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Danny Murphy Of Blackburn Rovers



  • you wish us to be more like millwall?! really?
  • edited October 2012
    this type of thing goes on at grounds up and down the country week in week out. the club isnt gonna have its reputation tarnished when a few hundred people call a former spongers wife a whore.
    next time the whole crowd sing the referee is a wanker will that bother you in the same way? i mean, we cant have adults swearing infront of children can we? or is it acceptable because its the referee and nobody likes them.
    we have the 'nicest' set of supporters in the league, so i dont really see why this is being made into such a big thing. it wont happen till murphy comes back to the valley, which will probably be never.
  • people are so precious.

    Murphy prob woke up yesterday and smoked a cuban cigar in his four poster bed while his missus took a dump in her gold plated khazi and wiped her arse with a £50 note. i cant imagine they are that bothered what a few charlton fans sung for 90 minutes the day before.

    I couldn't give a crap about what danny murphy does at the weekend, although you seem to have thought about it a lot. I dont care whether it bothered him at all or his mrs. It bothered me.

    What I do care about, and if you had bothered to read people's posts above properly, is that there are idiots that follow our club that think that a song like that is 'funny'.

    I don't wish to be asssociated with these people, and I dont want the reputation of the club to be damaged by these moronic chants on a scale wider than in the ground on saturday afternoon. My knickers are not in a twist, I'm not uptight, I'm not precious, I just find it embarrassing that it was sung by supporters of my club.
    Reputation of the club? FFS they have hardly started a riot.
    It's not the first time you will hear a chant you don't like, and it won't be the last. Get over it.
  • you wish us to be more like millwall?! really?

    Suzi, yes it does seem that some of our 'fans' want us to be more like Millwall, a club I detest with a passion. Maybe we will be a feeder Club and they will go down the The Den once they have dragged us into the gutter too.

  • this type of thing goes on at grounds up and down the country week in week out. the club isnt gonna have its reputation tarnished when a few hundred people call a former spongers wife a whore.
    next time the whole crowd sing the referee is a wanker will that bother you in the same way? i mean, we cant have adults swearing infront of children can we? or is it acceptable because its the referee and nobody likes them.
    we have the 'nicest' set of supporters in the league, so i dont really see why this is being made into such a big thing. it wont happen till murphy comes back to the valley, which will probably be when he takes over as manager never.

  • Can't stick the notion that this has all happened suddenly. When I started going to football in Scotland chanting about terrorist murders was quite the thing. When I came down here there was a lot of racist chanting and the Wheels of the Bus song were doing the rounds. More recently there's been pretty bad abuse handed out to the likes of Le Saux. I think we have to be greatful that things have moved on, and I get what Suzi is saying, but you've got to be careful that football isn't sanitized and the the atmosphere that actually attracted many new fans to the game gets diluted. Anywhere where there's a crowd of thousands of people there'll be some geniuses, some idiots. It's not a new thing if people shout rude things at football. Culturally it's always been a place where people could go and let themselves go a bit. That's not always a positive thing, but it's what makes the atmosphere better than any other sport.
  • people are so precious.

    Murphy prob woke up yesterday and smoked a cuban cigar in his four poster bed while his missus took a dump in her gold plated khazi and wiped her arse with a £50 note. i cant imagine they are that bothered what a few charlton fans sung for 90 minutes the day before.

    I couldn't give a crap about what danny murphy does at the weekend, although you seem to have thought about it a lot. I dont care whether it bothered him at all or his mrs. It bothered me.

    What I do care about, and if you had bothered to read people's posts above properly, is that there are idiots that follow our club that think that a song like that is 'funny'.

