I should be on BBC London at around 19.15. Big act to follow after Ricks performance last night but I'll do my best (and build on what he said). Steve Clarke due to be on BBC TV tomorrow, no further details as yet.
I should be on BBC London at around 19.15. Big act to follow after Ricks performance last night but I'll do my best (and build on what he said). Steve Clarke due to be on BBC TV tomorrow, no further details as yet.
I got a good 6 minutes there, and I have the impression those guys at BBC London are very, very sympathetic to our plight.
Used up probably all of my 500mb shitty Vodafone contract data to listen to that, and it was well worth it. Very eloquently put Prague, if only KM could explain herself so well.
just listened well done. Can't have Riga myself, loved him last time, but if he wasn't the right man for Roland last time what makes him right now RD can go fuck himself.
I did wonder if that was you when they said Steve Charlton Fan. Well done mate come across well and the guys in the studio agreed with you and let you speak.
Danny Murphy was actually the most pro Charlton i had heard and said some good things as well.
Mind you, as Danny Murphy is one of the "experts" in the studio i am not sure we will get too much sympathetic coverage!
"Charlton, noble team of the London suburb of Greenwich." I like that.
I got a good 6 minutes there, and I have the impression those guys at BBC London are very, very sympathetic to our plight.
Just a couple of minutes towards the end.
Danny Murphy was actually the most pro Charlton i had heard and said some good things as well.