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Tony Jiminez; the case for the defence



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    edited October 2012

    If only they had kept that PR man they paraded at the takeover around.

    I'm sure we'll see him again when something substantial happens.
    True, not as if we've added or lost any directors in the last few months.

    You aint seen nothing yet.. ;-)
    Yes, a reliable source has told me that we are getting 3 new directors.

    Backman, Turner and Overdrive I believe their names are.
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    LenGlover said:

    If only they had kept that PR man they paraded at the takeover around.

    I'm sure we'll see him again when something substantial happens.
    True, not as if we've added or lost any directors in the last few months.

    You aint seen nothing yet.. ;-)
    Yes, a reliable source has told me that we are getting 3 new directors.

    Backman, Turner and Overdrive I believe their names are.
    No, they're the clubs new firm of solicitors
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    A very interesting post - thanks for taking the trouble, Prague.

    So, some extremely valid points here - no one is surprised by that (especially after the season we have just had, and for that he certainly deserves our gratitude). But Charlton is a special club with many fans bonded together by a struggle for its existence during those dark days of exile. As such, most fans know their history and appreciate the part that certain individuals played in it - you cannot get rid of someone like Airman and expect people not to get upset and worried about where the club may be heading as a consequence. The current board has saved us from the unthinkable and delivered unprecedented success on the field, as well as keeping the ship afloat this season without selling some of our best assets. Anyone who doesn't feel that we owe them a debt of thanks for this needs their head testing. The vast majority on here are intelligent and aware enough to know that simply attacking the board may come across as ungrateful and would also achieve nothing except creating more ill feeling. However, it is naive to expect them not to want to voice concerns about what has happened this week. It is possible to 'stand up for RE' as well as recognising the role that TJ has played in turning the club around.
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    A very interesting post - thanks for taking the trouble, Prague.

    So, some extremely valid points here - no one is surprised by that (especially after the season we have just had, and for that he certainly deserves our gratitude). But Charlton is a special club with many fans bonded together by a struggle for its existence during those dark days of exile. As such, most fans know their history and appreciate the part that certain individuals played in it - you cannot get rid of someone like Airman and expect people not to get upset and worried about where the club may be heading as a consequence. The current board has saved us from the unthinkable and delivered unprecedented success on the field, as well as keeping the ship afloat this season without selling some of our best assets. Anyone who doesn't feel that we owe them a debt of thanks for this needs their head testing. The vast majority on here are intelligent and aware enough to know that simply attacking the board may come across as ungrateful and would also achieve nothing except creating more ill feeling. However, it is naive to expect them not to want to voice concerns about what has happened this week. It is possible to 'stand up for RE' as well as recognising the role that TJ has played in turning the club around.

    If there was a"like" button I'd press it.
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    edited October 2012
    Prague - be honest now. Did you ghost write Ashley Cole's autobiography?

    Can someone please start a new thread when the 'I Love TJ' badges are ready.
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    Recent pic of Prague Addick
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    New Chief exec.

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    Recent pic of Prague Addick

    T-shirts on auction soon ... watch this space ;-)
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    Prague is telling porkies. This was actually said by TJ and was recorded to be shown on CAFC player later in the week.
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    stonemuse said:


    Recent pic of Prague Addick

    T-shirts on auction soon ... watch this space ;-)

    Ha ha, I hadn't thought of that but now you've said it.......................
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    DRF said:

    Funny that other people have said almost all of this in other threads and been completely shot down in flames but someone claims they are a little in the know and suddenly its all accepted with love and kisses.


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    Some seem to think there have may of been a couple of 'show downs' between Powell and TJ. After his statement about the board stumping up considerable cash to bring in Fuller, I'm wondering if CP dug his heels in and told TJ get him here or I go. Up until his signing, we had not 'splashed' any proper money apart from Wilson.
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    Incognito, you utter nutter. I'm crying with laughter
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    I quite like the idea that TJ has said most if not all of that

    Respect where it's due we wanted to know to make our own minds up

    If I was TJ and I have done what the post says then I think my response would be pretty similar

    I may have handled the fans differently because I am a Charlton fan and not a business man

    It's a ballsy statement to make and like I believe Prague in things that he has posted previously I have no reason to disbelieve that this is true

    There were 3 things for me that I was worried about

    1 admin

    2 SCP

    3 no real long term plan

    If we are to believe this as true and if that is the case then we must have to accept that Honest Tony ( sounded very east London car dealer in the post ) has stated facts and his ambition

    If he sticks to point 1 and 2 then I am happy point 3 could be taking care of itself by maintaining points 1and 2

    I also think that he made several real valid points in which I agree
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    I quite like the idea that TJ has said most if not all of that

    Respect where it's due we wanted to know to make our own minds up

    Let's be very clear about this in case some people are not

    This is NOT TJ writing, or based on a conversation PA has had as TJ

    This is PA character writing, imagining what TJ would say if he was in his shoes

    I think.... :-)

