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We're still 5th ....



  • I'm surprised that we're still fifth given that we have no centre-backs. Think how good we could be if we actually had players for those positions.
  • Personally I think it's shocking that although we're desperately clinging onto 5th the club think it's ok for the whole of their comms team to go away on the lash at the same time. Haven't seen any previews or anything for tomorrows game. Expect another low turnout.

  • Well BlackForest, as Off_it said, we don't look like scoring, but at least we're keeping clean sheets.
  • Rubbish we are boring I was there yesterday and they didn't even have a ball they've given up on this season already and its only June, Powell Slater, muzza,Jimenez all should go

    Where's the plan fooking b
  • Bloody typical, unbeaten all the way through to late June and people still moan. Now I want good football as much as the next man, but if it takes a long sequence of frankly forgetable nought nought draws to get us out of this division then so be it.

    >Walks away doing something that indicates that everyone else is stupid<


    Must admit I am a bit worried about the lack of a plan B. What with the way the pitches change DRAMATICALLY in July and August, we have to learn to mix it up a bit.

  • The players are concerned over the finances.  They get a bonus for every week they are in the play-off places and have only received their basic since May.  Powell says they'll get diddly before mid-August at the earliest.  Total disgrace!!!  Where's Bob Crow when you need him?
  • What do we reckon tomorrow then people? I can't see beyond another boring no score draw myself.

    I know I'm a lightweight but I might give this one a miss as The Bloke Behind Me is going to go ballistic if our midfield we don't turn up. Again!

  • As normal, just tx mates about meeting up in the Village for a few jars before the game but they don't want to know. Am worried now that my mates are avoiding me but I haven't done anything wrong.

    Feeling very low.

  • I'm feeling confident. Been playing well for weeks now. In 5th and ready to pounce. Keep playing like this and in 3 or 4 weeks I think we'll at least be 5th.
  • id take fifth now, am i the only one?
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  • I have just gone down the bookies and put £20 on us winning 3-2, should get around £500 if it comes up. By the law of averages I high score gaming should arrive when you least expect it.
  • Just seen a 25 handed team of northerners getting on a Greenwich train at London Bridge. Right nasty lot they looked too. Away fans maybe?
    Keep your wits about you today lads. Come on you reds!
  • id take fifth now, am i the only one?
    We need to push on to the next level.
  • Just seen a 25 handed team of northerners getting on a Greenwich train at London Bridge. Right nasty lot they looked too. Away fans maybe? Keep your wits about you today lads. Come on you reds!
    Its alright Offy, they are just my inlaws.
  • Cordoban
    You're lucky.  I went down and tried to put on a bet that come the beginning of August we'd still be 5th and got the bum's rush out the door. 
  • Could've heard a pin drop at the Valley today. 
    Very disappointed in our fans.  
  • I'm still here I thought it was a later kick off as at 3pm it was a complete no show again by our lot I am getting really fed up with this season already
  • I haven't seen any results yet. How did we get on today?

  • Nil nil again mate, I put some info in your inbox don't you read it 8-)
  • RobRob
    edited June 2011
    I think we drew 0-0 but haven't seen the official FT score yet.Can someone confirm that? My internet is acting up so for some reason I couldn't pick up the game. What's going on? 
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  • No one knows, mate.

    Now when Theo Foley was manager, he'd let you know himself.
  • Nought nought you say, bugger thats £20 quid down the drain. I had Mambo as first goal scorer as well.

    Your right about the bookies Legal, they have started grinning at me like I am some kind of idiot. Might start doing it online.

    Did anyone go to day? How was it? and when will somebody put up a post match view and player rating thread?

  • Same old every week. Not content with this. No movement whatsoever.
  • How was it today? Missed it due to all day piss up. 0-0 I heard but was it a proper 0-0? Where are we in the table?
  • 5th I think, could be wrong. Don't like the way Chesterfield are sneaking up on us though. 
  • Cheers EastStand.

    Tried getting info from mates but their response is "Piss off you weirdo".


  • Its alright Macronate, us proper Charlton have to stick together. 
    See you at the game next Saturday.
  • Have we gone to an alternate universe like in Dr Who? 

    Or has someone had too many sherbets?   :)
  • You'd understand if you'd been at the last 3 games boys. 
  • That team of fellas kicked it off massively. Took the piss all the way down Floyd Road and nobody did anything. I tried to front them on my jack but had to leg it in the end or would've got a right hiding.

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