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Item thrown from north upper into lower



  • Well done the club and well done Parky.

    Hope you fell 100% very soon confetti lady.
  • nice touch from Parky
  • Two clear days since this happened now.

    Any closer to apprehending the culprit?
  • [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]Two clear days since this happened now.

    Any closer to apprehending the culprit?

    Yes Len, two clear days - ONLY two clear ,days.

    When exactly would the club have had the opportunity to "apprehend" the culprit? Give them a chance.

    These days of the internet age everyone wants everything immediately, but am surprised that you appear to be falling into this category too.
  • edited November 2010
    Just a simple question, no more no less, with no ulterior motive.

    Firstly there is apparently ample CCTV coverage so it is not unreasonable to ask whether or not the culprit has yet been identified (even if not yet apprehended) if CCTV, covering the probable areas the coin could have been thrown from, has been scrutinised by the Club, the police or both.

    Secondly an appeal for help and information has been put out both via Charlton channels and the press which could also have reaped a positive reply. In these situations people tend to come forward promptly if they are going to.
  • If they have any sense they will not come within a million miles of the ground which is probably the best we can hope for seeing as juvenile delinquents are never really punished. Great gesture from Parky and remember everybody - when we clap the team on the pitch tomorrow, save half of the applause for Lynne. A true Charlton fan and a credit to us and the club.
  • [cite]Posted By: MuttleyCAFC[/cite]If they have any sense they will not come within a million miles of the ground which is probably the best we can hope for seeing as juvenile delinquents are never really punished. Great gesture from Parky and remember everybody - when we clap the team on the pitch tomorrow, save half of the applause for Lynne. A true Charlton fan and a credit to us and the club.

    what about when we boo them off it*

  • on a lighter note, my son and I were sitting directly behind confetti lady last Saturday for the Yeovil match. The teams came out and we were covered. my son loved it but his mother was cursing because she's been picking up little bits of paper ever since...HeHe
  • Just caught up on this. Disgrace. Best wishes to you Lynne, hope you're feeling better.

    I've said our support is disproportionately feral for several seasons and always been dismissed as on a wind up - so, 'told you so'. That's that off my chest.

    Secondly, whilst suspicious of CafcAndy's tone, his point that the coin may have come from elsewhere other than the upper tier should be considered. I haven't read anything on here, or the OS, to suggest it defintitely did and if everybody accepts that it did, it may hinder the investigation as to who did throw it. I'm just thinking that maybe someone threw it from somewhere else, feels guilty but may not come forward if everybody has decided it came from the upstairs.

    Having spent many years investigating crime professionally, sometimes assumption (or prejudice) is your worst enemy.

    Once again, all the best Lynne and careful with that confetti!
  • Do you sit to the right of North Lower lynne? nearer the NWD quadrant?
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  • I'm feeling a lot better everyone. Just the odd dizzy spell and where they glued my wound it is stuck fast and finding it difficult to get out!! Any suggestions?
    On Saturday I was told that the coin just missed the guys sitting behind me. It appears that it was not thrown from the upper north but from somewhere in the lower north. Someone must have seen who threw it and need to let CAFC know. We don't want this kind of behaviour at Charlton!!
  • Glad your feeling better Lynne

    So it was from the Lower now that will shock people on here how have it in for the younger fans in the upper
  • [cite]Posted By: confetti lady[/cite]I'm feeling a lot better everyone. Just the odd dizzy spell and where they glued my wound it is stuck fast and finding it difficult to get out!! Any suggestions?
    On Saturday I was told that the coin just missed the guys sitting behind me. It appears that it was not thrown from the upper north but from somewhere in the lower north. Someone must have seen who threw it and need to let CAFC know. We don't want this kind of behaviour at Charlton!!

