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General things that confuse you



  • Pink fluff

    What's blue and fluffy
  • Go on...
  • What do you call a snail on a ship?

    Before anyone says wrong thread it's done to confuse you so you have to check if this is the jokes thread
  • I don't know ....?
  • A snailor

    Boom boom central fugal force
  • Fiiish said:

    Why someone would fax back a copy of an e-mail that they've printed out.

    Why fax is still a thing in general?

    "Hi, I need to send you a copy of a contract, can I scan it and email it to you?"
    "No, you need to fax it, we can't accept contract copies by email."
    "OK, by the way, I know what tomorrow's Euromillions numbers are, can I scan them and email them to you?"
    "Oh, yes please"
    HMRC don't "do" emails. Fax is the nearest thing to instant written communication you can get it seems.
  • Why on a weekday my kids have to literally be dragged out of bed, but on a Saturday and Sunday they are up at 6am running round, making loads of f***ing noise!!
  • Fiiish said:

    What confuses the hell out of me is how someone can go into an office toilet and think it is OK to do one or a combination of the following:

    - piss on the seat
    - piss on the floor
    - piss on the uplifted toilet seat cover so the piss sprays onto the walls and cistern
    - shit all over the bowl
    - block the toilet with at least 5 metres of bog roll
    - not bother to flush

    I'll be honest - most people in my office needed a degree to work here, or are working to get a degree. What the hell is wrong with people.

    And I've heard the ladies are even worse...every 6 months the ladies get a bollocking from the office manager for it...apparently someone managed to leave shit outside of a cubicle...fair play, never seen that in the gents.

    When I worked at HSBC at Canary Wharf and at The Home Office, both places where plenty of people have degrees, the Khazis were a disgrace, again you would think with the amount of 'educated' people there it would be better.
    I guess there is a massive difference between education and intelligence.
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  • Fiiish said:

    What confuses the hell out of me is how someone can go into an office toilet and think it is OK to do one or a combination of the following:

    - piss on the seat
    - piss on the floor
    - piss on the uplifted toilet seat cover so the piss sprays onto the walls and cistern
    - shit all over the bowl
    - block the toilet with at least 5 metres of bog roll
    - not bother to flush

    I'll be honest - most people in my office needed a degree to work here, or are working to get a degree. What the hell is wrong with people.

    And I've heard the ladies are even worse...every 6 months the ladies get a bollocking from the office manager for it...apparently someone managed to leave shit outside of a cubicle...fair play, never seen that in the gents.

    I had that same issue here in my office!!! Some bird had shit on the floor. Filth bag.
  • The ladies have always had more emails, warnings etc about the 'condition of the toilets' everywhere I've worked.

    You think that there'd be less scope for them to get it wrong.
  • I once worked somewhere that had a "phantom crapper". Suspected it was a bloke but often struck in the ladies. Surely the phantom couldn't have been a "she"?!
  • I once worked somewhere that had a "phantom crapper". Suspected it was a bloke but often struck in the ladies. Surely the phantom couldn't have been a "she"?!

    Was that their official "job" title?
  • The phantom crapper was never unmasked!
  • This is turning into a shit thread!!!
  • Pythagoras... Why is it a standard thing to teach in schools?
  • edited May 2015
    The whole Labour vs Conservatives debate...

    Where is the Labservative or the Conserbour party that is right down the middle of these two.
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  • When I worked at the Sadlers Wells refurb we had the Girthmonster
  • Dazzler21 said:

    The whole Labour vs Conservatives debate...

    Where is the Labservative or the Conserbour party that is right down the middle of these two.

    That's what grinning devil spawn tony Blair did
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Pythagoras... Why is it a standard thing to teach in schools?

    To be fair it's a pretty fundamental part of trigonometry, which makes up quite a bit of GCSE level mathematics.
  • I can see where this is going

    No, you probably won't use trigonometric equations in the real world, anymore than you'll need to know the periodic table.

    It proves to the teacher who is the Lord commander of your future, that you have the capacity to learn and to what level. A bit like a filter to stop dustmen becoming nuclear scientists by accident
  • People voting to put Miliband in power
  • People voting to put Miliband in power

    Or, alternatively, people not voting to kick the Tories out.
  • Why I buy an outer of 10 pairs of socks one week and by the end of the following week she's managed to lose one of each pair!?
  • brogib said:

    Why I buy an outer of 10 pairs of socks one week and by the end of the following week she's managed to lose one of each pair!?

    If you just buy ten pairs of black socks it's not an issue.
  • brogib said:

    Why I buy an outer of 10 pairs of socks one week and by the end of the following week she's managed to lose one of each pair!?

    If you just buy ten pairs of black socks it's not an issue.
    I'm from London so I only wear black sock in court.

    BUT, if you mean socks of the same colour, I can't, I have to wear different coloured sock kto put a bit of spice in me life. ; )
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