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Who is to blame for the Addicks' plight?


  • edited March 2010
    les reed
  • Thatcher (Mrs)
  • Scott Parker
  • Well its not me.
  • Ben Hayes.
  • Peter Andre.
  • [cite]Posted By: DaveMehmet[/cite]Thatcher (Mrs)

    Agreed: The Premier League was her idea, I Bet !!
    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Ben Hayes.

    What ever happened to "The Peoples Rep" ?
  • Curbishley. If he never did so well we wouldn't have been in the position to fall so far.
  • The robin- it stopped bobbin
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]Curbishley. If he never did so well we wouldn't have been in the position to fall so far.[/quote]

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  • [cite]Posted By: nichorob[/cite]Scott Parker

    yep - started the ball rolling
  • [cite]Posted By: leftbehind[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]Curbishley. If he never did so well we wouldn't have been in the position to fall so far.

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    But then, who hired him? Who brought him to Charlton before that? And who brought the person that brought Curbishley to Charlton to Charlton?...
  • The board for getting too comfortable with Curbishley working magic and not having a contingency plan for when he was no longer at the helm resulting in panic hiring and firing and ending up with the current manager as we had no alternatives (apparently.)

    Now obviously this wasnt deliberate as they care about the club but ultimately i think it was the failure to have any sort of Post- curbs plan that started the demise.

    Easy for me to say this in hindsight though.
  • So Richard Murray rescued Charlton Athletic from Selhurst Park,i was lead to belive it was Roger Alwen and Michael Norris that took Charlton back to The Valley.Murray had nothing to do with it.As for who is to blame for the downfall of this once great side look no further than Murray himself.One day the fans will find out the truth about the clubs downfall .
  • the answers are supposed to go on the newshopper website.
  • The succession of Sh*te players we have had to watch for the last 5 years, pretty much all of these are culpable.
  • behave Lewis Coaches. Mr Murray has made mistakes but he can't be hold solely responsible for bad decisions made by the Board as a whole. Also pretty sure Mr Murray was involved prior to the return to The Valley and although maybe takes more of the credit than he deserves (though not his fault) he was definately involved in returning us home.
  • I have t agree with Scott Parker we were flying before he threw his toys out of the pram, and nobody will know what that season could have bought to the table.
  • Andrew Mills
  • Nobody is directly responsible, we punched above our natural wieght for a few years and now we've swung the other way.
    I started supporting Charlton in the 3rd division and now we're back there. I'm sure in a few years time this will all be a bad memory and we will be complaining about lack of ambition to get us into the Champions League.
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  • edited March 2010
    murray had the choice of letting curbs see out the last year of his contract and curbs offered to help chose his successor but murray knew best
    just like the charlton fans who weren't satisfied with the levels of excitement they received in the premiership and the apologists who thought the championship would be a great journey (clown shoes)
    well i hope they enjoyed that shameful low experience last week ..........

    **rant over** ............... for now
  • Ackworth.
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]behave Lewis Coaches. Mr Murray has made mistakes but he can't be hold solely responsible for bad decisions made by the Board as a whole.
    Agree, the boards mistakes can't all be blamed on Murray, they surely make decisions together.

    I don't think they were sure who to hire, they had to make a decisions and made a poor one in Dowie. He then made bad decisions himself, mainly with his signings. The board then replaced him with Reed, another mistake. Pardew looked to be a good replacement, but then he made mistakes, again mainly signings.
    [cite]Posted By: ellisaddick[/cite]I have t agree with Scott Parker we were flying before he threw his toys out of the pram, and nobody will know what that season could have bought to the table.
    More serious answer, that perhaps started it in some ways, though I don't really blame Parker. We should have looked to replace him better than we did (obviously not easy, but part of the money was spent on players like Jeffers and Rommedahl.

