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Danny Murphy Of Blackburn Rovers



  • creatine abuse
  • Ah so if they are involved in the game then it's all good.

    Wonder if mr deadmans family were there on Saturday?
  • You seem to have lost allot of hair in a short space of time Gary?

  • lol not enough blood
  • This thread should have been closed a while ago to be honest. Some people think it is acceptable to chant about a man's family, others think it gives our club a bad name & is the sort of thing that belongs at the den. I have made it clear I am in the 2nd category but that's my view!

    In theory, this should have made for a healthy debate but unfortunately it hasn't happened that way. Some people have put their point across very well. Unfortunately, as somebody else has pointed out, some people (not all) have resorted to Millwall like aggression which is what I was afraid of. We seem to be developing a 'mini Millwall' mentality at Charlton & it personally really, really worries me!!

  • Did anyone who objected to the Murphy abuse try starting another song to drown it out and support the team in a non-moany way? That would have been a good idea.
  • ljm29 said:

    Did anyone who objected to the Murphy abuse try starting another song to drown it out and support the team in a non-moany way? That would have been a good idea.

    No - I'd only just popped a Werther's Original in my mouth when it started.
  • edited October 2012
    Sitting in the lower west, I resorted to cheering on my team, after a good pass or tackle in an encouraging way and clapping too. I dont think that would have drowned out those in the upper north.
  • Ha ha, quality
  • Knuckle dragging bonehead for singing a song.

    Really is some weird Charlton fans about!
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  • edited October 2012

    This thread should have been closed a while ago to be honest. Some people think it is acceptable to chant about a man's family, others think it gives our club a bad name & is the sort of thing that belongs at the den. I have made it clear I am in the 2nd category but that's my view!

    In theory, this should have made for a healthy debate but unfortunately it hasn't happened that way. Some people have put their point across very well. Unfortunately, as somebody else has pointed out, some people (not all) have resorted to Millwall like aggression which is what I was afraid of. We seem to be developing a 'mini Millwall' mentality at Charlton & it personally really, really worries me!!

    Once again, I haven't seen much of this, apart from the 1st category being called blood thirsty pitbulls, knuckle dragging bonehead and stupid/idiots. Are those the comments you are referring too? Or is it more double standards?
  • So can we or can we not sing

    The ref is a W***ker
    Your S**t
    You dirty nthn Bstd
    Posh spice is a slapper

    Just so i know as not to offend those looking to be offended

  • edited October 2012
    I can't wait for the "Homophobic idiots make me ashamed to support Charlton" threads on here after we play Brighton
  • So can we or can we not sing

    The ref is a W***ker
    Your S**t
    You dirty nthn Bstd
    Posh spice is a slapper

    Just so i know as not to offend those looking to be offended

    You can sing what the hell you like. Just don't be dismayed when people express their displeasure in what you may have sung about.
  • Unless they are involved in the game
  • So are you offended every time you hear

    The ref is a W***ker
    Your S**t
  • you cant, you spit everywhere when you 'sing'
  • So are you offended every time you hear

    The ref is a W***ker
    Your S**t

    Would you be offended if your wife/daughter was called a whore?

    We could go on forever like this.

    The word Whore is offensive.
  • edited October 2012
  • Wanker is offensive

    your shit is offensive

    Yes i would,

    offended enough to say a small section of people are a disgrace and i am embaressed No
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  • oh my god. woman sits on chair in underwear (most likely for lads mag shoot) and is now a whore.

    educate yourself.
  • This thread should have been closed a while ago to be honest.

    Then I'd just got accused of being an admin Nazi and stifling free speech.

    Gonna sink though, as its just the same people regurgitating the same thing. Expect it a bit with the kids, but a bit disappointed with some people's approach, but that's just my view.

    Whatever though, that song was all about getting a reaction, so in that respect its been successful.

    Strip away Saturday, the saddest thing with the whole Murphy thing is that he was a bloody good player for us, and a key part of probably the best Charlton team I've ever seen, or likely to again.
  • edited October 2012
    man blows whistle on pitch masturbates alot

    calling someone a wanker on here would be offensive
    Calling someone a whore on here would be offensive
    Calling someone a whore at football would be offensive
    Calling someone a wanker who is involved in the game is ok

    Is that right?
  • You admin Nazi Stifling free speech
  • So, Mrs Murphy, you're a nice-looking woman from South London, what first attracted you to a bland, bald, short, scouse, multi-millionaire?
  • Round and round we effin' go :o( nothing is going to get resolved on this thread and from my point of view some are you are just embarrassing yourselves now. That's from both sides.

    Grow up ffs.
  • man blows whistle on pitch masturbates alot

    calling someone a wanker on here would be offensive
    Calling someone a whore on here would be offensive
    Calling someone a whore at football would be offensive
    Calling someone a wanker who is involved in the game is ok

    Is that right?

    I think so
  • Suzi, I don't think we're going to get anything intelligent from some of these posters, so I'm going to call it a day as far as this thread is concerned.
  • man blows whistle on pitch masturbates alot

    calling someone a wanker on here would be offensive
    Calling someone a whore on here would be offensive
    Calling someone a whore at football would be offensive
    Calling someone a wanker who is involved in the game is ok

    Is that right?

    I think that is some people's view but not necessarily mine. I don't mind Murphy getting stick but I just think chants about the man's family are over the top. Again I stress that is just my view.

    You wouldn't go to a Take That concert & chant something about Gary Barlow's baby would you?? I know that is a much more severe scenario but the principle is the same in my view.

    Anyway, I will post no more on this subject as, quite frankly, it's getting boring now. Some people have 1 view, other people have another, let's just leave it at that & move on!

    Rolll on tomorrow!!
  • Round and round we go, a question gets asked and answered by insulting their intelligent and telling them to go to millwall. Very mature.

    Lino, lino you're a see you next Tuesday is a far worse chant but never gets shot down here.

    I can't wait until Sian Massey comes to The Valley, that's when the real double standards will be visible.
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