People pay to get in so they're well within their right to leave early regardless what a few people on an internet forum think. Spoke to someone who left early yesterday who has supported the club for about 50 years, Try tell him he's not a proper fan etc.
this and people have thier own reasons for leaving early. I take a bunch of 8 year olds and sometimes thier attention span is not up to 90 minutes so we leave early. Once we left at halftime during a night game as they were nodding off.
I don't understand why people leave early. You pay your money knowing full well you could win 5-0 or get tonked 30-0. That's football. Arsenal lost 8-2 to United and Untied lost 6-1 to City. We've been lucky that up til last week we haven't had to see a loss at The Valley all season
I think there is a huge difference between losing and being 4-0 down at half time. People seem to have short memories, just 2 months ago we had the best fans in football because we all stayed and clapped our way through the loss at Fulham. Id say its not the loss or going behind which is an issue... more the way it happens.
But that can happen in football. I plan for that every time I go to a match. Just last season it was something that could realistically happen to us in most games we played. It sucks, it feels terrible, but it's not like it's an unprecedented occurence. For me the defining half-time strop will always be Newcastle/Arsenal. Newcastle had just come back to the Prem and were coming up against a free scoring, Chapions League playing Arsenal team and found themselves 4-0 down at H-T. Not even that shameful. Cut to one fan leaving at halftime and actually punching the Newcastle logo as he leaves. 45 minutes later it's 4-4 and the fans who stayed get the game of their lives. That fan misses it and probably gets a broken hand. Football's about the ups and downs. If you can't hack the downs then you are wasting your money.
I don't think it is a question of not being able to hack the downs. Anyone still going week in week out up and down the country after two relegations a handful of managers near administration finishing out of the top 10 in division three has hacked enough downs in my book.
So why do people leave only halfway into a game? Is it because they're only interested when we're winning? Are they only fair-weather supporters who just have a passing interest in charlton? I for one don't know the answers so maybe anyone who did leave can answer this?.............................................
I admit I was tempted - but didn't.
I have left films half-way through and even gigs that I haven't enjoyed, although in those cases I went to the bar.
I find it ironic (if that's the right word) that many of those who abandoned the team at half time are the self same people who moan about fans not standing etc.
Their choice though.
We all support in different ways and I defend that right unless and until it becomes detrimental to the team we purport to love.
I've left early twice. Swindon and Brighton last season. Halfway to late during the second half.
Though if I had been able to make it yesterday I believe I would have stayed til the end. This team and this season are nothing like the last. I believed yesterday that we could pull it back, so I would not have left.
But I don't knock anyone who does leave in frustration/anger/disappointment. Its football, thats what it does to us sometimes.
I left after the fourth goal as I was just so angry in disbelief at what was going on it was probably best for me not to be in the ground. The last times I left like that were Millwall and Blackpool away and it is not something I make a habit of. I simply could not believe the lack of application and common sense I was watching from the majority of our team and was so frustrated. H and G above has probably summed up my sentiments. I literally felt as if I could not watch it anymore and therefore wasn't going to. It was probably a rash decision but I don't feel like a glory fan or a plastic for doing it. Top of the league or not we have not actually won anything yet and that first half was absolutely dire however well we have played this season.
Happy to have my support questioned... i'll see some of those who do at scunthorpe, huddersfield, oldham, carlisle and preston I'm sure.
Support you on that one ISLS, I was on my toes at half-time
People pay to get in so they're well within their right to leave early regardless what a few people on an internet forum think. Spoke to someone who left early yesterday who has supported the club for about 50 years, Try tell him he's not a proper fan etc.
No ....seriously the kids wanted to leave at half time , i wouldn't let them! i told them they had to stick by their team throught thick and thin , & not to be 'glory boys'
I do know the reason why we lost at home to Colchester , and lost at home yesterday....
