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***The Takeover thread mk. 3.0 (IT"S NOT DONE - BUT YOU HAVE BEEN!!!)***



  • As far as I'm aware PV never had a bid in,and I think you have it wrong ANgeldust was alluding to him.
  • edited January 2014
    But didnt that Angeldust fellah comment the deal was off or in doubt only 48hrs ago?

    The Standard Liege fan I spoke to today said that they were initially unhappy with him but that seems to have settled down now and that as a proactive fan base were quite content to hate previous owners, dislike current ones and be suspicious of any potential new ones....

    None of us know how the next few years will pan out but I am more optimistic than I have been for a long while.

  • He isn't a Charlton supporter, but the way he gets his return is by making us successful and selling us - If somebody can come up with a different easier way then maybe we should worry. It doesn't really matter what he does with other clubs as situations are different. Standard are top of the Belgian league, I don't see how that can be painted as bad.
  • Avram grant hes coming for you
  • Nah until a Charlton fan wins £100 million on the lottery I will never be happy
  • I think Chris Powell will be given time and space unless he fails spectacularly with the new additions that are incoming.
  • You go away for a weekend in the wilds of Norfolk with poor internet signal and all hell's let loose.

    Happy days. Lots of beer tonight and lots of catching up on Monday.


    Is that you making all that noise in my local pub celebrating the take over?
    Where in the wilds of Norfolk are you?
  • God sake, give the bloke a chance, he's taken over and immediately bolstered our squad.

    With all due respect English football is a totally different ball game to Belgian football, and I think RD will know this.

    I will save my judgement until He's been in control at least a year< /del>

  • Dudu Dahan (who is on Twitter) wow , someone need to get some potential signings info from this fella quick....
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  • I don't think anyone is complaining, just a bit wary about his reputation. If you heard your daughter was going on a date with an alleged wife beater would you wait patiently to see with your own eyes etc. Not a great analogy, but hopefully you get what I mean. If he's pissed off fans of the other club's he's owned I'd like to know about it.
    But I repeat, I'm not complaining and at the moment I'm pleased it's happened.
  • Thank f**k we got bought before we went bust! Now Mr. D. just give our boy Powell a chance, I have a dream that with a little cash we can win the league again next season, just a striker or two, a couple in midfield and maybe two new faces in defence, not more than half a team at the most :-) and then we really will get our Charlton back.
  • i used to love this forum.. some of the posts on here are beyond me.. weve been screaming for a takeover it happens and its not even been 24hrs and people are moaning and looking to find fault. as for the comments on the loan signing thread the latest someone claiming powelly has said he dosnt fancey him is beyond comical. i despair for some of you and just wonder how you function in reaility. u could win the euros and stil moan and find fault. take a deep breath give the guy a bloody chance before u cruxify him. keep all your negative depressing ive herd this and that guff for ittv pls.

    Are there any Clubs that are happy with their owners, r are fans in general just a bunch of whingers when watching owners spend their money?

  • i used to love this forum.. some of the posts on here are beyond me.. weve been screaming for a takeover it happens and its not even been 24hrs and people are moaning and looking to find fault. as for the comments on the loan signing thread the latest someone claiming powelly has said he dosnt fancey him is beyond comical. i despair for some of you and just wonder how you function in reaility. u could win the euros and stil moan and find fault. take a deep breath give the guy a bloody chance before u cruxify him. keep all your negative depressing ive herd this and that guff for ittv pls.

    This. Moaning for moanings sake is a very difficult habit to break. Beware.
  • in an ideal world the other fans would be sucking him off saying what a top bloke he has been to their clubs and we'd all be pulling ourselves off saying ooooh aaaaah great we're so lucky
    the reports aren't great about him but we'll have to judge him in the long run on what he does to our Charlton
    lets not forget there was plenty of cock sucking of TJ and Slater after the promotion from League One but that was a bit of premature ejaculation as well

    *sorry for the crude language but niceties aren't my scene *

    You can get nice ties at tie rack !

  • edited January 2014
    my take on CL's view on RD

    10% sucking him off...... 10% pulling him off...... 80% punching him in the nuts
  • Quality Fanny.
  • Great thread, thanks all.

    I'm very much glass half full about Rolly. As VFF says we were heading for relegation, administration, possibly a drop into League 2 and maybe Greenwich Park- who knows? The new owner means we avoid this at least for a few years at worse. I'll take that.

    Happy to give Roland D the benefit of the doubt. Because of his business model he's more susceptible to supporter activism than TJ & Slater and so we need to build up our supporter networks and our links to supporters from our sister clubs.

    We mustn't fall prey to knee jerk negativity in my view. There's a good chance that our interests are aligned and if not let's be prepared to show him that South London's finest are no mugs.

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  • I would suggest that all Charlton fans give RD a chance, judge him by his actions rather than hearsay, and keep the gloom and doom for the Ashes thread...
  • Quality Fanny.

    Nice... but hard to find.
    Like :-)
  • Sitting in Val D'isere watching the news so that was a surprise to have a report of such length.

    Very good news to get off the slopes to as well.

    Razil spoke very well, does Ian Wallis post on here? He also spoke well.

    Bizarre. I was also sitting in val d'isere watching it!
  • in an ideal world the other fans would be sucking him off saying what a top bloke he has been to their clubs and we'd all be pulling ourselves off saying ooooh aaaaah great we're so lucky
    the reports aren't great about him but we'll have to judge him in the long run on what he does to our Charlton
    lets not forget there was plenty of cock sucking of TJ and Slater after the promotion from League One but that was a bit of premature ejaculation as well

    *sorry for the crude language but niceties aren't my scene *

    You can get nice ties at tie rack !

    Not after 27th December last year you can't!
  • Some of the conspiracy theories amaze me: 'RD just wants to take over The Valley and charge CAFC to use it'. Well, we, as a club, are in significant debt and lose money each year (meaning that the owner either has to put in more and more money each year or persuade someone to lend ever more) so who, in there right mind, would lend us even more money each year solely for RD to put it on his pocket?

    'He will lend us players from his other clubs that are no good' - what would be the good of that??? It is still expensive to move players to different countries for a time.

    I, for one, hope that he wants to run things in a sensible, profitable fashion (better that than the opposite) because the only way for him to make a profit is for us to be in a better position when he leaves than when he arrived, probably by being in the Premiership.

    As others have said - give the guy a chance!

    I, for one, hope that he wants
  • edited January 2014
    If you think about SL they are one of the bigger name clubs in Europe probably one of biggest in Belgium so the fans are used to more success and have probably had other owners splashing the cash in the past. They are used to buying Million plus players so along comes Roland with his mathematical, cautious approach so they clearly are not used to this type of ownership. We on the other hand are fairly used to not much in the way of named players, have been a selling club etc so maybe this guy's approach would be better for us and slowly build from the bottom up which I believe S & J started and let Powell & Hart manage. Good business sense
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Roland Out Forever!