    Glad you're feeling better, but I have to contradict what you have been told. There were at least two coins thrown from the NU, my mate watched the first one narrowly miss a couple of lads, the second one must have been the one that hit you because it was at the time Simon Francis balloned the ball into the away end.
  • 3 people in the J/H block told me the same story on Saturday as well, they saw a half full bottle launched from the upper, as well as coins.
  • i stand corrected
  • [cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]Wow i could have been right? That's a bummer ain't it.

    nope looks like you were wrong, i met people from the Nth Upper on Saturday who said that it was not just coins being thrown but bottle of coke as well that was nearly full.
  • would the boottle of coke have a lid on either?
  • No B was told coke went over some well peed off people
  • From what i can gather contact by 2 of them has been made to the club about where they sit and what direction the objects came from,
  • the lady doth protest too much, methinks.
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  • [cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]We are talking about 2 different incidents now. If a bottle was thrown then hopefully they get dealt with, would be alot more straight forward looking at the CCTV. Just amazing that more people wouldn't have seen a bottle thrown into the north lower. Last time a bottle was thrown agains't Millwall i think everyone see it! Either way, this doesn't solve the coin incident.

    I suspect not as many saw it as normally would because the bottle was thrown during the celebrations of our equaliser. I spoke to the club about it and they are pretty sure this is a different incident to the coin throwing (from wherever that came from). This would suggest that either one group were throwing stuff on multiple occasions (which kinds of rules out any accidental explanation) or that there were several people in different places chucking stuff about. In any event I hope that those involved are found and dealt with.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite] and if they can't come to a conclusion then nor should we. .[/quote]

    Wow some common sense at last

    But hey you wont change people
  • [cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]Nothing was thrown when we scored according to most on here. The coin inncendent happeing around the 75th Min and the bottle after that. If a bottle came down from the upper, surely half the north lower would be standing up looking back at the north upper with disgust.

    I was sitting in the North upper so can't comment on what the lower were/were not doing, but I can tell you 100% that a bottle was thrown from behind where I was sitting in the aftermath of the equaliser. From my view it would have made it down into the north lower but I I can't say that for certain. That said where it ended up is not really the point, the fact that it was thrown at all is the big issue.
  • People are looking into it lets just hope they find the cowardly shit who did it, As for the bottle incident the first i heard about it was Saturday and i dont know if it got to the north lower but there were some peed off wet people in nth upper
  • [cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]Reminds me of getting covered in water at Peterboro away, bottles flying everywhere lol!

    That wasn't water mate :)
  • Just a little aside to this matter. My friend Frank, who is 75 years old and has had a recent stroke and heart attack, was hit full in the face by a ball in the warm up on Saturday. The shock of this left him badly shaken up for 10-15 minutes. One of the 1st people on the scene, in C block, was Lynne who helped to comfort him while first aid assistance was summoned. Once in the first aid room Frank recovered pretty quickly and we were able to take our seats again after 15 minutes of the 1st half.

    So many thanks to Lynne and to the St Johns Ambulance people. Also, thanks to Mark Kinsella who, I discovered later, had been the one to summon help and who looked very concerned by what had happened.
  • sums our forwards up that does
  • I've watched the forwards *ahem* warm up in that goal they wheel out by the tunnel before, gotta say I would stay safely in the bar whilst they were doing they've never needed a new net in that goal due to wear and tear
  • [cite]Posted By: Red_Pete[/cite]Just a little aside to this matter. My friend Frank, who is 75 years old and has had a recent stroke and heart attack, was hit full in the face by a ball in the warm up on Saturday. The shock of this left him badly shaken up for 10-15 minutes. One of the 1st people on the scene, in C block, was Lynne who helped to comfort him while first aid assistance was summoned. Once in the first aid room Frank recovered pretty quickly and we were able to take our seats again after 15 minutes of the 1st half.

    So many thanks to Lynne and to the St Johns Ambulance people. Also, thanks to Mark Kinsella who, I discovered later, had been the one to summon help and who looked very concerned by what had happened.

    I was sitting the other side of the aisle. Poor bloke really looked shaken up. Was glad to see him return shortly after the start of the game though. Kins did look very worried about it.
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