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  • [cite]Posted By: Folev the red[/cite]CAFC official on twitter is asking all followers to retweet a post at 5 30, and then to get their followers to retweet it again, im guessing its about the game?

    Retweeted it to my followers - thats told three more people then....:-)
  • Some great tweets from Charlton fans

    LouisMend Louis Mendez
    Been spat on by Tiger Woods? Wash it off in the toilets at #footballforafiver Charlton Vs Exeter this Saturday, all tickets £5. #cafc
    56 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    p2yno David Payne
    Chelsea FC for a family of 4 = £280.00 however #cafc for a family for 4 = £20.00 only! #cafc #footballforafiver #realclubrealfans
    54 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    LouisMend Louis Mendez
    Been tear-gassed in Tehran? Wipe the tears from your eyes with #footballforafiver Charlton Vs Exeter this Saturday, all tickets £5. #cafc
    54 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    ConMend Con Mendez
    Want to celebrate not being Jeremy Clarkson? #footballforafiver this Saturday Charlton vs Exeter ALL SEATS £5 #cafc
    54 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    ConMend Con Mendez
    Are you an ex-partner of @MissKatiePrice?#footballforafiver this Saturday Charlton vs Exeter ALL SEATS £5 #cafc #appealingtoawidemarket
    53 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
  • We've just passed 7,000 @ £5 - bit of a backlog online has now been processed, which has boosted numbers this morning.
  • Any news on what they have sold ?
  • edited February 2011
    Hello Airman Brown, how many season tickets have we got? If you add the 7000 at £5 to the season ticket holders what does that make the crowd figure as it stands at the moment? Cheers Paul
  • [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]We've just passed 7,000 @ £5 - bit of a backlog online has now been processed, which has boosted numbers this morning.

    Crikey! Would love to see this go well above 11, 000....

    So if you havnt got tickets, get them! and bring along a load of mates!
  • Based on Airman's earlier post it sounds as if we are at about 17,700 assuming only a couple of hundred Exeter.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Robert[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]We've just passed 7,000 @ £5 - bit of a backlog online has now been processed, which has boosted numbers this morning.[/quote]

    Crikey! Would love to see this go well above 11, 000....

    So if you havnt got tickets, get them! and bring along a load of mates![/quote]

    I am still waiting on one reply but so far my group is up to 7 and we have not bought yet so i make that at least 17707!
  • Adding up 'tickets available' on the website showed 1091 East, 1838 North, 287 NW and 1737 West for a grand total of 4953 for sale on the web as of a few minutes ago
  • When i mentioned to a friend at work on Sunday (she is an Arsenal fan as her bf), when she heard it about she said "bilmey i would go but working on Sat so cant go otherwise we would. I must admit I was a bit sceptical. and a lot of the fans that are going are probably fans of other clubs but who cares.. It's a win win situation.... Even if a lot support other clubs... the fact they are there in the first place says (apart from price of course) is because they want to see another game that they might not actually support but have an afliction for in sone way or other. A lot maybe there first live games or go coz theyre mates support charlton.. they can see see the premier league teams on sky in the evening, sundays etc... This is all about seeing how many Slater and Jiminez can attract in the near future on a Div 1 club, getting them in and trying to attract them to come back again (I havent got a problem being a sesason ticket holder), the more people in the better
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  • Let's hope the team does its stuff after all this!
  • There was a hell of a lot of people who had ST's during the Prem years who weren't, and probably aren't still Charlton fans.

    I know people who bought ST's for them and their young kids just to take them to watch Premiership football.

    I thought this was BS it was true.
  • this game has got 0-1 written all over it !!!
  • I must admit this promotion may put added pressure on the team. It makes me think of the various "operations" over the years.

    Then again it could go the other way and the team come out firing on all cylinders.

    I'm going for the second option.
  • Combined with the diluted crowd and 8000 non Charlton fans....

