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Can we discuss "Severe Terror threats"

The news is a mess at the moment and I dont know what to make of it.

I understand this might be a sensitive, perhaps untenable subject, for some reason, but...

Is it genuinely something to worry about it? Are london commuters and or other uk public places under threat?


  • I think the Gov't want to confront IS in Iraq but know another war there would be incredibly unpopular at the moment so have increased the terror threat level to try and build support for British "boots on the ground".

    I don't doubt that there is a significant threat to the UK but I doubt it's much higher today than it was this time last week.
  • I'm sure I'm not the only one who received text messages last night reporting that an attack on the tube was expected today and that police were on high alert. Having looked at social media, it looks like it has done the rounds and there is probably no specific threat related to it.

    Was in Ireland for work last week, and they made us all check our hand luggage in rather than take it onto the plane with us.
  • Yes, I got that message this morning, about all police being recalled from leave and out today.

    I wondered whether it was bollocks as I didn't see one old bill from Chislehurst to Canary Wharf and it certainly didn't stop me getting on the tube.
  • Flew home from Portugal last night. When we landed, armed police got on. Couldn't see what was going on but we couldn't disembark before they'd finished.
  • The reports of Police being called in and specific threats are the usual internet bollocks made up by some sad person.
  • Worth reading what Paddy Ashdown had to say about it yesterday.

    Too much scaring the public going on
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  • Flew home from Portugal last night. When we landed, armed police got on. Couldn't see what was going on but we couldn't disembark before they'd finished.

    Was you on monarch flight from Faro ?
  • Worth reading what Paddy Ashdown had to say about it yesterday.

    Too much scaring the public going on

    To be honest there have always been those quick to try and create a panic through rumours, I was in central London during the height of the IRA bombing campaign, the problem now is that the internet fuels and widens the coverage of the internet trolls.
  • Curb_It said:

    Two cops walking the city this morning - massive pair of weapons.

  • Shag said:

    Flew home from Portugal last night. When we landed, armed police got on. Couldn't see what was going on but we couldn't disembark before they'd finished.

    Was you on monarch flight from Faro ?
    Yes, the 19:45
  • edited September 2014
    I was bloody livid, Northern Line (Charing X branch) was packed today as usual. Especially as these hoax texts had mentioned the West End, I thought loads commuters would be put off and I could bag myself a seat, it seems that was not the case.

    Oh well I made it to work in one piece.

    JR 1 Terrorists 0
  • If it's any comfort, and on reflection it probably isn't, the threat level in Northern Ireland has been at severe for a long time. They seem to get on with their lives on a day-to day basis. (Of course, it's a different threat from a different terrorist organisation).
  • Shag said:

    Flew home from Portugal last night. When we landed, armed police got on. Couldn't see what was going on but we couldn't disembark before they'd finished.

    Was you on monarch flight from Faro ?
    Yes, the 19:45
    I was on the same one mate . Apparently the pilot called them on cos as we came into land some prick shone a laser into the cockpit
  • That might explain why the central line was near empty this morning. Got my normal tube and the usually busy platform only had 3 people on it
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  • Unless something drastic happens, we won't be putting any "boots on the ground" until after next year's election.

    I reckon this has been done for 2 reasons:
    1 - Yes, there IS a threat and hi-lighting it to the public is a sensible precaution so that we are more vigilant.
    2 - It allows the Gov't (and it would be the same no matter what colour were in power) to claim the "we're looking after & protecting you" high ground in the run up to the election.
  • Whoever sends hoax like that really is an arsehole...

    For what I know "Severe" I believe means that there is a serious risk of a terrorist attack, although there is no actual intelligence that there is a specific plot.

    The increase to severe is because of the whole IS thing.
  • Sounds like a conspiracy to me.
  • I would very much like to know what BenHamersBeard99 thought about all this ...
  • edited September 2014
    Curb_It said:

    Two cops walking the city this morning - massive pair of weapons.

    More of this please girls...

    I get just as much pleasure out of girls attempting sexual innuendo as I do boys (if not more actually) !
  • Who's nervy?

    We're British for goodness sake.
  • At the moment UK and US are itching for an excuse to pile troops back into the Middle East. They know the public won't back them, but if an attack happens..........
  • edited September 2014
    I honestly think the UK govt can't think of anything worse than having to pile troops back into the middle east. First time round it distracted a lot of attention from sleaze and was Tony's attempt to do a Maggie, but I think Decameron and Millionairband both recognise it would be incredibly unpopular at home - I think the public's taste for middle eastern adventures is pretty low after over 10 years of media coverage, civilian deaths abroad and servicemens and womens deaths at home and wage cuts, service cuts and no apparent respite in the near future.
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