Leaving early is a better option than booing, no,I did'nt hear much booing, a bit of slagging off of individual players, namely Ben Hamer. Does not help individual players going though a dip in form having the crowd against them, this is the Valley, lets support them, the majority of the crowd did. Up the addicks ( yes, I stayed till the end:-) )
I personally never leave early, but it's a personal choice. We got the early goal, so could have come back for a famous draw or victory. On the other hand, if County had scored again to make it 5-0, it there would probably have been a far larger exodus. What I don't understand is people leaving early when it's all square or there's only 1 goal in it. Some people left Bournemouth early, and hence missed the key moment of the game. ha ha
I sit in the NWQ and there was definitely booing when the 4th goal went in and at half time. Now I'm no saint and have let the team know what I think of a sh*t performance in the past particularly towards the end of the previous manager's reign. I know all the arguements why you shouldn't but I also believe that if you pay your entrance fee and if you are unhappy that the team don't give a jot for the badge then you should let them know. Yesterday I did not boo and could see little point in turning on a team that has achieved so much this season so was a little dissappointed at the crowd's reaction but when you feed a supporter base success they find it difficult to accept anything less, as was the case recently with Chelsea and Arsenal. If fans want to leave early because they can't stomach anymore then that's their choice.
The bloke next to me stormed out when the fourth goal went in, although if he'd stayed and we let in another I think he would have spontaneously combusted. Another fella just in front of me didn't come back for the second half, I was beginning to think it was something that I said.
The only time I sneaked out early was against the O's last year as I was going out and wanted to miss the traffic, needless to say I missed a chunk of our only victory for 435 games or something. Bastards.
I bet not many people have left before kickoff. My brother brings our Dad who has Alzheimers, just before kickoff against Sheff. Utd our Dad decided he wanted go to home, so my brother had to take him.
I find it ironic (if that's the right word) that many of those who abandoned the team at half time are the self same people who moan about fans not standing etc.
Sorry Len, but how on earth would you know that?
You seem to have a massive chip on your shoulder about something with your posts these days and I can't for the life of me work out why.
Personally don't think anyone has to justify leaving a game early. I've done it quite a few times, including leaving distant away games early. Each to their own.
I stayed yesterday as I wanted to see the reaction. There was, of sorts.
i didn't care that people were leaving but what i did have a problem with was the people walking out so slowly and still watching the game whilst leaving but obstructing the views of those still in their seats trying to watch the game. stopping in front to watch a corner, or a throw in, in case it got any better and they changed their mind. if you're going. go and go quickly. ignorant selfish fools.
I sit in the NWQ and there was definitely booing when the 4th goal went in and at half time. Now I'm no saint and have let the team know what I think of a sh*t performance in the past particularly towards the end of the previous manager's reign. I know all the arguements why you shouldn't but I also believe that if you pay your entrance fee and if you are unhappy that the team don't give a jot for the badge then you should let them know. Yesterday I did not boo and could see little point in turning on a team that has achieved so much this season so was a little dissappointed at the crowd's reaction but when you feed a supporter base success they find it difficult to accept anything less, as was the case recently with Chelsea and Arsenal. If fans want to leave early because they can't stomach anymore then that's their choice.
That a very mature and tolerant viewpoint deadred. I find myself getting less and less tolerant as I get older. Turning on the team or storming out when the team has given us so much this season just seems so flippin' disloyal to me
@greenie I left at HT mate as the first half was absolutely shocking...I'll be there next week as I always am, I've had a ST for over 30 years, but I reserve the right to leave when I want if we are that bad.........saturday was like a throw back to a couple of seasons ago I dont care if peope have a go at's my money....we were sh*t and I know we've been fantastic this season but I couldn't stand tp watch any more of that on saturday.
Surely a lot of people were just going to get a beer?
i went to get a drink before half time to save queueing. there was no queue. the security man opened out the gate and people were leaving. lots of people moved or didn't come back to their seats for the 2nd half. didn't bother me. i got 2 drinks in and back to my seat by the time the 2nd half started.
the people who got in my way of enjoying the game started leaving with about 20 minutes to go, and a constant stream up until the final whistle.
i didn't care that people were leaving but what i did have a problem with was the people walking out so slowly and still watching the game whilst leaving but obstructing the views of those still in their seats trying to watch the game. stopping in front to watch a corner, or a throw in, in case it got any better and they changed their mind. if you're going. go and go quickly. ignorant selfish fools.
