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Charlton vs. Colchester - Just a poll today, you do your own previews!



  • edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]Agreed. You beat me to it! I'd also play Semedo for similar reasons.

    Jonjo could then play in the middle, Bailey on the left Sam on the right (by a sort head from Reid because, although he frustrates, Sam can unlock the tightest defence when he is "at it." He still gets crosses in even when off form although nobody gets on the end of them usually!

    And I'll back you on that call, Len.

    Tonight, I'd also bench Reid and play him on 60 minutes like the Southend away match - his fresh legs and pace will torment tiring defenders in that last half hour as the game opens up, a skinning or red card waiting to happen.

    And maybe a run and goal at the end of it too.
  • 3-1

    Forster to get two with Bailey adding the third, Lisbie will no doubt get theres
  • if you look up 'must win' in the dictionary it says: "Charlton's match against Colchester on April 13th 2010"
  • edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]Agreed. You beat me to it! I'd also play Semedo for similar reasons.

    Jonjo could then play in the middle, Bailey on the left Sam on the right (by a sort head from Reid because, although he frustrates, Sam can unlock the tightest defence when he is "at it." He still gets crosses in even when off form although nobody gets on the end of them usually!

    And I'll back you on that call, Len.

    Tonight, I'd also bench Reid and play him on 60 minutes like the Southend away match - his fresh legs and pace will torment tiring defenders in that last half hour as the game opens up, a skinning or red card waiting to happen.

    And maybe a run and goal at the end of it too.

    Good in theory Oggy but i think we need to get an early goal to settle the players and the crowds nerves. I think Reid is the only player i feel confident in making this happen, whether he's provider or scorer.
  • Gary, if your call works - fantastic.

    But I always feel that Reid has always proved more of a 2nd half threat. Anyway, all just opinion at this point - but if Reid does start tonight (and probably will, of course) I'll be happy to celebrate a Reid inspired early goal!

    And say that you were right!

  • 12.15pm on the roof terrace at work, looking down towards the valley. Clear blue sky above and all around, slight nip to the wind tho may be a chilly one come the 2nd half, hazy over the city. Must win forrester to bag 2 in a 4 0 win.
  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]Gary, if your call works - fantastic.

    But I always feel that Reid has always proved more of a 2nd half threat. Anyway, all just opinion at this point - but if Reid does start tonight (and probably will, of course) I'll be happy to celebrate a Reid inspired early goal!

    And say that you were right!


    Like you say Oggy, i just wanna matter who plays/starts. Im hopeful that Sam and Reid do start as when on fire can look a cut above others and would terrorise any full back. Frsutrating problem is we know both are never gonna have a good game, its either one or the other!!
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Alex Wright[/cite]if you look up 'must win' in the dictionary it says: "every Charlton match since christmas 2009"[/quote]

  • [cite]Posted By: Salad[/cite]Lisbie's recent goals against Millwall was only his second since Dec 5th and Colchester have lost their last 4 away games ....

    We're screwed.
  • [cite]Posted By: Exiled_Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Salad[/cite]Lisbie's recent goals against Millwall was only his second since Dec 5th and Colchester have lost their last 4 away games ....

    We're screwed.

    Astute observation Exiled_Addick :)
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  • Haven't a clue how this game is going to go. Swindon drawing last night still gives us a chance of the automatic spot. If we can gain enough points from our own games then we would only be looking at Millwall dropping points in one or two games.

    I guess it all comes down to how we respond to defeat at the Saints. For one I would play two strikers. Just think we should look to get the best out of Forster and that seems to be in a two up front deal. I still like the central midfield pairing of Semedo and Racon but that does mean the wide men have to do something. Would play Bailey on the left. Completely open minded who plays on the right.
  • I would really like to see CAFCBourne's team but i dont think we will. I believe that team would have them defending for their lives and not being able to mount a serious attack. What they (colchester) would have to be wary of is any attack they make if it breaks down with jonjo in the middle he is capable of putting someone in with one pass from anywhere on the pitch. We could get a big win with that formation rather than go defensive and try to nick a one nil. Which we often try to do but with not to much success. Lets go at them tonight and show this league it aint over yet.
  • Unc, i think 17,000 people would love to see that tonight....however the one person that can make it happen, doesnt!!
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]I would really like to see CAFCBourne's team but i dont think we will. I believe that team would have them defending for their lives and not being able to mount a serious attack. What they (colchester) would have to be wary of is any attack they make if it breaks down with jonjo in the middle he is capable of putting someone in with one pass from anywhere on the pitch. We could get a big win with that formation rather than go defensive and try to nick a one nil. Which we often try to do but with not to much success. Lets go at them tonight and show this league it aint over yet.[/quote]

    Exactly we are virtually all but there with the play offs and if necessary we can revert back to trying to nick a 1-0 after tonight if unsuccessfull. Tonight is boom or bust so why not throw the kitchen sink at them and see how it goes
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]Unc, i think 17,000 people would love to see that tonight....however the one person that can make it happen, doesnt!!

