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Just saw all the players leave the valley



  • [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Tavern[/cite]i can honestly say i have never seen cars go that fast down Floyd Road

    Probably running late to meet their mates or birds to go out clubbing...
    Yes Len i thought that as well.

    I gave them what for though!lol!
  • Haha Tavern! Reminds me of Forest away in the Cup when me and two others chased after the coach after the game....screaming blue murder at it.....when it stopped at lights we nearly put the windows through, I was like bloody Captain Caveman, genuinely lost it. Very funny looking back.
  • [cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]Why do you expect 15,000 to turn up next week?

    I don't. Back to the 9,000 or so. Prefer having a few seats to stretch out on.

    9,000? That's pushing it a bit ain't it! Try 6,000
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