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    im not the sharpest tool in the box but surely nobody actually thought that was TJ talking??!
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    bet some did.
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    Tune in Next week. Peter Varney gets the Prague treatment. ;-)
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    wheres JT with one of his simon cowell roll of the eyes thingys
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    Tune in Next week. Peter Varney gets the Prague treatment. ;-)

    cant wait :-)
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    Only Danny Dyer talks like that and no one on here thinks TJ would talk like that...
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    Shame it is not true

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    I have no idea what to say but if this has any basis in reality then I am a little encouraged. Lets all just wait and see how things pan out. I am hopping Rick comments on this.
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    I quite like the idea that TJ has said most if not all of that

    Respect where it's due we wanted to know to make our own minds up

    Let's be very clear about this in case some people are not

    This is NOT TJ writing, or based on a conversation PA has had as TJ

    This is PA character writing, imagining what TJ would say if he was in his shoes

    I think.... :-)

    Indeedy, AFKA but after checking , Prague does state that his piece is based on a conversation he had with someone who does know Tony ( note the softening & familiarity in which I use his name) Hence, I am assuming a deal of what "he" says has some credence.

    Hands up & confession time, I think.

    I have definitely been in the " something lurking in the woodpile" camp on here but in my defence, I believed ( and still do believe to some extent) that what those ITK have told us had an element of truth. It may well be that Chris Solly WAS on his way to the Boleyn , and/or that we wanted Sam Baldock - they could well have been facts but situations change , possibly overnight and it could be that a certain manager made sure his voice was heard in any negotiations . I believe it was Covered End who summarised the rumours on here earlier, and one was that SCP was threatening to walk on more than one occasion during the summer. Could this have been due to the "threat" from the Board to sell Mr 5ft 3 in which case Prague has told us one side of the story.

    I read that SCP gave a positive mention of Tony at last night's meeting, regarding Ricardo Fuller's wages - credit where credit's due, of course and well done to Chris for making sure everyone knew . That's news that will travel positively, I'm sure. What he didn't state ( because that's the honourable man we have in charge) was whether Tony tries/wants to influence his decisions regarding team selection which could be one of the reasons "Tony/Prague" states that the "geezer won't talk to me about the game" . Another possibility of 2 sides to every story ?

    On the other hand, it's difficult , even impossible to dispute that Tony has put a "shedload" of money into the Club and as others have always been quick to point out, where would we have been if he & Mr Cash hadn't made their invaluable investments back in 2011. Unlike, Rick, I have met Tony , at last season's POTY and made sure I thanked him for his involvement in our Club as I had done earlier with Michael Slater. But, "he who pays the piper " etc .....

    Then we come to the departures of Messrs Varney, Kavanagh and Everett. And here, my defence has to rest, m'lud. All 3 are very honourable & trustworthy men who maybe "fell on their swords " for the cause they believed in and which was, possibly , veering off the rails in their opinion. But, much as I wish they were still employed by the Club, as Tony/Prague states, he is the boss ... The worrying character trait that Tone allegedly seems to have is that he appears to fall out with people more than the average guy and following the demise of the aforementioned , I believe this contributed to the rumour concerning the gaffer's position. We fans are rightly incredibly protective of the Legend that is our Manager and Tony/Prague seems to appreciate this - just as well ! But there is this niggle in the back of my mind that one day his patience may run out with Sir Chris about some aspect of his management and I guess others in my "camp" are worried about the outcome too .

    Regarding the Trust - I just don't know what to think. Yes, we, the fans do need some point of communication with the Club over all kinds of issues and a strong Trust with some money behind it could be the Club's saving grace IF things go badly wrong in the future. I don't profess to know the ins & outs /pros & cons of the issue so I'll leave it there. But what I believe Tony has failed to take on board is that communication as opposed to silence may have saved a lot of people a lot of stress and possible misinterpretation of what's going on at our Club. And, as a result , won him more friends than detractors. I believe that Craig, who represented the VIPs on the FF has recently written to MS & MP regarding status of that group following Rick's departure and the lack of a CEO at Charlton. It will be interesting to hear their responses which will be cascaded to all on here ...will this line of communication between Board & fans remain ? If not, then silence will be well & truly golden!

    Finally, as I believe someone posted following Prague's piece, maybe PE was/is due to take his place in the incomplete jigsaw as Tony's means of communicating with us, his customers. A former Charlton player, a respected guy in his own right due to work off the field - acceptable to both current fans and to the manager ? And a worthy addition to the Board as a recognisable "face" to future investors ? Who knows , certainly not me. All I do know is that there will be more twists and turns in this saga before too long and , like the recent enthralling BBC series, we may uncover whether Tony is indeed "The Good Cop" !
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    Most bonkers thread I have ever read on here.

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    Most bonkers thread I have ever read on here.

    I've gotta agree.

    It's gone from people worrying about something thats goin on we have no facts about, to people's minds being put at rest by an imaginary conversation lol
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    Reminded me of when Richard Madeley took off Ali G a little bit.
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    Got to admit, it's good fun though
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