A Most likely not but we will ask for donations Q When will we be open?
A As it is a volunteer initiative is depends on when we have volunteers.
We will try to open on matchdays but that has two issues. As the museum is in the north stand it can't be open when the turnstyles are open.
Also the museum is quite small and couldn't cope with 100s of people at the same time. So we're looking at Saturday mornings, possibly by appointment, as well as a couple of regular weekday afternoon/evenings to start off with. Q I live abroad but would like to see the museum when I'm over.
A If we can we'll try and let people see the museum. Just get in touch and we'll try and work something out.
Q Why is the club spending money on a museum when it needs a new centre forward?
A The club hasn't spent anything on the museum. All the costs so far have been met from donations from individuals and fans' groups such as the Fans' Forum as well as money raised from auctions etc.
Charlton Life played a big part in this so thanks to AFKA, Lookie and everyone else who helped.
The club have helped and supported the idea and given us a disused space but it has always been on the basis of a zero budget from the club. Q If you are open why are you still asking for money?
A. We have only a fraction of the items we have on display and we have so much stuff that needs to be properly catalogued and stored.
We also need to improve the displays, get a proper audio/visual room and crucially make sure the cabinets are secure. All that costs money as will bigger, better and more secure museum standard display cabinets.
Q Can I still donate items to the museum?
A Yes, at any time. We can't promise to display every item and we may have duplicates but everything is welcome. The more unusual the item (the floodlight is a good example) the better.
We don't have, for example much 60s and 70s stuff other than photographs, programmes and handbooks. Other fan stuff from that era would be good but anything is welcome.
Q I'd like to sponsor a cabinet in the name of my company?
A More than happy to listen to any suggestions or ideas such as this. Email mick.everett@cafc.co.uk
Q Where can I find out more about the museum and see photos and updates
Can I also say that this is very much been a group effort.
I was asked to help put together a group of people to help and found some great people with a very varied skills mix.
Others have volunteered subsequently such as cafc999. Without @revellinit's drilling skills we would have never opened. Mr Fanackapan also wields a mean black and decker. @Cruicky21 still has nightmares about carrying museum cabinets down from Nottingham.
But there is one man who deserves the most credit
There is one man who keep the flame alive, who hoarded away items, nagged successive ownerships and CEOs about having a museum and believed that one day the idea of a museum would be a reality.
Without him none of this would have happened and even more of our history would have been thrown on a skip never to be seen again.
That man is Mick Everett and he should take huge pride, and receive huge plaudits, for what he has achieved.
seems it really took off after i returned the players coat hooks and numbers circa '84,along with some photographic evidence ! but you ain't seen me right?
Shame you were pissed as usual so they were all taken from the wrong angle.
Q Will we charge?
A Most likely not but we will ask for donations
Q When will we be open?
A As it is a volunteer initiative is depends on when we have volunteers.
We will try to open on matchdays but that has two issues. As the museum is in the north stand it can't be open when the turnstyles are open.
Also the museum is quite small and couldn't cope with 100s of people at the same time. So we're looking at Saturday mornings, possibly by appointment, as well as a couple of regular weekday afternoon/evenings to start off with.
Q I live abroad but would like to see the museum when I'm over.
A If we can we'll try and let people see the museum. Just get in touch and we'll try and work something out.
Q Why is the club spending money on a museum when it needs a new centre forward?
A The club hasn't spent anything on the museum. All the costs so far have been met from donations from individuals and fans' groups such as the Fans' Forum as well as money raised from auctions etc.
Charlton Life played a big part in this so thanks to AFKA, Lookie and everyone else who helped.
The club have helped and supported the idea and given us a disused space but it has always been on the basis of a zero budget from the club.
Q If you are open why are you still asking for money?
A. We have only a fraction of the items we have on display and we have so much stuff that needs to be properly catalogued and stored.
We also need to improve the displays, get a proper audio/visual room and crucially make sure the cabinets are secure. All that costs money as will bigger, better and more secure museum standard display cabinets.
Q Can I still donate items to the museum?
A Yes, at any time. We can't promise to display every item and we may have duplicates but everything is welcome. The more unusual the item (the floodlight is a good example) the better.
We don't have, for example much 60s and 70s stuff other than photographs, programmes and handbooks. Other fan stuff from that era would be good but anything is welcome.
Q I'd like to sponsor a cabinet in the name of my company?
A More than happy to listen to any suggestions or ideas such as this. Email mick.everett@cafc.co.uk
Q Where can I find out more about the museum and see photos and updates
A @Chathmuseum
Q is there bank account where I can make a donation?
Account Name: The Charlton Athletic Museum
Sort Code: 60-16-03
Account No: 7377 2593
I was asked to help put together a group of people to help and found some great people with a very varied skills mix.
Others have volunteered subsequently such as cafc999. Without @revellinit's drilling skills we would have never opened. Mr Fanackapan also wields a mean black and decker. @Cruicky21 still has nightmares about carrying museum cabinets down from Nottingham.
But there is one man who deserves the most credit
There is one man who keep the flame alive, who hoarded away items, nagged successive ownerships and CEOs about having a museum and believed that one day the idea of a museum would be a reality.
Without him none of this would have happened and even more of our history would have been thrown on a skip never to be seen again.
That man is Mick Everett and he should take huge pride, and receive huge plaudits, for what he has achieved.
Well done Mick.
PS we had loads of wine left over as we ordered expecting you to be there : - )
600th follower wins Clive Mendonca's boots from the play-off final*
*not a real prize
From 38.00 onwards.
Spot the lifers in the background shots
Find out what new name was suggested for Selhurst Park in 1985 on the twitter feed now
If there are any generous Addicks who want to buy them and then donate them to the Museum we'd be very grateful.
700th following wins free entry to the museum.
Regular updates on new items and events as well as features on old players and managers.
over 710 followers now. It matters when you are applying for lottery funding.
Trying to catch up with the 797 Charlton first teamers
1000 by Christmas and we can get a place on the Fans' Forum : - )
There must be 15 people reading this who are on twitter and don't yet follow us.
Make some museum trustees happy this Christmas.