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Naby Sarr



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    Football is a game of opinions (That's part the reason why we all love it!) But i think he's a massive liability, reminds me a bit of titus bramble, hopefully he can shake off those errors though.
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    moleo88 said:

    Football is a game of opinions (That's part the reason why we all love it!) But i think he's a massive liability, reminds me a bit of titus bramble, hopefully he can shake off those errors though.

    Completely agree, unconvinced. Makes too many mistakes
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    I'm one of the few who hasn't really seen many issues with him as a player whilst he's been with us.

    Think he is a very good prospect.
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    He didn't slip for the goal.

    He slipped before and they got passed him but didn't score.

    He then had an air shot from which they scored.

    Much better today, in part because Diarra was always there as almost a third CH to cover him and Bauer.

    Yes, he's young, inexperienced and new to the country so it will take time which is all why you make sure you have experienced cover.

    We have no CHs as cover/subs if we play Diarra in midfield.

    We do lack cover, and you do need experience in that position. I've no idea why Roger Johnson is playing in India when he could be in the Championship. I guess they are hoping that after the international break, we'll have more bodies back in midfield, so have the option of moving Diarra back to CB again if necessary.

    Lennon in the meantime has 2 potential games for Gillingham during the international break before we play next.

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    iaitch said:

    Gumbo said:

    I'd say 1 good game from the 4/5 I've seen he's nowhere near as good a Harry Lennon

    Remind me how many games Lennon has played in the Championship?
    I've seen Lennon play more times for the youth and reserves then Sarr in the championship, he has definite ability he's also scoring goals for Gillingham league 1

    @RedArmySE7 has friends the support Sporting Lisbon and have commented that he's was a terrible defender and I think they are right
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    Scoring a goal in League 1 is a bit different to scoring a goal away to a premiership team though. From what I have seen Sarr is a young defender who needs to learn the nuances of the game, he is a big lad who can pass the ball pretty well, has enough pace to intercept passes and gets his head to a lot of balls, but his concentration let's him down occasionally, as does his decision making in some of his passes. I suspect no one would make much of the mistakes of he was a free signing from Burnley called Thomas Danielson or something
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    Gumbo said:

    iaitch said:

    Gumbo said:

    I'd say 1 good game from the 4/5 I've seen he's nowhere near as good a Harry Lennon

    Remind me how many games Lennon has played in the Championship?
    I've seen Lennon play more times for the youth and reserves then Sarr in the championship, he has definite ability he's also scoring goals for Gillingham league 1

    @RedArmySE7 has friends the support Sporting Lisbon and have commented that he's was a terrible defender and I think they are right
    Simon Francis was 2 bob for us and look where he is now.
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    Gumbo said:

    iaitch said:

    Gumbo said:

    I'd say 1 good game from the 4/5 I've seen he's nowhere near as good a Harry Lennon

    Remind me how many games Lennon has played in the Championship?
    I've seen Lennon play more times for the youth and reserves then Sarr in the championship, he has definite ability he's also scoring goals for Gillingham league 1

    @RedArmySE7 has friends the support Sporting Lisbon and have commented that he's was a terrible defender and I think they are right
    Maybe Sarr would look good in youth and reserve games and in League 1. Until Lennon gets a game in the Championship we will never know.

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    He looked fine yesterday...Dervite and Morrison of course never made mistakes .
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    He was excellent? What a stupid post.

    I never used to believe in being "Charltonised" but wow, there is some concrete evidence. Would love to see how good you was at that age.
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    Gumbo said:

    I'd say 1 good game from the 4/5 I've seen he's nowhere near as good a Harry Lennon

    i don't know wether to love or cry
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    Just laugh...
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    colin1961 said:

    Plus assist for the second goal ...

    Even by Colin's standards this is weird.
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    I remember Reza giving a good pass to JBG who passed it into the six yard box
    for Simon to score. before that ?

    The only assist that Nabby gave yesterday, was for their goal !

    As i said earlier, other than a mad 5 minutes he had another decent game at home following on from the Brentford game.
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    colin1961 said:

    Plus assist for the second goal ...

    Even by Colin's standards this is weird.
    To be fair I regularly get Gudmundsson and Sarr mixed up. They're just so similar
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    To be fair he played a really superb pass into Reza to get the counter started. Just before you started the clip.

    By the way seen the goal for them again and it was a Sarr gaff. No unlucky slip as I originally thought.
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    To be fair he played a really superb pass into Reza to get the counter started. Just before you started the clip.

    By the way seen the goal for them again and it was a Sarr gaff. No unlucky slip as I originally thought.

    So not an assist then. "Unreliable historian"

    A few people seem to have mixed up his slip and his airshot.

    Regardless, it was a decent performance bar those errors. If we'd lost 0 - 1 he'd be getting "pelters" but since we didn't he isn't.
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    I remember Refus at Bolton away not sure if it was his debut we lost 5-1 at there old ground. I thought he had a great game.yet was stunned to see others saying he was shit and to weakRufus weak amaze me some peoples opinions. I think he done pretty well for us in the end. Give this kid a chance before we slag him and send him to scrap heap.
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    There are similarities
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    colin1961 said:

    Plus assist for the second goal ...

    Gold, absolute gold.

    You do get some hate on here Colin, but I think you're great.

    Mad/blind/on a wind up but great all the same.

    Thank you Colin.
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    There are similarities

    Both have white on their shirts in those pics? - Both have quite nice smiles?

    Similar haircuts I'll give you that
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    He played last season in the Champions League for Sporting Lisbon (who have home gates in the region of 40,000+) - and got a goal for them in a 4-3 win against Schalke 04. Signing him looks quite ambitious. But.....he has found himself here in a team that is being rebuilt whilst trying to do its best against very physical opposition in a 46 game season. And for some reason Luzon preferred to play Diarra at centre back, when, it now seems clear Diarra is best in a defensive, sweeping midfield role.
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    edited November 2015
    Watching Jackson's goal again it was Sarr who made a great blocking run which allowed Jacko to get completely unmarked

    Second angle on this clip shows it really well
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    Sarr had a good game on Saturday, yes he was at fault for the goal but his all round game was much more assured than it has been previously. He looked more composed on the ball and played the ball out from the back well. It was his pass that started the attack for Maks goal as well.

    It's been a slow start to his career here so far but you can see the potential is there, he's only going to get better. Having someone around who reads the game as well as Diarra will have a big impact on his development as well. Him and Bauer may well turn out to be a very good partnership for us.
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    I remember Refus at Bolton away not sure if it was his debut we lost 5-1 at there old ground. I thought he had a great game.yet was stunned to see others saying he was shit and to weakRufus weak amaze me some peoples opinions. I think he done pretty well for us in the end. Give this kid a chance before we slag him and send him to scrap heap.

    You need to get to understand the stupidity of Charlton fans on this forum. When we win, everyone played well. When we lose, everyone was terrible.

    NO grey areas; Everything is black and white.
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