watched a Netflix documentary last night called 'Abducted in Plain Sight'
recommended to my missus by someone at work, so I thought why not and we watched it - only 90 mins literally couldn't have made it up if you tried
anyone seen it?
Funnily enough I watched it yesterday too.
That is is a messed up family.......the mum and dad especially.
I have been watching Riverdale on Netflix, similar audience to 13 reasons why. 3 seasons but next one starts the end of the month, 9 episodes in the first season and i enjoy it.
I was binging the other week but only just got internet at the new place, i dont really want to give the plot away but anyone who likes 13 reasons why will enjoy it IMO
watched a Netflix documentary last night called 'Abducted in Plain Sight'
recommended to my missus by someone at work, so I thought why not and we watched it - only 90 mins literally couldn't have made it up if you tried
anyone seen it?
A bit of discussion on it over on the Film thread.
The Punisher, Season 2, Episode 1. Very violent, sets up what I presume will be the story for the season. Jon Bernthal is does a nice line in monosyllabic. Thoroughly enjoyable, but did I mention it's very violent.
Just finished the whole 2nd series. Not as good as the first series but still a good watch. The violence does calm down slightly but when it does come back its great!
Watched Africa with Ade Adepitan - An interesting travelogue in itself and in the section on the super church in Nigeria (can fit in a million worshippers) there was a child wearing a krbs era Charlton shirt
Stuck with Cleaning Up but really wished I hadn’t. Biggest pile of dross for ages.
Yep, seeing it through but it was a 3 episode max job and been very silly.
Her tats are awful
Am I the only one who hopes she gets caught, banged up for 5 years and banned from having contact with her kids ?
I cant see any redeeming features to her that makes you root for her to get away with it.
From crashing into another car and driving off laughing, to using and lying to her friends, to her rallying cry against the bankers from 12 years ago as a reason why they should get away with insider trading.
Will be spitting feathers if they leave it on a cliffhanger for a 2nd series instead of coming to a resolution next week.
Watched Africa with Ade Adepitan - An interesting travelogue in itself and in the section on the super church in Nigeria (can fit in a million worshippers) there was a child wearing a krbs era Charlton shirt
Wasn't he the ball boy sent to get the ball from Bailey's pen?
watched a Netflix documentary last night called 'Abducted in Plain Sight'
recommended to my missus by someone at work, so I thought why not and we watched it - only 90 mins literally couldn't have made it up if you tried
anyone seen it?
I watched it yesterday. The parents (as they are now) seemed reasonably sensible. I'm dumbfounded how they were so idiotic time and time and time again. Beggared belief.
I have been watching Riverdale on Netflix, similar audience to 13 reasons why. 3 seasons but next one starts the end of the month, 9 episodes in the first season and i enjoy it.
I was binging the other week but only just got internet at the new place, i dont really want to give the plot away but anyone who likes 13 reasons why will enjoy it IMO
Whist the first season is watchable, it gets pretty awful after that, with the current season being terrible. 13RW was miles better, imo.
The wife loves it though so I'm stuck with it once a week, she loves garbage lile this, but won't watch The Wire cos its 'old' MADNESS.
The Punisher, Season 2, Episode 1. Very violent, sets up what I presume will be the story for the season. Jon Bernthal is does a nice line in monosyllabic. Thoroughly enjoyable, but did I mention it's very violent.
Started the new season myself last night, loved that first episode. Bernthal is the perfect Punisher, can't imagine a better casting. I wasn't upset about any of the other Netflix Marvel shows being cut, but when Punisher inevitably bites the bullet it'll be a sad day. It's the best of the lot for me.
Apologies if mentioned before but I've just watched the first series of The Last Kingdom and every time I see Ubba I thought Simon Jordan. Very off putting but great acting and loving it.
Apologies if mentioned before but I've just watched the first series of The Last Kingdom and every time I see Ubba I thought Simon Jordan. Very off putting but great acting and loving it.
Not seen Vikings yet, how do they compare?
Vikings I would describe as a more serious, more violent version of The Last Kingdom, but from about 50 years before TLK. I love it, find TLK a bit cheesy sometimes but Vikings is excellent.
Apologies if mentioned before but I've just watched the first series of The Last Kingdom and every time I see Ubba I thought Simon Jordan. Very off putting but great acting and loving it.
Not seen Vikings yet, how do they compare?
Vikings I would describe as a more serious, more violent version of The Last Kingdom, but from about 50 years before TLK. I love it, find TLK a bit cheesy sometimes but Vikings is excellent.
I think Vikings has lost it's way, while TLK really found it's stride last season.
Apologies if mentioned before but I've just watched the first series of The Last Kingdom and every time I see Ubba I thought Simon Jordan. Very off putting but great acting and loving it.
Not seen Vikings yet, how do they compare?
Vikings I would describe as a more serious, more violent version of The Last Kingdom, but from about 50 years before TLK. I love it, find TLK a bit cheesy sometimes but Vikings is excellent.
I think Vikings has lost it's way, while TLK really found it's stride last season.
I agree last season of Vikings was a bit weaker, but its lost its figurehead a couple seasons ago. I do think it needs to wrap up soon.
Forgot about the new season of TLK need dig into that.
The Last Kingdom season 1 and 2 were ok but they were made on a BBC budget and it showed. Season 3 was far better for the Netflix cash injection. I still prefer Vikings but it's not the same since the snake pit scene.
just seen the first episode of the new Das Boot. glad they're not just remaking the old series. seems good so far.
could you give an opinion after a few episodes please? I'd like to watch this but I'm worried about it ruining the movie for me as it's firmly in my top 10 all-time
That is is a messed up family.......the mum and dad especially.
I was binging the other week but only just got internet at the new place, i dont really want to give the plot away but anyone who likes 13 reasons why will enjoy it IMO
They are full of themselves.
I cant see any redeeming features to her that makes you root for her to get away with it.
From crashing into another car and driving off laughing, to using and lying to her friends, to her rallying cry against the bankers from 12 years ago as a reason why they should get away with insider trading.
Will be spitting feathers if they leave it on a cliffhanger for a 2nd series instead of coming to a resolution next week.
The parents (as they are now) seemed reasonably sensible.
I'm dumbfounded how they were so idiotic time and time and time again.
Beggared belief.
The wife loves it though so I'm stuck with it once a week, she loves garbage lile this, but won't watch The Wire cos its 'old' MADNESS.
Mexico awaits, but might give it a break first
Not seen Vikings yet, how do they compare?
Forgot about the new season of TLK need dig into that.