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Naby Sarr



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    Thought he was very solid first half, only a young lad and lost a bit of confidence when he made his first slip. Then went down hill although he did make a good tackle at the death when they were appealing for a penalty. Be nice for him to get a good run and build his confidence so diarra can stay in midfield.

    Leave Diarra in the middle until Kashi is fully fit, keep Lennon on loan @ Gillingham where there must be a recall clause hence why he wasnt allowed to play today
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    One of his best games for us, made a mistake for their goal but overall looked much better.
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    Surely a wind up?
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    Thought he was solid today, very impressed
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    I thought he was really good today. Was called on a number of times to cut out the final ball a number of times and did it really well. Diarra, Gudmundsson and him were stand out players today.
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    edited November 2015
    For me he had an okay first half, then fell on his arse in front of me, airshotted in front of me that lead to the goal, then got properly mugged in front of me.
    I thought I was maybe being a tadge harsh after the okay first half but the fact Colin disagrees can only prove I'm correct. Phew
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    Agree moving Diarra to his preferred position makes a world of difference just think there will be an increase in squeaky bum times
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    Thought he was quality today. The slip for the goal was very unlucky. I mentioned in the post match thread that the Wendy player miscontrolled and took a flukey double touch which caused Naby to slip.

    Along with Ba, a different player to last week.
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    edited November 2015
    nah mate, I think you'll find you are wrong.
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    I don't get overly dramatic when we lose and I don't get overly dramatic when we win so I don't see why I shouldn't say this just because we won, he is shite. He hasn't had a single good game for us, and he just seems like a complete bufoon. Having said all this, why the hell did we get rid of Morisson on a free... Diarra is brilliant in midfield and shouldn't have to play in defence, but I would rather him play there than risk Sarr there. Think if it was 0-0 when he was swinging at air...

    Having said that, thank God, had £2 at 60/1 on 3-1...
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    Very accomplished first half. Positionally very good and made numerous interceptions. Shame that slip led to a dip in confidence. Noticed Bauer was first to pick him up
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    ross1 said:

    Must not forget how old he is and the amount of English football experience he has had

    100% this.

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    Huskaris said:

    I don't get overly dramatic when we lose and I don't get overly dramatic when we win so I don't see why I shouldn't say this just because we won, he is shite. He hasn't had a single good game for us, and he just seems like a complete bufoon. Having said all this, why the hell did we get rid of Morisson on a free... Diarra is brilliant in midfield and shouldn't have to play in defence, but I would rather him play there than risk Sarr there. Think if it was 0-0 when he was swinging at air...

    Having said that, thank God, had £2 at 60/1 on 3-1...

    Can't see how you think he is 'shite?'
    Youngster in his (guessing) 10th English appearance and you've written him off already?
    Personally thought he played pretty well, few interceptions, block and calm on the ball. The slip was costly yes.
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    He didn't slip for the goal.

    He slipped before and they got passed him but didn't score.

    He then had an air shot from which they scored.

    Much better today, in part because Diarra was always there as almost a third CH to cover him and Bauer.

    Yes, he's young, inexperienced and new to the country so it will take time which is all why you make sure you have experienced cover.

    We have no CHs as cover/subs if we play Diarra in midfield.
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    He didn't slip for the goal.

    He slipped before and they got passed him but didn't score.

    He then had an air shot from which they scored.

    Much better today, in part because Diarra was always there as almost a third CH to cover him and Bauer.

    Yes, he's young, inexperienced and new to the country so it will take time which is all why you make sure you have experienced cover.

    We have no CHs as cover/subs if we play Diarra in midfield.

    This - he is certainly improving and shouldn't be written off - I thought he had a decent game against Brentford as well despite the 3-0 defeat - remember Sweaty Balmer's own goals in his first games for Charlton and he didn't turn out too shabby.

    The real shock is that we went into this season with 2 young CBs who'd never played in England (plus a converted midfielder) and its's been one of our strongest areas in the team so far!
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    Another WUM. Saar was excellent yesterday except for an unfortunate slip. I said the other week we have a decent player on our hands with Naby and yesterday showed that. Still young, going to make mistakes, but has all the attributes and will go far.
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    It was a shame about the slip and the Air shot because Sarr has had 2 good games at home. I wanted him to play along side Bauer with Diarra giving protection in midfield for some time, Sarr is raw but i can see him making real improvement if the whole team can show the same energy as yesterday, plus we had a better shape when Sheff Wed had the ball.
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    For what is worth I thought he played very well. Had he been one of our own and 22yrs old, people would be raving over him.

    This. Imagine if Harry Lennon had mirrored Sarr's season so far, everyone would be calling him the new Rufus.

    I thought Sarr was very good yesterday and will no doubt improve with more experience.
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    Let's be honest the last couple of months have been a disaster and must have been difficult for all the senior pro's never mind those coming into British football for the first time and in Sarr's case being very young as well. Add to that the baptism's of fire for the home grown youngsters and it's a right dogs dinner.

    The fault lays fairly and squarely at the door of Roland. As Henry points out inadequate cover at CB, inadequate strike force and lack of creativity in central midfield with no natural width in the team to boot. Hugely unbalanced squad relying on those youngsters to step up.

    IMHO. All the youngsters have stepped up including Sarr but that doesn't hide the fact the squad is way too thin. Guy Luzon the fall guy for Roland's lack of football nous.

    The ball is now in your court Roland.
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    I'd say 1 good game from the 4/5 I've seen he's nowhere near as good a Harry Lennon
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    For what is worth I thought he played very well. Had he been one of our own and 22yrs old, people would be raving over him.

    Not knocking Sarr as I think he's got potential, but we apparently spent about £2m on him so it's very different to having an academy product playing at that level. Sarr necessarily has higher expectations based on his price tag and his pedigree
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    Gumbo said:

    I'd say 1 good game from the 4/5 I've seen he's nowhere near as good a Harry Lennon

    Remind me how many games Lennon has played in the Championship?
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    For what is worth I thought he played very well. Had he been one of our own and 22yrs old, people would be raving over him.

    Not knocking Sarr as I think he's got potential, but we apparently spent about £2m on him so it's very different to having an academy product playing at that level. Sarr necessarily has higher expectations based on his price tag and his pedigree
    But if we sold one of our own for (just) £2m, there would be uproar for letting him go on the cheap
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    Gumbo said:

    I'd say 1 good game from the 4/5 I've seen he's nowhere near as good a Harry Lennon

    Until Harry Lennon is given games at Centre half in CAFC 1st team
    You can't be sure ?
    Harry Lennon only start in the League for at Left back, which is not his position.
    Harry is 21 next month so is getting game time at Gillingham
    Nabby Sarr is now 22 so the time is now for him to show.
    Patrick Bauer is just 23 and is a more solid type.

    To let Morrison go on a free at 26 when TBH was always only going to stay for 1 season and Bikey always seem to lose form at every club he's ever been at was yet another bizarre action by CAFC in the last 2 years.
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Roland Out Forever!