    Well done all concerned though.
  • My eldest has a ST. My other 2 kids are lapsed Charlton fans, but are looking forward to the game, so thats 4 of us!!!
  • I'll echo F1. I know a couple of families who are Man Utd & Newcastle fans, who had season tickets in the family stand just to watch Premier League football. When my son became old enough to go regularly (1994-95), we couldn't get season tickets in there for love nor money. As soon as Charlton were relegated, hey presto, they stopped going! No trouble getting season tickets then, and I've gradually watched the people disappear around me, to the extent that the row in front and behind me are both empty as are the six seats next to my son. In some ways it was funny listening to "Mummy which ones Gerrard?" at Charlton v Barnsley. I kid you not!

    A work colleague had a season ticket in the East Stand...he switched to Fulham when Charlton were that one out! Never under-estimate how important being associated with a winning team is for a lot of fans. They see it as a personal slight if their team have the temerity to have a bad patch, and stay away. How many plastics have you heard say "I dont go anymore they are crap".

    22k will give the board a good indication of what the regular crowd will be if we get to the Championship. I very much doubt if the 4-5k Premier League lovers will come back unless we get back-to-back promotions.
  • If I ring up and ask to get a seat next to my mate whos a ST holder will they be able to do this? I know what stand and block he is in, along with all his contact details that they would need.
  • I bet 90% of the lapsed ST's from the Premiership days had 'SE3' postcodes. . . .

  • [cite]Posted By: heavenSE7[/cite]If I ring up and ask to get a seat next to my mate whos a ST holder will they be able to do this? I know what stand and block he is in, along with all his contact details that they would need.

    Yea, but only if the seat is free....

    If not, get a ticket as close as you can....someone may be willing to swap with you and then you will get to sit next to him :D
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  • We're not going to have less that 23k, in my opinion. How many more is hard to tell . . .
  • Nice one thanks mate. I've just turned up on the day in the past and had no problems but I'm guessing there might be a queue and I want to stay in the pub aslong as I can before entering the ground!
  • [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]We're not going to have less that 23k, in my opinion. How many more is hard to tell . . .

    How many normally get sold in the few days prior to a match?
  • [cite]Posted By: heavenSE7[/cite]Nice one thanks mate. I've just turned up on the day in the past and had no problems but I'm guessing there might be a queue and I want to stay in the pub aslong as I can before entering the ground!

    Sounds good! I think thats what most people will be doing! Lets hope we make lots of noise for the lads and we get a win!
  • Bit frustrating.

    Wanted to get some tickets for others over the phone, which would mean me moving away from my allocated ST seat for the game if we wanted to sit together. But I can't do this over the phone apparently, it has to be done in person. Which i understand, but its unlikely i'm going to be able to get down there before Saturday. grrr
  • Sorted, thats another ticket sold.

    Not happy though as I've had to pay £6 due to the £1 booking fee. False advertisement. Slater Out. ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: heavenSE7[/cite]Sorted, thats another ticket sold.

    Not happy though as I've had to pay £6 due to the £1 booking fee. False advertisement. Slater Out. ;-)

    I just got mine in the post and didn't pay a booking fee.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]We're not going to have less that 23k, in my opinion. How many more is hard to tell . . .[/quote]

    If true Airman, then that is some accomplishment!!
  • i got 4 for PBoro cost £70 and i got 4 for Exeter cost £20 looking at the stats from Saturday 15,900 crowd - 9,000 season ticket holders thats 6,900 paying customers. Aprox £120,000 if all are adults etc(not spot on).

    to get £120,000 on saturday we need to sell 24,000 tickets and as we have 9,000 season tickets we cant possibly get the revenue that we did with acrowd of 15,900.

    I realise its not all about the dosh but its not just the tickets we need to get peeps to buy programs/burgers/booze etc etc.
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]i got 4 for PBoro cost £70 and i got 4 for Exeter cost £20 looking at the stats from Saturday 15,900 crowd - 9,000 season ticket holders thats 6,900 paying customers. Aprox £120,000 if all are adults etc(not spot on).

    to get £120,000 on saturday we need to sell 24,000 tickets and as we have 9,000 season tickets we cant possibly get the revenue that we did with acrowd of 15,900.

    There would not have been 6,900 full paying customers, i suspect it would break down to something like 4-5,000, with a fair percentage of those being kids. Reckon the actual ticket income was somewhere between £60-£80k, which if we sell 13,000 tickets will bring in £65k.
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