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Danny Murphy Of Blackburn Rovers



  • @Floyd_Road and @SE10 you need to get a life! As a woman supporting Charlton since I was 8 - you sound pathetic!!!!!!!!!
  • It's a fucking football match! If you don't wanna hear naughty language go to the fucking opera. I hate Murphy and his missus so I sang his wife is a whore at the top of my lungs! She bad mouthed the club so I feel like she bad mouthed me cause I love this club. If his wife had kept her mouth shut we wouldn't of sung anything about her, she started it. If you can't take it don't give it out!

    Wow what a very well thought out response. Now I completely understand your point of view!!

    Do you have any idea how immature you sound??
  • So the posh spice is a slapper song is off limits now

    What about the refs a wanka

    In your liverpool slums

    Or the old favorite your shit when a keeper goes to kick the ball

    You dirty nthn bastd

    Some of you just look for things that aint therr
  • This is why clubs take the piss out of us! I act at football like I do with my mates, bit of banter and we have a laugh. You people are sad and boring, you need to get a life
  • WSA said:

    @Floyd_Road and @SE10 you need to get a life! As a woman supporting Charlton since I was 8 - you sound pathetic!!!!!!!!!

    No need for your life story.

    Surely you would of heard 'Posh Spice is a slapper' then anyway ?
  • Sad, very sad.
  • edited September 2012

    I act at football like I do with my mates,

    So you would call someone's wife a whore if you was out with your mates?? Look mate, we will end up going round in circles here. Not saying Murphy doesn't deserve a bit of stick, I just think derogatory comments about his family should be off limits. Guess we will have to agree to disagree
  • If it weren't a mate's wife and she bad mouthed me, a mate or something I love then yes I would
  • Wasn't at the match so couldn't comment on the chant but if I was I probably wouldn't have joined in. Guess it comes with age but to barrack a player's wife is a bit puerile to me. Maybe twenty years ago I would have done as I hate to admit to it by I used to join in with the 'wheels on the bus' song but we live and learn.

    Just don't get the 'it's ok, it's at the match' mentality.
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  • Sadly I think that since the introduction of Twitter, Facebook and other social media, there is a perception that anything goes. I suspect that most of the people who think chants involving a player's family are acceptable , are of the younger generation who have grown up with social media. Too many people are of the 'me, me me' mentality and think they have the right to say and do as they please with no consideration for anyone else.
  • edited September 2012
    I agree with you ME14. Most of the people abusing Mrs. Murphy will be of the "younger generation".
  • This is why clubs take the piss out of us! I act at football like I do with my mates, bit of banter and we have a laugh. You people are sad and boring, you need to get a life

    Tell you what - post details of where you work and I'll raise a group of people to stand outside your workplace making chants about your wife/gf being a prostitute.

    That will be ok won't it?

    It's just banter after all...

  • Brilliant that the chants made the mail

    Well done all involved

  • cafc cafc cafc
  • edited September 2012
    Oakster said:
    I'm not proud to be a Charlton fan today.

    I'm not trying to get anyone to change their mind, but my opinion is that calling Mrs Murphy a whore goes beyond 'banter'.
  • This is why clubs take the piss out of us! I act at football like I do with my mates, bit of banter and we have a laugh. You people are sad and boring, you need to get a life

    Tell you what - post details of where you work and I'll raise a group of people to stand outside your workplace making chants about your wife/gf being a prostitute.

    That will be ok won't it?

    It's just banter after all...

    Could you arrange to get a group of people to come to my work, applaud when I do something good and chant my name?

  • I'm sure those who think its banter, think the Lisbie songs are banter, and the homophobic songs about Darren Ambrose banter as well.

    Banter, the cowards excuse for being unpleasant and idiotic.
  • Sadly I think that since the introduction of Twitter, Facebook and other social media, there is a perception that anything goes. I suspect that most of the people who think chants involving a player's family are acceptable , are of the younger generation who have grown up with social media. Too many people are of the 'me, me me' mentality and think they have the right to say and do as they please with no consideration for anyone else.

    Hilariously inadequate. Far worst occurred in the past before social networking. Ever heard of Victoria Beckham?

  • I perfer banter being the choice of word for the Tim Lovejoy generation. How calling someone who bad mouthed the club a whore can be seen on the same levels of the Lisbie song and Ambrose song bewilders me.
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  • Calling someone's wife a whore tells you all you need to know about the attitude of those chanting it towards women.
  • crap, classless chant for me.
  • cafc cafc
  • edited September 2012
  • As has been said previously, if she's big enough to bad mouth the club in the press, she can expect some abuse. Don't get too uptight about the choice of word directed at her; simply fits nicely in to the song.
  • Calling someone's wife a whore tells you all you need to know about the attitude of those chanting it towards women.

    Chanting that song towards one woman means that the people chanting it have that view about every single woman in the world?

    As far as am aware if she dishes it out she has to take it back no matter if its a woman or not
  • didn't join in with the chant but knew people would object. i thought it was of bad taste but i certainley wasn't offended. people will disagree with the chant but thats part and parcel of football. i don't take the stance of its football so its alright but i do know good honest people who go football who act a bit different and perhaps say things that they wouldn't dare on a regular day. over the last couple of weeks i've heard wilson being called a c11t quite a lot but that doesn't seem to count and seems to be more fuss over a former players wife. would anyone say anything to anyones face? seems to be a lot of moral code clash. but i bet theres not one perfect person on this sight that hasn't said anything wrong during a football match and i truly believe that danny murphy and his wife are not even bothered by it.
  • Tbh, murphy will be sitting here tonight knowing thay 99.9pc of the people singing it probably haven't a hope in hell of ever going out with / marrying someone like he has. That's the sad fact. Now I wait to hear how the people in question are all dating supermodels.....
  • Brilliant that the chants made the mail

    Well done all involved

    Badge of honour at The Den maybe.

    Personally I'm sad that a national newspaper associated me as a Charlton fan with a bunch of morons who abused a player's wife.

    Still I guess as it was The Mail they made it up....
  • LenGlover said:

    Brilliant that the chants made the mail

    Well done all involved

    Badge of honour at The Den maybe.

    Personally I'm sad that a national newspaper associated me as a Charlton fan with a bunch of morons who abused a player's wife.

    Still I guess as it was The Mail they made it up....
    So what's the difference between you calling people a moron and those people calling her a wh*re?
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