So basically , it all goes belly up for the rest of the season, we slide into league one, KM gets the chop , ( shifted to another galaxy in the network) and in a years time PV leads another buyout consortium ,and Chris Powell is reinstated as manager?
So basically , it all goes belly up for the rest of the season, we slide into league one, KM gets the chop , ( shifted to another galaxy in the network) and in a years time PV leads another buyout consortium ,and Chris Powell is reinstated as manager?
It's got to the point where I'd actually welcome relegation if that were the outcome.
If I thought being relegated would get rid of RD, I wouldn't mind either, but fear he'll just be delighted as it will reduce his wage bill even further.
Given the fury there would be if, for example, that turned out to be Millwall, I'm sure people would want to feel that Charlton had had the opportunity first, whatever it is. The introduction of Millwall is entirely hypothetical - I don't know what other club might be the recipient.
Christ, that doesn't bare thinking about does it. Imagine having palace and millwall both flourishing under foreign investment while we knackered our academy lads in League One.
Given the fury there would be if, for example, that turned out to be Millwall, I'm sure people would want to feel that Charlton had had the opportunity first, whatever it is. The introduction of Millwall is entirely hypothetical - I don't know what other club might be the recipient.
Christ, that doesn't bare thinking about does it. Imagine having palace and millwall both flourishing under foreign investment while we knackered our academy lads in League One.
Both of which were interested in Charlton first.
But I'm still not clear what this investment is or was.
It could have been a full takeover or something a lot smaller.
I don't want to get too excited or build my hopes up about this being the way to get rid of RD et al when it could be nothing of the sort. Would be great if it was though : - )
Still ridiculous that KM wouldnt even pick up the phone or spare 30 minutes to find out.
What's the relocation away from the valley stuff about?
There is evidence that PV, while seeking buyers for Charlton, was pointing potential buyers towards the Peninsula. But Airman says that this was simply a hook he was using to try and get potential investors in. Personally I believe him. I have no doubt that PV understands how potentially toxic a move away from the Valley can be.
Do you remember our chat about this ? .
I remember quite a lot of things about our chat. But I think it's best kept private don't you, unless you are Ok for me to tell the whole story? Your call...
RD overpaid, that is why the spivs sold the club to him. He will want a return despite devaluing the club further. I can't see how he would walk away with a massive loss, it surely would be more realistic he changes his playing/procurement strategy. But given that he is not all there, I'm sure he will carry on full course ahead into the iceberg ahead that everybody can see bar him.
He has. KM replied, although RD did eventually respond himself to say that KM would arrange the meeting soon. She didn't.
That is too inept for words. Surely any businessman would want to listen to what they were proposing and decline if it wasn't beneficial for them. It is truly incompetent and severely worrying for that. KM has to challenged on that. She needs to answer. Her silence in this is deafening!
Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.
If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.
As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.
The revelation of the story and the releasing of the emails suggests, to me, that this is either a last ditch attempt to get them to come to the table or a swipe at them, or both. Revealing the possibility of an alternative investor to RD would reassure many fans that we don't die if RD pulls his money out, and it also ensures that KM and RD know that we know.
If KM now comes out and says that without RD the club would be in trouble we can respond by saying that PV would step up and we'd be ok, thank you very much.
I suspect that over the course of the next couple of weeks KM will do an interview in a foreign publication to rubbish PV and his interest in 'investing' in the club. Maybe they will even roll out RM to publicly slag him off again?
Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.
If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.
As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.
peter Varney is an ex CEO of the club - one in a very successful period - that affords him attention surely. How he can be seen as any other Delboy is incredible, they could ask anybody and be told who he is! The problem is, they probably asked the wrong man - which they need to take blame for. A man who needs to go now with his head in shame. He has ruined all the good he has done and has become a pathetic disgrace. I hope he never sees a penny of his 7 million. He doesn't deserve it!
In any normal business, Meire's treatment of Peter could (and should) be seen as a gross dereliction of duty. That she can't find a half hour window in 3 months, to see a potential investor - who clearly laid out his credentials and current position - is shocking. And yet, as Rick mentions, she has time to fly to Dublin and giggle her way through a 25 minute nothing session.
A good pal of mine has recently stepped away from football, having been involved at a senior finance and then CEO level for almost 30 years. He spent a large part of his time meeting potential investors, travelling down to London on regular occasions to progress talks. He would never have dreamt of leading someone up the garden path for three months, cancelling on someone repeatedly, at such short notice. It's rude and it's unprofessional.
Even Man City have recently sold a stake in their business to the Chinese. No business is too big that it can afford to just ignore the potential that was clearly laid out in Peter's first email. It may have been something on a very small scale but Meire & Ducahtelet will never know with the attitude that they display.
Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.
If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.
As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.
peter Varney is an ex CEO of the club - one in a very successful period - that affords him attention surely. How he can be seen as any other Delboy is incredible, they could ask anybody and be told who he is! The problem is, they probably asked the wrong man - which they need to take blame for. A man who needs to go now with his head in shame. He has ruined all the good he has done and has become a pathetic disgrace. I hope he never sees a penny of his 7 million. He doesn't deserve it!
