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Election woes



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    [cite]Posted By: Ormiston Addick[/cite] Harold Macmillan once famously replied when asked by a reporter what would be most likely to blow his government off course, "Events dear boy, events."

    Indeed OA

    [cite]Posted By: PeanutsMolloy[/cite] Agreed but that's why Cameron could well call a 2nd election as early as October.
    The markets will be happy if the Tories get their Queens Speech through but will still be uncertain of the prospects for getting the deficit down quickly enough with a minority Tory govt, so the gilt market will still be vulnerable to contagion from the growing PIIGS crisis.
    That crisis is likely to grow rather than subside over the summer and the consequent impact on the European and UK banking system (which may even need another round of bailouts) on the political debate in the UK and throughout Europe may be considerable.

    And so it begins.......
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    Given old Gordy's propensity for plagiarising others' speeches, perhaps he should re-use Reginald Maudling's comments as out-going Chancellor to Jim Callaghan after the Tories had lost the 1974 election:

    "Sorry old cock to leave it in this shape."
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    edited May 2010
    [cite]Posted By: PeanutsMolloy[/cite]Given old Gordy's propensity for plagiarising others' speeches, perhaps he should re-use Reginald Maudling's comments as out-going Chancellor to Jim Callaghan after the Tories had lost the 1974 election:

    "Sorry old cock to leave it in this shape."

    Why would he? Gordon saved the world, was a fantastic chancellor and everything we're about to see will be down to Americans, bankers and the cut loving Tories. The sad thing is most people in this country believe it.
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