    The players are obviously partly to blame, but then many wouldn't be here if we had the right manager, which is down to the board. Yet I can't blame them completely for it when managers make some terrible signings. Hasselbaink who had a couple of years at Boro and was released for a reason, Faye and Traore who most managers wouldn't go anywhere near etc. Then there was Pardew with so many signings that "had potential", he wanted to turn the into stars when we just needed a solid team capable of getting promoted. Looking back we should have gone for more players like Iwelumo, McCarthy etc, not unproven in the Championship players like McLeod and Varney or young foreign players that needed time to adapt in Moutaouakil, Racon and Semedo. Then there were the bizarre signings we just didn't need, Sinclair, Smith, Monteiro etc, the costs all add up.

    Parky is very different in that it's hard to see him ever looking abroad for signings, Scottish based players would be "exotic signings" for Parky. He's gone for players that should know what League One and/or The Championship is about and should do a good job from the start. For now that's surely the way to go, though we don't have the money any more to risk/waste anyway.

    Shorter answer the board got the wrong managers, the managers made the wrong signings (and along the way bad team selections, tactics etc) and the players didn't perform as we hoped in some cases or expected in others.
  • the board (all of them) - For not managing the finances better.
    the managers (all of them) - For not building decent teams with an eye on tomorrow as well as today.
    the players (all of them) - For not being talented enough or for being so talented they went somewhere better.
    the fans (all of you) - For expecting too much and booing, for inflating the ego's of the players by cheering.
    society for creating an environment of instant gratification.
    the premiership and football league for not introducing salary caps earlier.
    Other teams for nicking our best players.
    Other teams for selling their worst players to us.
    Agents for being greedy (would swear here but not allow).
    Myself for not winning the lottery and saving the club.
    Myself for not having the money or time to go to enough games.
  • Dont know who to point the finger at, but its all getting a bit tedious...we will soon be singing "We're S*** and we know we are"
  • Actually, I blame Sky and all their millions. If there wasn't so much money sloshing about in the upper echelons and going into players' and agents' pockets, then our fall from grace would not seem quite so terminal. To go from turnover of £42M in the Prem to under £10M in Div Three is impossible for any business to cope with - even a well-run one. A couple of poor decisions have had catastrophic repercussions. We got relegated at the worst possible time from the Prem (as the TV money increased) and from the Champs (as the parachute money ran out). So there you go - above all, I blame Sky.
  • sky only gave the clubs the money. It was down to the clubs (acting as the premiership) to determine how the money was distributed. I would however blame sky for showing the same teams week after week and creating an even greater disparity of wealth.
  • Shorter answer the board got the wrong managers, the managers made the wrong signings (and along the way bad team selections, tactics etc) and the players didn't perform as we hoped in some cases or expected in others.

    Agreed, So Murray then Scoham as the Chairman...... 'The buck stop's here' does come to mind, however ungrateful that might appear and sound to be I think he should fall on the his sword, which let's admit it is quite apt with our badge.....
  • edited March 2010
    Parker is a good shout, that's when it started going pear-shaped for us, but then, he was only a player.

    Curbishley clearly lost interest during his last couple of seasons (possibly fuelled by the Parker incident, England talks etc), but the board could clearly see this as well as (some of) us. There was no contingency plan whatsoever. Curbs was a CAFC legend, but he left us with a squad fit for relegation. There were a few really good players, but most were completely disillusioned/disinterested by that point.

    Once Murray's ego went out of control things really snowballed in my opinion. Employing a 'Director of Football' for the new manager (is this why Davies turned us down?), and then backtracking!! Employing Dowie (never going to be popular) and giving him all that money, getting into wrangles with Jordan, making LES REED manager(?!?!), even things like closing down the women's team, then backtracking when all our decent players had gone elsewhere. Model club? Laughing stock, morelike.

    The buck stops with the people at the top. The board. They were in charge during the nightmare of the last 5 years. They are still in charge now. Regardless of our inept managers, and disinterested wasters masquerading as professsional footballers. They should think themselves lucky that the majority of our fans are so much more patient (docile/stupid/in denial?) than most.
  • Curbishley! done well for us but left us with loads of dead wood imo long story, dont hate him though as what he done for the club, just 2 years too long for me

    probably the only one here though
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