Really does get on my nerves that, especially when it's a draw or we're a goal behind. The ball is inevitably getting pumped up the pitch and the early leavers decide they'd better get an eyeful while standing up and occupying the same space as your seat. Drives me mental
I have always said ''If it stops being enjoyable - stop doing it.''
I stayed to the end so I am not sure what this says about me! Probably been a CAFC supporter for so long I am used to it.
Fully expect to have to go through the mill each year. My reason for staying is we needed to win the second half to take us into the next game in a more positive mind.
Every little bit helps, and if me and mine are there supporting adds a bit then it will have been worthwhile. The ups and downs of supporting a club is what makes a 'proper supporter'. The joy of the Sunderland play off was a lifetime condenced into one game, but it was the most fantastic day of my supporting life.
You have to endure the downs to really enjoy the ups.
Sit back. relax and enjoy the ride. The experience is worth it! But if others cannot stand the pressure let them hide and sulk. The loss is theirs not yours. Forgive in silence because your pleasure will be the greater at the end.
I left at half time, but I've been a season ticket holder for 76 years, and anyone who's got a problem with that can talk to me about it at the Hammerfest game.
and people have thier own reasons for leaving early. I take a bunch of 8 year olds and sometimes thier attention span is not up to 90 minutes so we leave early. Once we left at halftime during a night game as they were nodding off.
I don't think it is a question of not being able to hack the downs. Anyone still going week in week out up and down the country after two relegations a handful of managers near administration finishing out of the top 10 in division three has hacked enough downs in my book.
I admit I was tempted - but didn't.
I have left films half-way through and even gigs that I haven't enjoyed, although in those cases I went to the bar.
Their choice though.
We all support in different ways and I defend that right unless and until it becomes detrimental to the team we purport to love.
Didn't personally leave early but can understand why others might have fancied heading back down the pub after that shambles.
Swindon and Brighton last season. Halfway to late during the second half.
Though if I had been able to make it yesterday I believe I would have stayed til the end.
This team and this season are nothing like the last. I believed yesterday that we could pull it back, so I would not have left.
But I don't knock anyone who does leave in frustration/anger/disappointment. Its football, thats what it does to us sometimes.
No ....seriously the kids wanted to leave at half time , i wouldn't let them! i told them they had to stick by their team throught thick and thin , & not to be 'glory boys'
I do know the reason why we lost at home to Colchester , and lost at home yesterday....
My missus didn't go , always a bad sign.
Up the addicks ( yes, I stayed till the end:-) )
What I don't understand is people leaving early when it's all square or there's only 1 goal in it. Some people left Bournemouth early, and hence missed the key moment of the game. ha ha
The only time I sneaked out early was against the O's last year as I was going out and wanted to miss the traffic, needless to say I missed a chunk of our only victory for 435 games or something. Bastards.
You seem to have a massive chip on your shoulder about something with your posts these days and I can't for the life of me work out why.
I stayed yesterday as I wanted to see the reaction. There was, of sorts.
I find myself getting less and less tolerant as I get older.
Turning on the team or storming out when the team has given us so much this season just seems so flippin' disloyal to me
the people who got in my way of enjoying the game started leaving with about 20 minutes to go, and a constant stream up until the final whistle.
Don't see the point sitting there getting pissed off watching aload of shit when you could be in the warm with a pint watching the scores come in.
I stayed to the end so I am not sure what this says about me! Probably been a CAFC supporter for so long I am used to it.
Fully expect to have to go through the mill each year. My reason for staying is we needed to win the second half to take us into the next game in a more positive mind.
Every little bit helps, and if me and mine are there supporting adds a bit then it will have been worthwhile. The ups and downs of supporting a club is what makes a 'proper supporter'. The joy of the Sunderland play off was a lifetime condenced into one game, but it was the most fantastic day of my supporting life.
You have to endure the downs to really enjoy the ups.
Sit back. relax and enjoy the ride. The experience is worth it! But if others cannot stand the pressure let them hide and sulk. The loss is theirs not yours. Forgive in silence because your pleasure will be the greater at the end.
God bless beer.