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  • I am now laying claim to +12
  • Seems as if fans and the club have done VERY well so far to promote this.
    But lets keep on pushing untill the last ticket is sold!
  • Tickets sorted now 3 of us including a Saints fan.

    I'll make sure he stays away from NLA and NSS.
  • If this is a runaway success then we have to do it again before the end of the season. I know it's not fair on season ticket holders but sod 'em. It's for the team. COYR
  • I bought another 2 this morning and the lady at the ticket office said they were very busy today.
  • getting mine tomorrow, guessing i'll have to move out the upper and into the lower or the NWQ
  • The queue outside the North Stand was really long post match Saturday
  • Ive made a sandwich board poster which i wear round my neck as i wonder round se london ringing a bell as i go..
  • Tried to get block m in the west upper and it's all sold. . . .
  • Dont want to be negative as im doing it as well even though mine was planned back in Oct.

    The idea was to get Charlton fans back to the Valley to show them what they are missing and in a hope they start to come back.

    Im mostly reading ive got 2 or 3 or 4 coming and they are all fans from other teams.

    Its nice to sell tickets earns the club money but are we not hitting the wrong target market?
  • Sponsored links:

  • [cite]Posted By: leftbehind[/cite]Its nice to sell tickets earns the club money but are we not hitting the wrong target market?

    Not if those 'fans' prefer watching their current team on the TV, maybe a day down the valley will change that, getting them attending more (hopefully Charlton) games.
  • Managed to get the @InBritain account to retweet the offer on twitter. They have over 15k followers!
  • [cite]Posted By: Planty_The_Addick[/cite]Managed to get the @InBritain account to retweet the offer on twitter. They have over 15k followers!

    Nice one Planty!
  • Us fans need to get posters up on the street I have not seen any yet.Bluewater would be a good place.
  • Bought 5 online this morning. First time I've bought tickets online and once you get over the fact it only works with Internet Explorer, it's a good system. You can pick the block and row where you want to sit and see what's available on a plan.
  • I stupidly didn't specify where I wanted to sit when I bought my tickets the other day. Just said East Stand as I'm not used to worrying about people sitting in my seat.
    Really worried now.
  • Might text in Talkshite on the way home see if Durham reads it out.
  • No mention of the five pound offer on here
  • So can we expect a 20k+ crowd?
  • Ticket purchased, happy days.
  • Sponsored links:

  • [cite]Posted By: jazzyjazzyjazzy[/cite]So can we expect a 20k+ crowd?

    Airman has already stated that sales show we are on course for a 20,000 plus crowd, if the take up continues right up to match day it could well exceed that amount
  • It can't exceed 20,000 plus but I know what you mean :)
  • CAFC official on twitter is asking all followers to retweet a post at 5 30, and then to get their followers to retweet it again, im guessing its about the game?
  • [cite]Posted By: MuttleyCAFC[/cite]It can't exceed 20,000 plus but I know what you mean :)

    ???????? you being funny?
  • @CAFCofficial: The word is that today's Exeter £5 sales will be easily in excess of 1,000. Remember, 775 was the previous daily high on Saturday
  • We've sold 1,245 today at 5pm, taking the total at £5 to 6,274.

    The word from Exeter is that they have only sold a couple of hundred, but they have a game tomorrow night. Total gate at present is around the 17,000 mark.
  • Very good news Airman.
    edited February 2011
    Just got Charlotte Jackson to retweet it to all 39,000 of her followers. I didnt even ask her to tuck my mic in!
  • Flyers were in both my boys book bags tonight from St Stephens School.

    Marketing does work.....
  • It's the lead story on our staff intranet 'Football for a fiver'. One of my colleagues has already told her husband that she wants to go as her never takes her out.
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