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Parking Last Night (Tin Hat On!)



  • Stressful business, parking.
  • edited August 2012
    Got the train . Wish i hasn't as i didn't get home until 1.35 am and i had my 6 and 9 year olds with me . Bloody Penalty shoot outs.
  • Parked in Wellington Gardens as I always do for midweek games. No problem as expected. There was only ever going to be problems if you got there before 5 anyway.
    Ask again after Hull ;-)
  • Parked in Marlborough Lane as normal, nothing wrong with that as we pulled up at 6.30 and therefore didn't use the 2 full hours before the 7pm lifting of the restrictions. Unless you turn up before 5pm for an evening match It's no different to normal, so I don't get the mass panic and confusion tbh
  • 24 hour restrictions in the retail park now. The signs in there state that if you park there for longer than 75 minutes, its a £95 fine.

    Is it a council/police fine or a private company? Because if it's private then you legally don't have to pay it.

  • 24 hour restrictions in the retail park now. The signs in there state that if you park there for longer than 75 minutes, its a £95 fine.

    What retail park? The pc world one?
    There are camera's are on the gates and time you on arrival and leaving the the premises. I was in there today and even the store manager advised me to drive out of the customer car park and work in the service yard.
    You park your car you takes a chance, if its legal I have no idea.
  • There have been signs up for ages in the PC World/Halfords car park for ages though about clamping/2 and half hours max, and I have parked there for years and never had a problem.

    Where is the best place to park for free around the same area? In case I decide to not risk it next Tuesday.
  • Ross said:

    There have been signs up for ages in the PC World/Halfords car park for ages though about clamping/2 and half hours max, and I have parked there for years and never had a problem.

    Where is the best place to park for free around the same area? In case I decide to not risk it next Tuesday.

    You can park in Len Glover's normal spot. He wont be coming again as he sent his season ticket back (I think).
  • LenGlover said:

    I appreciate that the crowd last night was much smaller than for a league game but did anyone have any problems?

    Midweek games are difficult for me at the best of times but I normally juggle things around and make the effort, family and work commitments permitting.

    Last night I didn't need the worry and stress re parking so didn't bother. I may or may not have been alone in that attitude who knows?

    The point is that if there were problems last night with a small crowd what will it be like for the Leicester game and should I simply write it off?

    Best to play it safe I reckon Len.
  • The West Stand car park was fine :-). Someone seems to have filled in the potholes but only with sand. Perhaps they are opening a crèche for players' kids and the car park is doubling up as a new play zone. I'll bring my bucket and spade next time.
    Jimenez' Range Rover was not there - maybe he came on a bus?
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  • Off_it said:

    Ross said:

    There have been signs up for ages in the PC World/Halfords car park for ages though about clamping/2 and half hours max, and I have parked there for years and never had a problem.

    Where is the best place to park for free around the same area? In case I decide to not risk it next Tuesday.

    You can park in Len Glover's normal spot. He wont be coming again as he sent his season ticket back (I think).
    Where exactly is that, on the map, angel?
    Sat next to some right oiks on the 180 last night. Yuk.
  • edited August 2012
    If I ever have to drive to The Valley, I park by Woolwich Dockyard station (where there is always loads of parking available) and either walk or jump on the train for one stop. Never have to pay for the train as there are never any guards (or Revenue Protection Officers as they are now known). Simples!!
  • Ross said:

    There have been signs up for ages in the PC World/Halfords car park for ages though about clamping/2 and half hours max, and I have parked there for years and never had a problem.

    Where is the best place to park for free around the same area? In case I decide to not risk it next Tuesday.

    This is where I park, no gates and no cameras that I could see.
  • I park where I want and just put a "police aware" sticker on the window and wrap the car in crime scene every time
  • Ross said:

    There have been signs up for ages in the PC World/Halfords car park for ages though about clamping/2 and half hours max, and I have parked there for years and never had a problem.

    Where is the best place to park for free around the same area? In case I decide to not risk it next Tuesday.

    This is where I park, no gates and no cameras that I could see.
    The St John's Ambulance team always park there too.
  • If I ever have to drive to The Valley, I park by Woolwich Dockyard station (where there is always loads of parking available) and either walk or jump on the train for one stop. Never have to pay for the train as there are never any guards (or Revenue Protection Officers as they are now known). Simples!!

    Will your confession of fare dodging result in the real Brendan O'Connell getting a visit from British Transport Police?

  • Ross said:

    There have been signs up for ages in the PC World/Halfords car park for ages though about clamping/2 and half hours max, and I have parked there for years and never had a problem.

