . All this 'we are good and Roland is evil' misses the point fantastically - the club is suffering. The back slapping and claiming victory is just mind numbing arrogance. What have you won? Where is your prize? Stop and look and what this campaign had turned into? Anyone with a differing view is immediately viewed as a stooge or a scab. Surely, whoever pulls your strings is delighting in the shape that that is being created. But maybe that it what is wanted - sheep.

    You want to take a long hard look at yourself Card. Your not the only fans that want the club back to its best. Even if you think you are.

    Have you posted this on elsewhere yet?
  • What Card and Roland are doing in my eyes is acting like divorcing parents . All this 'we are good and Roland is evil' misses the point fantastically - the club is suffering. The back slapping and claiming victory is just mind numbing arrogance. What have you won? Where is your prize? Stop and look and what this campaign had turned into? Anyone with a differing view is immediately viewed as a stooge or a scab. Surely, whoever pulls your strings is delighting in the shape that that is being created. But maybe that it what is wanted - sheep.

    You want to take a long hard look at yourself Card. Your not the only fans that want the club back to its best. Even if you think you are.

    Very poor response are a sad individual.

    Try answering some of the questions that have been asked if you want to be taken seriously as a person not connected with the club.

    So what's next? ...various (new) posters over the last few days have tried disinformation, personal attacks, diversionary tactics, allusions to personal aggrandisement ... and now you are trying to provoke by labelling us as sheep. The intention being that this will annoy and upset us and lead us to being more antagonistic in our response.

    Not gonna work Mr. Crisis Controller ... you have bought the wrong club.
  • If these new "posters" are working for the club then I think the end game is near.
  • On the 'angling for jobs point / egos' point, months down the line now and not even the most socially active of fans could accurately guess the majority of people who input to CARD decision making / organisation. If those people were angling for jobs or recognition, they are not going about it particularly well.

    What I think they mean is Rick as one of the more public-facing ones wants his job back. (Which he responded to on here over the weekend), and really is a bit of a flippant cheap shot given the amount of time, effort and determination he (alongside many others) is giving to this.

    As a mere foot soldier for CARD, I'm hoping the position of tea lady at The Valley will become vacant when RD packs his bags.

    Sadly, I'm not qualified as a masseuse.


    Just keep rubbing Roland up the wrong way Fanny, that's skill enough...

    (Stop sniggering at the back...)
    Why, does Roland have a funny back???
  • What Card and Roland are doing in my eyes is acting like divorcing parents . All this 'we are good and Roland is evil' misses the point fantastically - the club is suffering. The back slapping and claiming victory is just mind numbing arrogance. What have you won? Where is your prize? Stop and look and what this campaign had turned into? Anyone with a differing view is immediately viewed as a stooge or a scab. Surely, whoever pulls your strings is delighting in the shape that that is being created. But maybe that it what is wanted - sheep.

    You want to take a long hard look at yourself Card. Your not the only fans that want the club back to its best. Even if you think you are.

    Maybe they're not, but exactly what are the others doing about it?

    This is a time for action, not hand-wringing and reminiscing about what once was. Maybe if people like yourself have other ideas on what we should be doing, you should start organising an alternative to the CARD protests?

    It's very easy to criticise others, but in the absence of an alternative, CARD are what we have, and they are making a decent fist of it. Whilst not everyone will agree with all of the forms of protest, it does give a voice to a large part of the fanbase who are fed up with the people in charge of this club.
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  • What Card and Roland are doing in my eyes is acting like divorcing parents . All this 'we are good and Roland is evil' misses the point fantastically - the club is suffering. The back slapping and claiming victory is just mind numbing arrogance. What have you won? Where is your prize? Stop and look and what this campaign had turned into? Anyone with a differing view is immediately viewed as a stooge or a scab. Surely, whoever pulls your strings is delighting in the shape that that is being created. But maybe that it what is wanted - sheep.

    You want to take a long hard look at yourself Card. Your not the only fans that want the club back to its best. Even if you think you are.

    Of course the club is suffering - it's been bought by a failed politician who wants to show the word he can beat FFP (plus avoid dealing with agents) by owning lots of clubs. Someone comes out proclaiming themselves to be a visionary, comparing themselves to Alan Turing, claims that YouTube was their idea, and accuses unhappy football fans of these clubs of just being unemployed people who have nothing better to do, this is not a person that should be owning football clubs.
  • Surely, whoever pulls your strings is delighting in the shape that that is being created.

