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this is what i heard today please comment

edited October 2012 in General Charlton
chris powell would of been sacked if we had not beaten blackpool
harry rednapp has been to 3 home games as directors guest?
Jimenez wants harry as manager
scp wants to do things straight(thats why they want him out)
The 3 sacked/walked including RE would not buy in to dodgy dealings
we are on the brink of ..............................................



  • I will comment.............................Piss Off
  • Where did you hear this from Bert?

  • edited October 2012
    1. Maybe
    2. Really? - I'd be surprised or someone would have reported it here
    3. Maybe
    4. Of course he does (maybe so)
    5. But why have none of them said anything to that effect?
    6. Of what - playing my pac man game?
  • Source , Bert ?

  • harry rednapp has been to 3 home games as directors guest?

    twitchin bluddy jinx!
  • edited October 2012

    Source , Bert ?

    No. He's had enough already by the sound of it !
  • With stilladdicted's eagle eyes peering in from just outside the Directors' Box, I'd be very surprised if she'd failed to spot the Twitching One !
  • Sponsored links:

  • Now go back into your little bubble
  • Redknapp... oh please.
  • just saying what i heard today before game,of course its probably bollocks,who knows,there is only at a guess 300 of us on here and when i tell of rumours on here to people who dont know cl they all know more
  • im on the edge of glory
  • did you spend time in the North Upper toilets at half time ?? I believe its not just fags that are smoked in there & you must have had a few puffs to spout that load of bollox !!
  • The people will remember him
  • just saying what i heard today before game,of course its probably bollocks,who knows,there is only at a guess 300 of us on here and when i tell of rumours on here to people who dont know cl they all know more

    that is because there are some genuine people on here who are in the know..............2 of which have left the club during the past week. As Fanny says, if Harry had been to just 1 game I'm sure someone would have seen him & posted it on here before you could have twitched !!!

  • BP is saying what he heard. He is not saying he believed it. He also made this clear in his second posting in this thread.
    Bit more care when reading other's posts please.
  • Add 10,000 to the gate and the bull rises exponentially.
  • nolly said:

    im on the edge of glory

    Knocking one out?
  • Sponsored links:

  • .

    Seeing that pic has made my day

  • Why slag BP off for posting. Believe it or don't believe it but don't abuse him for posting in good faith. Bert thanks for posting what you heard. I hope and suspect its way wide of the mark.
  • There's only one reason why Harry would come here and that's money. Seeing as everyone is saying we haven't got any, I expect him to start on Monday.
  • I sit right next to the Directors' Box and can confirm that Harry Redknapp has not been sighted there during the past three games.
  • Why slag BP off for posting. Believe it or don't believe it but don't abuse him for posting in good faith. Bert thanks for posting what you heard. I hope and suspect its way wide of the mark.

    This. It's a forum where people share ideas, thoughts, what they've heard etc. Ignore it, don't believe it, take it on board or whatever else you might want to do with the info but don't start abusing or shooting people down. What possible harm is bert doing by posting this?
  • Well there was a rumour in the East Stand that the Bovril was not at the right temperature.
  • So easy to slag someone off behind the keyboard but face to face is another matter.
  • Gammysnr said:

    Well there was a rumour in the East Stand that the Bovril was not at the right temperature.

    The temperature at which water boils depends on pressure, as the ground had no atmosphere the water temperature would be a lot lower when "boiling".
  • A guy behind me in the lower west said he had heard that Richard Branson was interested in buying us (genuinely). I said that was vigin on the ridiculous...
  • I posted what i heard on here to see if anyone else had heard any similar rumours/whispers obviously i should always just disregard what im told unless its from someone In The Know on here.So if those ITK dont Know then there is nothing to Know.sorry for interrupting your forum
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