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It's West Ham ....

BBC reporting that West Ham have won the backing of Olympic bosses to move to the Olympic Stadium.

Can't help but think the running track will spell the end of the "fearsome" Upton Park atmosphere.

And how will they fill it in the Championship?


  • Don't care, didn't want either to get it, I'm in the corner of Leyton Orient on this one, Imagine if Arsenal had moved back to Woolwich and built The Emirates there? We'd be up in arms about it
  • Let's hope it bankrupts them.
  • That to me means tottinham will get it
  • Whatever is the worse result for crystal palace for me ..... Have no idea which that is
  • edited February 2011
  • I still can't understand why either set of fans would want this, it's financial suicide, isn't it? I don't think the CPFC move will ever happen regardless of who gets the Olympic Stadium.
  • My mate wrote this article for ESPN on the matter.

    Johm Brenwin's article for ESPN
  • Didnt Barry Hearn say he would fight this as he has said before football league rules state that another team cannot move closer to another. I don't know the full details but surely this would be curtains for leyton orient, not straight away but all the kids growing up in the area would want to support West ham
  • edited February 2011
  • Can see this being a complete disaster for West Ham, especially if they get relegated which seems inevitable. I think football has taken a backseat in the decision.
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  • Well thank heavens for that.
    I hope my lot can go back to moaning about not signing a striker in the January window now as quite frankly, the rubbish posted on our boards about the whole sorry saga is now beyond riddiculous.
  • So what's the plan for Tottenham now then? Levy said the WHL expansion has been scrapped and you won't be able to consistently compete at the top without the 60,000 revenue.
  • Seems so wrong ... the whole of London paid for this stadium in our Council Tax yet the claret and blue crap benefit from our money.
  • I actually thought Spurs had the best bid, but politically West Ham's was better. Personally I would have preferred the small athletics stadium, but financially that may no sense.

    West Ham winning is also good news for palace who may now take their bid further than something created by an A-level student.
  • [cite]Posted By: stonemuse[/cite]Seems so wrong ... the whole of London paid for this stadium in our Council Tax yet the claret and blue crap benefit from our money.

    I think that when they sell it to West Ham we will all be getting a rebate on our Council Tax as surely that's only fair after funding this complete waste of time ego trip....sorry, I mean "legacy" to British athletics.
  • [cite]Posted By: nichorob[/cite]So what's the plan for Tottenham now then? Levy said the WHL expansion has been scrapped and you won't be able to consistently compete at the top without the 60,000 revenue.

    Well thats the same question we're all asking now. What next? Who knows. Mid table obscurity. Its what we're used to ;-)
  • Don't think either should get it and neither should Orient. Give it to palace, they'll love it over there. ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: JohnBoyUK[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nichorob[/cite]So what's the plan for Tottenham now then? Levy said the WHL expansion has been scrapped and you won't be able to consistently compete at the top without the 60,000 revenue.

    Well thats the same question we're all asking now. What next? Who knows. Mid table obscurity. Its what we're used to ;-)

    What about a bid to utilise Wembley?

    If Levy is truly convinced that the WHL redevelopment is not viable, I can't see him giving up the fight for the OS.

    All Wet Spam have achieved is preferred bidder status. That's not the same as saying "sign here".
  • Well it removes a burden from London council tax payers when West Ham/Live Nation take over, the deal might see some profit sharing back to the Mayor's office to be spent on Sport in the city, but I can't see London council tax payers getting 3 quid off the GLA rebate for this.
  • Not good news for us if true. Only way West Ham will fill that is to offer cheap tickets and other special offers. If they're offering tickets for games in a higher league than us for less than us, it will attract people away from the Valley. Unless, of course we are playing in a higher league than them by then.
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  • Ha, Ha. Loved the mock picture showing the seats close to the pitch. Where was the running track? They're trying very hard aren't they? Bordering on desperate. Clever propaganda. Having suffered the view at Brighton a couple of times, the punters will soon get fed up and give it a miss.