There's about as much chance of him getting his £7 million back as there is of me becoming the next interim head coach....oh wait!
Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.
yeah, true, except this unsolicited email from any old Del Boy who also happened to be the former CEO for 10 years of the company they are running......
Not sure if the offices have been moved around but the CEO's office used to be in the corner overlooking the carpark at the Jimmy Seed end of the west stand. Any visitor to the CEO's office would mean walking through the office, past the catering room, past the boardroom, past the chairmans suite and the room where they hold lunchtime meals, past the Finance office, past the ticket office, retail, sometimes past HR/finance depending on the route before you get into the exec office. Hardly discreet. Alternatively, the Chairmans office is at the top of the stairs after reception. I can't believe Katrien/Roland would have seen the suggestion as rude, unless they aren't aware of the layout of the offices....I thought Peter sounded like he was trying to be accomodating, suggesting multiple options of venues, including Belgium could hardly be seen as rude!
Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.
If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.
As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.
Well he tried ringing , but kept getting through to the Ear,nose and throat department.
Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.
If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.
As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.
Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.
If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.
As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.
Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.
If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.
As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.
Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.
If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.
As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.
if that is the case, which I don't for one second believe it is, then that in itself that is a poor indictment on those running OUR club.
Surely any sane business people would want to hear the proposal before dismissing it. Varney was treated very rudely and you have to imagine this is the best proof of business incompetence imaginable. He introduced himself with his credentials, half an hour to listen to what he had to say was all that was needed. There was more important things going on every day that precluded this? Come on! It is beyond belief.
Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.
If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.
As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.
What a load of bollocks. Meire would be absolutely clear on who Varney was and who his current employers are. Even if Duchatelet wasn't and that is possible. As CEO it was her responsibility to do a background report on Varney and his potential for having serious backers. With this knowledge RD could then decide his response. He is after all CEO of a Kuwaiti Consortium. Hardly Del Boy.
It's Murray that The Trust should be perusing for answers not Peter Varney.
Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.
If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.
As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.
What a load of bollocks. Meire would be absolutely clear on who Varney was and who his current employers are. Even if Duchatelet wasn't and that is possible. As CEO it was her responsibility to do a background report on Varney and his potential for having serious backers. With this knowledge RD could then decide his response. He is after all CEO of a Kuwaiti Consortium. Hardly Del Boy.
It's Murray that The Trust should be perusing for answers not Peter Varney.
Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.
If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.
As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.
Read the email chain ...he made it quite clear from the very first email who he was and his provenance with Charlton.
But I'm still not clear what this investment is or was.
It could have been a full takeover or something a lot smaller.
I don't want to get too excited or build my hopes up about this being the way to get rid of RD et al when it could be nothing of the sort. Would be great if it was though : - )
Still ridiculous that KM wouldnt even pick up the phone or spare 30 minutes to find out.
If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.
As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.
If KM now comes out and says that without RD the club would be in trouble we can respond by saying that PV would step up and we'd be ok, thank you very much.
I suspect that over the course of the next couple of weeks KM will do an interview in a foreign publication to rubbish PV and his interest in 'investing' in the club. Maybe they will even roll out RM to publicly slag him off again?
A good pal of mine has recently stepped away from football, having been involved at a senior finance and then CEO level for almost 30 years. He spent a large part of his time meeting potential investors, travelling down to London on regular occasions to progress talks. He would never have dreamt of leading someone up the garden path for three months, cancelling on someone repeatedly, at such short notice. It's rude and it's unprofessional.
Even Man City have recently sold a stake in their business to the Chinese. No business is too big that it can afford to just ignore the potential that was clearly laid out in Peter's first email. It may have been something on a very small scale but Meire & Ducahtelet will never know with the attitude that they display.
Not sure if the offices have been moved around but the CEO's office used to be in the corner overlooking the carpark at the Jimmy Seed end of the west stand. Any visitor to the CEO's office would mean walking through the office, past the catering room, past the boardroom, past the chairmans suite and the room where they hold lunchtime meals, past the Finance office, past the ticket office, retail, sometimes past HR/finance depending on the route before you get into the exec office. Hardly discreet. Alternatively, the Chairmans office is at the top of the stairs after reception. I can't believe Katrien/Roland would have seen the suggestion as rude, unless they aren't aware of the layout of the offices....I thought Peter sounded like he was trying to be accomodating, suggesting multiple options of venues, including Belgium could hardly be seen as rude!
Well he tried ringing , but kept getting through to the Ear,nose and throat department.
She should have been begging to meet him.
That's how ludicrous this situation is.
She didn't want to know. Didn't want a chance to speak to probably the best CEO we've had, certainly in recent times. Work that out.
She doesn't want to learn.
She doesn't care.
She doesn't deserve to be the CEO of this great club.
It's Murray that The Trust should be perusing for answers not Peter Varney.
Read the email chain ...he made it quite clear from the very first email who he was and his provenance with Charlton.
That was the point for them to say thanks but not thanks.
As it was it took 34 days for them via KM to say we'd like to meet you.
Either way it is shabby and just poor business.
Roland seemed to want the meeting to happen.