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New Tv series (REMEMBER: No Spoilers)



  • Up to date with Landman. Probably the most invested I’ve been in a series since GoT. Proper belly laughs as well. 
  • Seen a lot of bad reviews of Squid Game 2, but i thought it was really good. Massive fan of Battle Royale, and it's the closest thing I've seen to that film.

    Also, the casting is absolutely top tier. They've got it spot on both seasons. 

    Just finished season 2 and thought it was good. Don't understand the criticism really. Yes, some of  the dialogue is a bit repeated and drawn out and the games aren't as gory/good as season 1, but the characters are much better. Interested to see where they go with it in season 3.
    Yeah I'm a bit miffed by it as well.

    I thought it had some interesting new characters, the two new games we saw were interesting. 

    I think there's a lot of potential for season3 story wise. 

    Think the attention era just gets the best of people, I've seen some people moaning already about Stranger Things and it isn't even out yet. People saying it's taken too long etc. Like there isn't hundreds of other series to watch in the mean time 😂
  • edited January 8
    Finished 2nd series of The Diplomat. Enjoyed it, felt it was stronger than the 1st series and building nicely. Only disappointment was only 6 episodes. 

    The real star of it though is Rory Kinnear as Prime Minister, plays it brilliantly. 

    3rd series due later this year. 
  • Binged Rogue Heroes over the weekend....absolutely superb show...and extremely humbling when you stop and think what these young men went through...

    Love Landman too...every time BBT's phone rings and it's his wife....just brilliant...and again, a real eye opener to what life is like/what goes on 'out there'...

    Currently binging Bad Sisters on Apple...not as engaged but my wife likes it, so I'll persevere...

    Also a shout out for not usually into sci-fi, but this has got me and am really enjoying it...and they're keeping it weekly, which is both great and annoying..

  • edited January 8
    Finished Yellowstone last night. Was decent but Beth is one of the most ridiculous characters in any TV show. Couldn't stand her

  • Finished Yellowstone last night. Was decent but Beth is one of the most ridiculous characters in any TV show. Couldn't stand her

    It became more and more ludicrous as the seasons went on. I actually think the final season was dreadful as a whole, but the final episode was alright. 
  • A couple of examples on TV at the moment of what should be complex and thought provoking issues or characters being reduced to "he's a psycho and errr that's it" levels.

    ITV's Playing Nice could have been a really interesting and sensitive tale of two couples having to face up to discovering that their children were swopped in the hospital in the days after delivery. But nah, lets make it Scots nutter playing his psycho games and sod the child protection teams and social services procedures involvement that would be all over this issue in real life.

    Then we come to the Northern Irish nutter featured in the enjoyable SAS - Rogue Heroes. As part of a trio who created the SAS in series one, Paddy Mayne's excesses were balanced by the eccentricities of his commander David Sterling and the tough professionalism of his fellow officer Jock Lewes. Now in the second series he is given free rein to rampage around Sicily and Italy sprouting poetry (boorish) and profanity, and ranting about his inner rage. The actor forever appears to be bellowing loudly in his grating accent about how hard he is, probably to make up for the fact that all his men are taller and wider than he is. Needless the say that the real man was a far more complex and intimidating physical specimen - over six foot tall and wide shouldered, and a British Lion and Irish rugby international before the war. Outstandingly brave yet considerate and cultured. Go read his story and perhaps give your support to the current campaign for Col Mayne to receive a posthumous VC.  
  • One episode of Cross left to watch tonight.

    Mightily impressed by Special Agent Kayla Craig's nipples.
  • edited January 8
    Finished watching Lockerbie... Really good series, not as good as Chernobyl

    Was al-Megrahi involved in Lockerbie himself... the series kind of leaves it open for the viewer to decide on their own opinions - Understandable that the families turned a bit on Swire (if that was true during the 20th Anniversary) for supporting, but if al-Megrahi was innocent, I'd love for it to be known before Swire dies, so that he can thumb his nose towards those who regarded him as a bit of a traitor.

    Sickening really... There are things that are known through classified documents, which various UK Governments refuse to release over the years, and could shine a bit of light on what happened - Not to mention that there were a number of investigation inquiries around other events at the time of Lockerbie, but nothing for the one which had the highest casualty rate.

    Mixture of possibilities where Oil Contracts came first, maybe it an attempt to destabilise the Middle East from the US / UK, or was it just payback from the ME

    As it is those who died, just seem to have been pawns of a greater "game"
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  • Departure on Netflix.  It's no more than OK, but SE7 gets a mention.
  • Binged Rogue Heroes over the weekend....absolutely superb show...and extremely humbling when you stop and think what these young men went through...

    Love Landman too...every time BBT's phone rings and it's his wife....just brilliant...and again, a real eye opener to what life is like/what goes on 'out there'...

    Currently binging Bad Sisters on Apple...not as engaged but my wife likes it, so I'll persevere...

    Also a shout out for not usually into sci-fi, but this has got me and am really enjoying it...and they're keeping it weekly, which is both great and annoying..