    I don't wish to be asssociated with these people, and I dont want the reputation of the club to be damaged by these moronic chants on a scale wider than in the ground on saturday afternoon. My knickers are not in a twist, I'm not uptight, I'm not precious, I just find it embarrassing that it was sung by supporters of my club.
    Who do you think you are to say what people should and shouldn't sing? And also to call people morons who don't have the same view as you? You have no argument when you are blatantly being hypocritical
  • this type of thing goes on at grounds up and down the country week in week out. the club isnt gonna have its reputation tarnished when a few hundred people call a former spongers wife a whore.
    next time the whole crowd sing the referee is a wanker will that bother you in the same way? i mean, we cant have adults swearing infront of children can we? or is it acceptable because its the referee and nobody likes them.
    we have the 'nicest' set of supporters in the league, so i dont really see why this is being made into such a big thing. it wont happen till murphy comes back to the valley, which will probably be never.

    it's only being made into a big thing because people who think it is fine to sing that keep replying to this thread wondering why people are so bothered by it. If you dont understand why, then fine. Don't be surprised that some people do think it is wrong to call someone's wife a whore.
  • I tell you what Robbo - if you look on Google maps, you'll find that the new den is only a few miles away from the valley. Not sure why you're bothering to pitch up to our place when your heart clearly lies elsewhere. Depending on where you live, it might even be cheaper/quicker for you to get to. Cheerio.
  • people are so precious.

    Murphy prob woke up yesterday and smoked a cuban cigar in his four poster bed while his missus took a dump in her gold plated khazi and wiped her arse with a £50 note. i cant imagine they are that bothered what a few charlton fans sung for 90 minutes the day before.

    I couldn't give a crap about what danny murphy does at the weekend, although you seem to have thought about it a lot. I dont care whether it bothered him at all or his mrs. It bothered me.

    What I do care about, and if you had bothered to read people's posts above properly, is that there are idiots that follow our club that think that a song like that is 'funny'.

    I don't wish to be asssociated with these people, and I dont want the reputation of the club to be damaged by these moronic chants on a scale wider than in the ground on saturday afternoon. My knickers are not in a twist, I'm not uptight, I'm not precious, I just find it embarrassing that it was sung by supporters of my club.
    Reputation of the club? FFS they have hardly started a riot.
    It's not the first time you will hear a chant you don't like, and it won't be the last. Get over it.
    It's also not the first time people on this forum have dared voice their dislike to a chant from the north upper. Get yourself over it.
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  • Also it's all of two lines in a small article about it, it will not tarnish any reputation
  • Also it's all of two lines in a small article about it, it will not tarnish any reputation

    Well it certainly won't enhance it!

  • edited October 2012
    Well that kind of chanting isn't going to stop so I wouldn't kick up such a fuss about it
  • Isn't this an identical thread to the rights and wrongs of the Addams Family song? Some like, some don't, "what do you expect at a football match?" etc. Oh well, it gives us something to talk about.
  • One of the reasons why racist chanting is not acceptable any more is that other people have objected to it and anyone starting a racist chant is likely to be shot down (not literally) by fellow supporters.

    Why, when so many of us found Saturday's chants about Danny Murphy's wife so unacceptable, should we keep quiet about it?
  • One of the reasons why racist chanting is not acceptable any more is that other people have objected to it and anyone starting a racist chant is likely to be shot down (not literally) by fellow supporters.

    Why, when so many of us found Saturday's chants about Danny Murphy's wife so unacceptable, should we keep quiet about it?

    ill ask again then, do you find chanting that the referee is a wanker acceptable?
  • edited October 2012
    I don't think everyone actually knows the background to this;

    Danny Murphy's wife original claim to fame was as an actress on Hollyoaks, she had a few other subsequent acting roles before being taken on by The Times to write her very own newspaper column from a 'footballer's wife' perspective.

    It is widely accepted by many Charlton fans that Danny Murphy's wife had something to do with his decision to leave Charlton. Alan Curbishley himself is quoted as saying that Danny's motivations were that of his wife not being happy at the number of movie premiers they were getting invited to with Danny playing at Charlton.