    Looking forward to West Ham v Millwall in the Championship as their opening game. The running track could come in handy. Some of the fatties who invaded the pitch the last time, will struggle to make it as far as the pitch.
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]Well it removes a burden from London council tax payers when West Ham/Live Nation take over, the deal might see some profit sharing back to the Mayor's office to be spent on Sport in the city, but I can't see London council tax payers getting 3 quid off the GLA rebate for this.

    Fascists. ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: JohnBoyUK[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nichorob[/cite]So what's the plan for Tottenham now then? Levy said the WHL expansion has been scrapped and you won't be able to consistently compete at the top without the 60,000 revenue.

    Well thats the same question we're all asking now. What next? Who knows. Mid table obscurity. Its what we're used to ;-)

    Doubt if the WHL expansion has been ditched and suspect that Levy said what he said as ballast for the Olympic bid. After all they've got as far as securing planning permisison subject to a s106 agreement being completed (and the agreement has been agreed by everyone). Don't know how much Levy's attacks on Haringey Council will have hurt his chances of getting them to promote a compulsory purchase order over the land Spurs don't have bu need for the project.
  • I think Spurs will push for a judicial review of the decision if it's confirmed on Friday, but I suspect the delay has been the OLPC doing it's due diligence properly
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Saga Lout[/cite]Not good news for us if true. Only way West Ham will fill that is to offer cheap tickets and other special offers. If they're offering tickets for games in a higher league than us for less than us, it will attract people away from the Valley. Unless, of course we are playing in a higher league than them by then.[/quote]

    Surely that argument would be equally valid if Spurs won the bid?

    The new stadium is several years away from being finished and available for whoever wins the bid and if we end up losing supporters then it'll be our fault. Forewarned is forearmed.
  • [cite]Posted By: Saga Lout[/cite]Not good news for us if true. Only way West Ham will fill that is to offer cheap tickets and other special offers. If they're offering tickets for games in a higher league than us for less than us, it will attract people away from the Valley. Unless, of course we are playing in a higher league than them by then.

    Well we need to be in higher league then.

    There has been a whole thread devoted to whether is bad news for us. Personally I don't think it makes any meaningful difference. There are millions and millions of potential supporters out there. The question for us, as it is for all clubs is why, given its massive popularity, more don't make the effort to come to games.
  • Let's face it, the current board at West Ham are only interested in money and promoting themselves. They don’t care about football and despite all the shirt wearing and stories of boyhood support, care little about the club either. One of the co-owners, the one with the beard, couldn't even name the three players in the statue outside the ground on a Fans Forum on 5Live! Ok he got Bobby Moore but not the other two.
    I really think they just started this whole Olympic takeover thing as a publicity stunt and it's just snowballed. They never really thought they'd get it and now looks like their bluff has been called. Don't be surprised of they pull out.
  • [cite]Posted By: Saga Lout[/cite]Not good news for us if true. Only way West Ham will fill that is to offer cheap tickets and other special offers. If they're offering tickets for games in a higher league than us for less than us, it will attract people away from the Valley. Unless, of course we are playing in a higher league than them by then.

    Wrong. It will be the death of west ham.

    & if you've got people that are currently going to The Valley that would in an instant switch their support to west ham because the tickets are cheaper then I'd say good riddance.
  • Not quite sure it will be the death of West ham, but i'd love to know how they're going to fill it. They haven't even been selling out 35k at upton park this season.
  • A club on the slide who will have difficulty filling half the ground will heavily discount tickets - it will damage Orient greatly, which I think is a total disgrace. The people who make these decsisions are clueless beaureacrats - the stadium can be viable as a commercial stand alone venture and a percentage of days be allocated for community/school events- that would really be a legacy.

    I remember having arguments when the Dome was built that it was an inspired idea but the problem was the plan for after the Millenium was half baked - because it came from politicians and graduate mandarins. It was clear that it would be very attractive as a commercial venue as it is now proving to be and it is a striking building for London to have. The idiots making the decisions are so frightened of not having a white elephant o their hands that they can't see the commercial possibilities of a stand alone- non football complex. If Orient going under is the Olymopic legacy, everybody involved should be ashamed of themselves.
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