    Belgiumbun Tony Cajones isn't even attempting hide his digs at Pinocchio now.
  • What Card and Roland are doing in my eyes is acting like divorcing parents . All this 'we are good and Roland is evil' misses the point fantastically - the club is suffering. The back slapping and claiming victory is just mind numbing arrogance. What have you won? Where is your prize? Stop and look and what this campaign had turned into? Anyone with a differing view is immediately viewed as a stooge or a scab. Surely, whoever pulls your strings is delighting in the shape that that is being created. But maybe that it what is wanted - sheep.

    You want to take a long hard look at yourself Card. Your not the only fans that want the club back to its best. Even if you think you are.

    You sir, are a scabby stooge.
  • Ben18 said:

    BelgiumBun and Al'sAnalSauce have both popped up in the last few days. It says on their accounts that they have been members since November 2014 and October 2015 respectively, but their actual join dates are April 4th and March 16th this year

    How did they manage that? I often look at the join date for some suspected on trolling and assume they are genuine if the date shown in a long time back. Is that not reliable?

    Not sure what the club are trying to achieve via the @Belgiumbun posts. A child would be able to exercise a more subtle approach than this. But perhaps not a Belgian?
  • Good post T.C.E. but would you say what you were told?
    I had a gut feeling something had changed about Charlton Athletic while standing in the Pierre Bolangi gardens and being told something very unCharltonlike and knew it was time to take my leave
  • The latter argument on seeking employment with the club is a deliberate smear. It says considerably more about the author than the target

    It is the last refuge of those who simply have nothing of value to say apart from the USA where is it has long been part and parcel of US elections from the selection of the local police chief to the President.

    It is personal and malicious. It is meant to be.

    It reflects the nature of the thinking at the club. They remain in the mind set this is personal, to them it has to be about nationality and gender.

    Such is a common weakness for those "who don't do failure". If you believe you cannot fail you look anywhere and everywhere for answers why things are not going well except the one place which really matters.

    It is hard to accept you are failing. For some their own self worth can never face such an issue. The line "Roland does not do failure" says it all.

    Yet his withdrawal from politics, his departure from Liege, the attempt to merge Belgian & Dutch football speaks to the fact he does....... but not in his mind. With each challenge he will position others as failing to understand "his genius".

    I know none of the CARD participants personally and have indeed "crossed pens" with one or two in the past.

    If they can add value to the club going forward why would you turn aside their expertise? However anyone with a gram of common sense will know such deliberations are for another time.

    I can but turn to the time honoured political argument it is not about the personalities it is about the issues.

    The issues are the values and performance of this regime. The results are there for all to see.

    The regime is in the spotlight not for who they are but for what they do and what they have done very badly. It is clearly a spotlight they cannot handle hence the endless deflection of responsibility to anyone and everyone but themselves be it the Royal Mail, the "lost in translation"articles, their own Thesaurus definitions, the University of Greenwich students, the fans, the football industry, the need to hide behind the local constabulary and now it is the personal agenda of the protestors.

    Absolutely nothing to do with the failed strategy, the misguided policies, the dearth of industry experience, the failed coaches, the failed player recruitment, the instability of the senior squad, the poor results, the abysmal financial performance, the lack of any customer service standards, the crumbling attendances, the abject failure to communicate, the refusal to engage, the complete abdication of leadership..........

    So limited is their skill set they have had to hire a Crisis Communications consultant. How delusional do you have to be to have to spend that sort of money to simply talk to your customers?

    If we stay steadfastly focused on the performance and the issues ultimately the rest will take care of itself.

    Was going to join this debate but every single point seems to have been covered by Grapevine 49 so worth a read if you missed it earlier IMO. Only thing I can add is the 'Roland doesn't do failure' line means that Meire will remain convinced that everything will be ok even as the evidence for the collapse and desperation around her mounts.
    Crisis - what crisis?
  • Good post T.C.E. but would you say what you were told?
    I had a gut feeling something had changed about Charlton Athletic while standing in the Pierre Bolangi gardens and being told something very unCharltonlike and knew it was time to take my leave

    No, it's not for here. But where I was when I heard this news is relevant and it saddened me.
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Roland Out Forever!