    Writing in her column after Danny left;

    "Danny has got a lot of stick from some Charlton fans and from Curbishley for suggesting that Tottenham are a bigger club. The fact is they do have a bigger ground and more fans than Charlton."

    Danny Murphy was also quoted himself shortly after, also in The Times, bashing the quantity of Charlton away support and acclaiming the effect of playing for a bigger club with more away fans.

    Factually true, but did nothing to dispel the undercurrent of bad-feeling towards the pair.

    Whilst I can see people's point with those taking kids finding it less than ideal, the song is hardly worse than many of our historic songs regarding Palace/Millwall, which have been sung whilst building this family friendly club. I do agree that the song was crude and I would have preferred if a classy/witty anecdote could have been found, but such is life - song composition has never been our strong point!

    Danny and his wife were always going to take some flak, especially after his poor performance at Fulham and with his decision to stop taking corners in front of our fans after a while. If she was out of the public eye and it had not been so publically suggested that she was the reason for him leaving and the pair hadn't published neg in the press - then I'd feel the song unjustified, but in this case I find it... expected?

    Fact also remains, if she didn't want attention, she wouldn't be writing about it in a footballer’s wife newspaper column.
  • Been going on for years.

    Peter Shilton used to get asked by way of a song at every away ground if his mistress took it up the ar*e, he used to turn round to the crowd, laugh and nod his head.

  • edited October 2012
    Posh spice is a slapper she doenst miss a stunt and when he is playing with her tits she dreams of Andy Hunt

    Now also Banned

    Booooooooooo all you holy people i hope your farts smell of roses so they dont offend anyone
  • Almost as disgraceful as calling a Southend steward fat.
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  • My saturday is normally pub, then North Upper, but sat in the East with my 12yr old niece on Saturday, and it is amazing how different your approach to everything is when you have kids with you.

    It was tried to get off the ground 3-4 times before it properly took enough, and I sat there waiting for the comment that was to come "what are they singing ?". There must have been hundreds of parents or others taking kids who were asked that question at that point.

    "I can't work out what they're saying" was my response. I'd had a bit of time to think about it in anticipation, and i've no problem with telling her what it was. It was more the fact that as i was actually thinking about it, it seemed so, well, ridiculous. "They're calling his wife a whore" just plays no real semblence to a football match, and just a nastier version of some form of 'your mum' insult.

    I wasn't outraged, though. I don't think anyone was. Think it was cheap, childish, classless etc, but no one was outraged, and there was a collective laugh in the East on the first clear time everyone else could work out what was said. Just all trying a bit to hard to Millwall-ish if you ask me, which strangely some seem to want.

    Perhaps i am simply too idealogic in my thoughts / hopes that we historically have a bit more class and humour to our abusing of the oppo. When i think of some of the banter / abuse people like Carlton Cole, David Speedie, Robbie Savage etc have taken over the years, it can be done without sinking to the cheap bottom line and have the desired effect.


  • i am Danny Murphy
  • Markive said:

    Danny Murphy was also quoted himself shortly after, also in The Times, bashing the quantity of Charlton away support


    As did Deano around the same time!

    As you say, totally factual.

    But Deano would have got a standing ovation if he was playing for Blackburn on Sat.
  • no one likes the truth
  • Markive, I remember the away support bashing (of which he has a point) but then he signed for the only club in the history of the Premiership with a worse away support than ours :)

    As for the main debate, I have been going to football for 28 years and have seen and heard some cracking chants to abuse players, joking or otherwise, often with the use of expletives, but I think at some point you draw the line and how often (ever) do you hear the c word in a chant at football, even at the most hostile games.

    If some people think its ok then thats fine by them, but personally you wouldnt find me singing it. What happened to the good old boo.
  • Posh spice is a slapper her head is in the clouds and when he takes her up the arse she dreams of eddie youds

    oh eddie youds eddie eddie eddie youds

  • The Referee is a w**ka

  • You Fat Bstd

  • Dirty Nthn B**td

  • The List is endless
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