    Your not wrong mate. He wont do it and its a shame because i think we could smash them
  • You mean you already know the squad before theyre announced?
  • Oh aint they been announced yet ???
  • Lol ;o) you watch we'll go 4-4-1-1 shelvey back to his favourite position racon and semedo in the middle bailey out left and Sam on the right.... I hope!
  • edited April 2010
    maybe with the defence being far more comfortable with randy behind them, that parky won't have to put out another dreary defensive line up and may actually grow a pair and we'll have that performance that everyone has dreamed about for the last 3 years.
  • Am i the only person that rates Reid? i could have sworn the guy has won 5 MOM's on our rating system since he's been here, yet people still would rather have Bailey on the left?!
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  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]Am i the only person that rates Reid? i could have sworn the guy has won 5 MOM's on our rating system since he's been here, yet people still would rather have Bailey on the left?!

    Don't get me wrong I rate Reid highly at this level.

    BUT physically we are comparitive wusses as a team and too easily outmuscled as our players are too weak or go missing.

    Colchester are a physically strong side and whilst, in an ideal world, I would rather think about what we are doing than worry about the oppo we do have to ensure some sort of physical presence for set pieces and generally competing for the ball.

    I'd like Mooney up front but those monsters of centre halves will eat him! Hence we need Akpo (always assuming Burton is unfit). Similarly I' not sure we are strong enough in midfield to compete with two wingers. My choice is Sam simply because I think his all round game is better than Reid's if he turns up.
  • Perhaps thats where im different to many people on here in that i rate Reid alot more than Sam. I think Reidy can get the fans standing up and on the edge of seats with his pace and skill. I i havent seen Sam take anyone on for about 6 months, and i dont think we can afford to have him in the side just in case he decides to turns up.
  • edited April 2010
    You can't have been looking very hard then ValleyGary, dribbling is a major part of Sam's game, just because he doesn't have the pace to knock a ball past a full back and gas past him like Reid does doesn't mean he never takes the full back on. Sam is quick over the first few yards but not over long distances, it's frustrating but I don't think he has it in his locker to run at defences from deep like Reid does. Not saying that doesn't make him a weaker player than Reid, just a different type of winger.

    For what it's worth, I'd play both but if one is to be left out make it Sam - Reid is physically stronger and a bit more up for a tackle imo and offers us a better outlet on the break - especially as we lack raw pace up front.
  • Reid causes the most problems for the oppostion, put it that way.
  • edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: CAFCBourne[/cite]Tonight we must go for jugular therefore we need our best ball players out there.
    This means we have to find a place for bailey, shelvey and mooney.
    We need a greater goal threat as well
    We also need to give forster a hand so for me 4-5-1 is out of the question.
    Time for the kid to play his natural position me thinks let him know we feel he is capable of unlocking the defence with his vision to many times in the hole he simply has no options ahead to show this vision and its stifled his progress imo.
    At home i'm not sure we need such a mono talent as Semedo just breaking things up, we need someone who can carry and create as well.

    Tonight for me

    FR SS CD Borrow
    Sam Bailey Shelvey Reid
    Mooney Forster

    but it wont be it'll

    Sam TR JS KR

    we shall see
    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]I would really like to see CAFCBourne's team but i dont think we will. I believe that team would have them defending for their lives and not being able to mount a serious attack. What they (colchester) would have to be wary of is any attack they make if it breaks down with jonjo in the middle he is capable of putting someone in with one pass from anywhere on the pitch. We could get a big win with that formation rather than go defensive and try to nick a one nil. Which we often try to do but with not to much success. Lets go at them tonight and show this league it aint over yet.

    I would worry about playing Jonjo in a flat 4-4-2 as I don't think he has the discipline yet to play in that system, especially with Bailey. I do rate Shelvey and this is not a cheap shot, dig etc...

    I would however consider dropping Racon as I think he has been pretty ineffective the last two games. If I were to to play Bailey & Shelvey in midfield together I'd either stick Bailey out wide with Jonjo in the middle or play a 4-4-1-1 with Jonjo off of the forward where he operates best, finding space for himself and creating chances/getting shots at goal. I think Forster is intelligent enough to play the Burton role.

    I'd love to see us go out there and really beat a team well and get our goal difference up. We're just not ruthless enough and sit back as soon as we score.
  • Someone just put best players and Mooney in the sam sentence so I am a bit lost.. and drunk.

    Just attack em first 15, crowd behind us we will have no problems.

    I predict 3-0 by half time and second half with a sneaky bottle of Charlton House wine celebrating...
  • well 2-0 to colchester, haunted by Lisbie (if he is playing). Draw otherwise!
  • Randolph, Richardson, Dailly, Sodje, Borrowdale, Sam, Semedo, Racon, Bailey, Sodje, Forster is the team
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