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  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]i am bringing 6 adults 6 kids

    Where are you sitting?
  • going to Roll up thursday once numbers are commited and buy them if you want i will grab your ticket whilst i am there
  • Got two extras today for bro and nephew, our party of three is now one of five.
  • Think i'm coming with the other half 2 kids and Jojno.
  • Sounds like there wont be anyone to do a match thread.
  • edited February 2011
    Jonjo skint and only coming when it's a fiver?

    (Don't think I need a safety wink there)
  • Well thanks to William Hill I'm 100% coming to this.
  • DA9DA9
    edited February 2011
  • 775 tickets sold today, over 5,000 now.
  • [cite]Posted By: SE9[/cite]Airman, i ment that both games would be £5 each as long as you bought the 2 tickets. Anyway not taking away anything from this promotion, just wondered if we would lose money by doing the two games for £5 each.

    I don't know if we'd lose money in the short term, but I think you'd deprive the first game of momentum and be disappointed with the outcome of the second, because we are struggling to get the season ticket holders to evening games in this division, never mind casual fans.

    I also think you would get a negative reaction from some season-ticket holders.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Based on sales as of tonight, 20,000 next Saturday is nailed on.

    We estimate that the normal pattern of sales is 25% in the first three weeks and 75% in the last week. I've been cautious in saying that it might be 50-50 this time, but the acceleration over the last three days coinciding with the marketing push suggests it will be closer to the normal pattern.

    We've sold 5,029 and we've got about 10,000 to sell.
  • Anyone set up a facebook page for it? Ill (try) and do one if not.

    Audience of 1 billion+ apparently .....although dont think thats all local.
  • yeah there is a fb page about it
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]Based on sales as of tonight, 20,000 next Saturday is nailed on.

    We estimate that the normal pattern of sales is 25% in the first three weeks and 75% in the last week. I've been cautious in saying that it might be 50-50 this time, but the acceleration over the last three days coinciding with the marketing push suggests it will be closer to the normal pattern.

    We've sold 5,029 and we've got about 10,000 to sell.[/quote]

    Does that include exeter tickets?
  • 5,029 home tickets. We don't know what Exeter have sold, but they have only had about 700 tickets to sell so far.
  • edited February 2011
    I reckon there will be big pay on the door numbers. Not got mine yet and should be dragging a few along. Qeue was massive today which is always good to see.
  • Can't get 4 tickets together in the L block so me and my mates are going to be jotted around the place
    Which I suppose is a good thing and a bad thing
  • I went on my todd today Damo as did 3 blokes stood next to me at the back of block J so im sure if you ask people on their own theyll swap so you can sit with your pals.
  • Tried to go online to book this morning but keeps coming up that the link is broken.

    Anyone know if this is a regular problem as I haven't seen it before.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Would like to know later on how many tickets our club sell on a sunday?.
  • [cite]Posted By: southamptonaddick[/cite]Tried to go online to book this morning but keeps coming up that the link is broken.

    Anyone know if this is a regular problem as I haven't seen it before.

    What browser are you using? Whichever one you use, try a different one.
  • [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: southamptonaddick[/cite]Tried to go online to book this morning but keeps coming up that the link is broken.

    Anyone know if this is a regular problem as I haven't seen it before.

    What browser are you using? Whichever one you use, try a different one.

    I've just tried a couple of other browsers and got a bit further but still not able to get to the buy tickets page.

    Looks like a phone call tomorrow.
  • Phone lines not open today?.Just call tomorrow then.
  • [cite]Posted By: Rommagic[/cite]Phone lines not open today?.Just call tomorrow then.

    Don't think the're open today unles anyone knows different.
  • The online tickets server fell over at some point overnight. I spotted this at 9.30am and it was back up by early afternoon.

    It is working fine now.
  • Ticket sales looked lively yesterday - I'm bring 2 extras now and as I bought tickets got the impression they were going fast -couldn't get first choice of where my mate wanted to sit. We are surely going to get 20k plus but if we keep pushing, it will be interesting to see how many more we can get. Think the club introduced this as taking a hit on revenue to get more fans in a possibly returning, but if sales are a good as they look like being, they probably will actually have more revenue - when you include other matchday sales- Clubshop- food etc...

    Have the £5 tickets caught Exeter fans imagination - would be good if they could bring a decent following to help with the atmosphere
  • I don't think there's any doubt now that the club will be in profit on the exercise. The real money would come from selling out, though. Every extra ticket beyond breakeven is worth £4.16 (£5 less VAT) with no real cost other than segregation if we need it, whereas the average incremental profit on that extra person's spending is about £1.50 - and that assumes revenue per head doesn't drop because of congestion at kiosks, etc.
  • Any up to date figures airman?
  • The club have done an excellent job marketing this, everyone was talking about it on Saturday, even the Peterborough fans in The Rose heard of it and were saying what a good initiative it is. The North stand ticket office was heaving after the game as well. Good job.
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