    Are you sure you're talking about a TV show?
  • Thanks for recommendation of The Madness @Glovepup
  • Silo series 2 is brilliant - slow burn setting things up for the first few episodes, but ramped up in the last two - yesterday's was superb. It'd a great story (even though the dialogue and side quests are a bit ropey) 
  • Silo series 2 is brilliant - slow burn setting things up for the first few episodes, but ramped up in the last two - yesterday's was superb. It'd a great story (even though the dialogue and side quests are a bit ropey) 
    That’s one of the millions of shows I start, watch an episode or two, and forget about. I’ll give it a go again.
  • Season 3 of From landed on Sky today. Have downloaded all 10 episodes. Enjoyed the first 2 series so hopefully this will be decent. Having said that, I spend most of each episode not having a clue what's going on!
  • Season 3 of From landed on Sky today. Have downloaded all 10 episodes. Enjoyed the first 2 series so hopefully this will be decent. Having said that, I spend most of each episode not having a clue what's going on!
    I’ve watched them all on the stick, it begins to answer some questions then leaves you needing more answers 🤣
  • edited January 14
    Never watched it before but 1st episode of Traitors had me gripped. Can see why it’s so popular 
    Yep. Never watched it before. Not really sure why? It's right up my street.
     So I started the latest series and I've gone very full on and can't wait for the next episode.
     I've just binged the very first series over 2 nights!! Can see me watching the American, Australian and Venezuelan series at this rate just to get my fix!
    What is happening to me?

  • A couple of examples on TV at the moment of what should be complex and thought provoking issues or characters being reduced to "he's a psycho and errr that's it" levels.

    ITV's Playing Nice could have been a really interesting and sensitive tale of two couples having to face up to discovering that their children were swopped in the hospital in the days after delivery. But nah, lets make it Scots nutter playing his psycho games and sod the child protection teams and social services procedures involvement that would be all over this issue in real life.
    What a wanky ending & 100% not credible.
  • Never watched it before but 1st episode of Traitors had me gripped. Can see why it’s so popular 
    Yep. Never watched it before. Not really sure why? It's right up my street.
     So I started the latest series and I've gone very full on and can't wait for the next episode.
     I've just binged the very first series over 2 nights!! Can see me watching the American, Australian and Venezuelan series at this rate just to get my fix!
    What is happening to me?

    The second Australian series is magic. I can't say anymore without spoiling it
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  • A couple of examples on TV at the moment of what should be complex and thought provoking issues or characters being reduced to "he's a psycho and errr that's it" levels.

    ITV's Playing Nice could have been a really interesting and sensitive tale of two couples having to face up to discovering that their children were swopped in the hospital in the days after delivery. But nah, lets make it Scots nutter playing his psycho games and sod the child protection teams and social services procedures involvement that would be all over this issue in real life.
    What a wanky ending & 100% not credible.
     She's on the phone to the mother-in-law as we speak! 😂
  • Season 3 of From landed on Sky today. Have downloaded all 10 episodes. Enjoyed the first 2 series so hopefully this will be decent. Having said that, I spend most of each episode not having a clue what's going on!
    Fuck me, prepare to be... Bored. I love the premise, and the mysteries, but my God it's slow. The ultimate filler comes in this season between episodes 4 and 8 where basically ten minutes worth of watchable TV is peppered throughout 4 hours of absolute bilge. Doesn't help that most of the characters are one dimensional and impossible to care about. The last two episodes are good. I'll stick with it next series, but it's starting to outstay its welcome. 
  • Rivals on Disney plus. 3 episodes in and really enjoying it, cracking 80s soundtrack. Danny Dyer is in it and is actually quite good! Lots of nakedness too 
  • Just finished the first season of Silo... Bit of a slow burner to begin with, but the last couple of Episodes are excellent!!
  • Finally got round to watching The Penguin. Really really good. Colin Farrell absolutely superb. 
  • Slightly disappointed with the last episode of Landman, was one of the weakest. Still an awesome series and loads left open for a second season, which is yet to be commissioned apparently.
  • edited January 16
    American Primeval on Netflix is excellent. Very gritty western limited series with a great story.
  • Just finished the first season of Silo... Bit of a slow burner to begin with, but the last couple of Episodes are excellent!!
    Pretty much the same as this series 😂 - the first few episodes are slow, setting everything up. Last episode tomorrow, and first episode of S2 of Severance on the same day. 

    Peak television, both of them 
  • Just finished the first season of Silo... Bit of a slow burner to begin with, but the last couple of Episodes are excellent!!
    Pretty much the same as this series 😂 - the first few episodes are slow, setting everything up. Last episode tomorrow, and first episode of S2 of Severance on the same day. 

    Peak television, both of them 
    Yeah I've already watched the first five Episodes of Season Two (f**k its creepy with Solo lol!), binging through it as suddenly realised that the last Episode was released today - Fully expecting it to speed up towards the end again though... God Tim Robbins is great in it, his character is such an arsehole!!

    Going to have to do the same with Severance, as havent seen Season One yet.
  • 'Patience' (Ch 4) is like an english version of 'Astrid: Murder in Paris.' Set in York, so a pleasant background. Excellent, I think, but I'm a sucker for autistic series: Monk etc.
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