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Danny Murphy Of Blackburn Rovers



  • Have we done Sian Massey as a wouldya yet?

    Better not... be very demeaning to discuss the merits of if you "would" with a woman just by a photo and treating her like a piece of meat, imagine if her Dad read the forum? Best leave the wouldya's to Millwall.
  • Have we done Sian Massey as a wouldya yet?

    Better not... be very demeaning to discuss the merits of if you "would" with a woman just by a photo and treating her like a piece of meat, imagine if her Dad read the forum? Best leave the wouldya's to Millwall.

    Nail on head moment
  • man blows whistle on pitch masturbates alot

    calling someone a wanker on here would be offensive
    Calling someone a whore on here would be offensive
    Calling someone a whore at football would be offensive
    Calling someone a wanker who is involved in the game is ok

    Is that right?

    I think that is some people's view but not necessarily mine. I don't mind Murphy getting stick but I just think chants about the man's family are over the top. Again I stress that is just my view.

    You wouldn't go to a Take That concert & chant something about Gary Barlow's baby would you?? I know that is a much more severe scenario but the principle is the same in my view.

    Anyway, I will post no more on this subject as, quite frankly, it's getting boring now. Some people have 1 view, other people have another, let's just leave it at that & move on!

    Rolll on tomorrow!!
    Singing about Gary barlows baby who passed away is nothing at all like calling Danny murphys wife a whore get a grip
  • Morning All.
    Wasn't there on Saturday, but my cousin and her 7 year old daughter were. Decided after the game to take abreak from CAFC for a while as She's getting fed up with being asked what people are "singing", and, why do "people swear so much" ?
    Okay, its only 1 adult & 1 child ticket they bought a couple of times amonth, and they may be the only ones "having a break" from The Valley, but as my cousin says, seeing that they do spend around £50 per match (Tickets, programmes, food, etc....) can the club afford too many people following suit ?
  • This thread's done for unfortunately Moggy but I do think there's a growing issue around what sort of demographic we want/are heading towards in our fan base. A debate for another day.

    Sorry to hear of your cousins decision all the same.
  • Thanks BA.
    As She says, thats around a ton a month for other things.
  • What is the game coming to!?
  • What is the game coming to!?

    Okay FOD since you want to continue the debate, would it make any difference to you to know that Mrs Murphy was sitting in the ground with her mother and kids on Saturday?

  • What is the game coming to!?

    Okay FOD since you want to continue the debate, would it make any difference to you to know that Mrs Murphy was sitting in the ground with her mother and kids on Saturday?

    Wouldn't make a difference to me she knew what she was doing. if it bothered her that their would be abuse at a football match she wouldn't go.
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  • edited October 2012
    theres outcry because its a woman on the receiving end.

    if the refs family were in the stand on saturday, or ambrose's against birmingham, i dont think anyone would give a sh*t. and the fact that they are 'involved in the game' makes no difference. abuse is abuse.
  • Been a long while since I was last in a 6th form common room and on that basis I'm definitely out of this debate.
  • What is the game coming to!?

    Okay FOD since you want to continue the debate, would it make any difference to you to know that Mrs Murphy was sitting in the ground with her mother and kids on Saturday?

    Wouldn't make a difference to me she knew what she was doing. if it bothered her that their would be abuse at a football match she wouldn't go.
    So, "She wouldn't go" because some "fans/supporters" of the other team might sing "songs" about her husband or Herself ?
    Fair enough.

  • She isn't stupid and would know that there would be chants aimed at her. She therefore wouldn't go if she was gets offended by them.
  • Makes me laugh, so some of you people have never called anyone an explicit name in your entire life? Yeah right

    Nothing to do with it. We're talking about what was sung yesterday by a few hundred people, repeatedly.
    I couldn't care less what she said about us.

    What was sung yesterday lacks class (and intelligence) and I pity those of you who think it is funny to call a woman a whore because she may or may not have said that she didn't get invited to film premiers whilst danny was playing with us.

    It's a football match. Banter, offensive or not has always been there.if you don't like it, can I respectively suggest you watch another sport? Maybe I am knuckle dragged, whatever that is.

  • What I still can't get my head around is, what exactly is the the big draw that would persuade the Murphy's to move to Blackburn? It can hardly be big film premiers and theatre trips for Mrs M. I suppose as a northern lad he was suckered in by the thought of mixed whippet-pidgeon racing, pie-growing and marrow-eating competitions.
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