    Where is the best place to park for free around the same area? In case I decide to not risk it next Tuesday.

    This is where I park, no gates and no cameras that I could see.
    You are right, there are no gates. It was my way of describing the entrance. ; )
    Before you drive through the concrete width restrictions on the right hand side there are two cameras. So unless they were put up before 0630 this morning I would suggest they were there last night. All I know is what the manager of one of those stores told me, which is all staff had register their cars with the parking company so they dont get a ticket.

  • There is going to be a lot of unhappy people then as a lot of people parked their last night.
  • went by train, indoors at 1.45am, sweet.

    Christ Large, you are either incredibly committed to the club or need to be committed to an asylum, I am not sure which!
  • Will NEVER drive to Charlton again. Got a ticket last year (Yeovil evening match)
    just outside the ground. (Road down towards Royal Oak).
    Paid £60 (within 2 weeks) after initially challenging ticket ). You'll never win. Signs were ambiguous. Looked as though it was Free Parking. F'ing borough council making it impossible to park any where near the ground.
    Don't bother, catch the train........Oops prices here exhorbitant too!
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  • @melrose not true that you never win, I just appealed a ticket for parking in a loading box in a red line area and after a number of pieces of correspondence won. On the other hand I got done because my back wheels were inside the yellow box in lewisham
  • Regarding the notices at PC world car park, Downham Leisure Centre run the same Vehicle Registration Identification Systems, the camera (virtually unnoticable) records your registration on arrival and on departure, if it calculates you have exceed the allowed time you get a nice £95 fine through your door. So unless you read and understood the warning signs, you get fined without even realising you have done anything wrong.

    For the record i had no problems on Tuesday apart from the long walk up the hill which after a pen shoot out defeat seemed even longer!!
  • Kap10 said:

    @melrose not true that you never win, I just appealed a ticket for parking in a loading box in a red line area and after a number of pieces of correspondence won. On the other hand I got done because my back wheels were inside the yellow box in lewisham

    Well done Kap, Never let the B-----d's grind you down.

  • I've just updated the NCP parking charge thread with the details.
    But the law changes from 1st October 2012 and I suspect that's why the situation has changed at the retail park in preparation for the new legislation.
    But please note guys, in private car parks they are not fines but penalty charges for breach of contract. The contract is always with the driver not the registered keeper and they don't know who the driver is. So, until 1st Oct it is safe to file any "invoice" you receive from a parking firm in the bin. Although until that date you still could get clamped!
  • I had the same thing happen to me in lidels car park in Eltham and no I was not shopping there just using the car park, has the same system two cameras one in and one out timing you. I overstayed and got a fine through but ignored it, got another one and ignored that, never heard another thing that was about 2 years ago. With regard to the ones at MFI currys etc has anyone thought about covering there number plate upon arrival so camera doesn't pick you up entering so when you leave it can't match it to anything.
  • edited August 2012
    EDIT: Posted to wrong thread please see NCP Parking thread if interested.
  • Peter_G said:

    If I ever have to drive to The Valley, I park by Woolwich Dockyard station (where there is always loads of parking available) and either walk or jump on the train for one stop. Never have to pay for the train as there are never any guards (or Revenue Protection Officers as they are now known). Simples!!

    Will your confession of fare dodging result in the real Brendan O'Connell getting a visit from British Transport Police?

    Let's hope not Pete, but I very rarely drive to the Valley so it only happens a couple of times a season.

    I prefer to drink on match days so get the bus (which I do pay for !!)
  • SoundAsa£ said:
    Makes me laugh the people who put wheelie bins etc out in the road to stop you from parking.
    I've got a great idea....... let's buy a house near a football ground and then wonder why some folk want to come there and park every.....surprise surprise!
    The football ground has been there for decades before they bought their house...absolute numpties.

    To true Soundas I usually park in Wyndcliffe or Sherrington road but if you are not careful the people who live there double park along side you so you can't get out. What puzzles me is that they are actually parked in the middle of the road yet the police do nothing about it. When you challenge them they act like they own the road as well as the house! Bloody morons
  • Anybody have any problems last night? I parked in my normal spot in Lansdown Lane arriving at 17.10 and had no problems.
  • Drove to Halfords, saw the cameras, read the board and decided not to risk it. Instead I paid the fiver for the car park up the road near the Rose of Denmark. Took ages to get out of there, but I'd rather be close enough to the ground still without the threat of a fine.
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