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Just saw all the players leave the valley

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
in their lovely cars. Made it clear how we felt but fair play to christian dailly he pulled up an we had a quiet chat. I wasnt so brave once he stopped his car. Very very disappointing.


  • Shame they didnt get locked away like us for longer...
  • dont worry its the kent derby next ,which means the world to us and will restore all derby fuck it will
  • What did Dailly say?
  • Dailly had our only shot on target didn't he. ;- ) Unbelievable 3000 of us paying to see that shit, no words sometimes..
  • [cite]Posted By: Chunes[/cite]What did Dailly say?
    He asked why wasn't chunes at the game today!
  • It's the end of term, Chunes has about £3.60 to his name. >_<
  • [cite]Posted By: Chunes[/cite]It's the end of term, Chunes has about £3.60 to his name. >_<

    He said he would have lent you the money. I think he was blaming you for the defeat.
  • They should have been lockd in the dressing room and ranted at for an hour, no way they should already be home now
  • he didnt really have many words to say apart from i know. He seemed pretty down. he kept saying too many mistakes too many mistakes. An that next week they have to pull it round. But he stopped. Got a wanker hand signal off one of the cars but couldn see who. Mind only cos tavern was doing the same ha. Christ lads that was bad.
  • nothing curb it can take that defeat away,gillingham is a game we can get three points in that is all.
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  • Fair play to Dailly.

    They should have been told to get a 177 back to pick up their flash motors, not by exective coach.
  • whats fair play? what is he the queen and we hes patrons.
  • Sounds like it was the abject, spineless capitulation some of us feared or should that be predicted?

    Did our fans stay with the players or turn on them?
  • Capitulated after the second goal. I don't think they could hack the atmosphere - as Millwall got quicker and better, the fans got louder.

    No idea what happened after the third - too busy trying to escape.
  • The sooner we have real Division 3 players who WANT lovely cars rather then players who want for nothing, the better.
  • good point.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]Sounds like it was the abject, spineless capitulation some of us feared or should that be predicted?

    Did our fans stay with the players or turn on them?[/quote]

    started to turn on them after the 1st went in but at the end were slating them
    "your not fit to wear the shirt" came out a couple of times GOD I HATE THAT SONG

    was definatley a shocker today they deserved some stick definatley, but it dosent help when the fans are showing no support in you
  • [cite]Posted By: route one[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]Sounds like it was the abject, spineless capitulation some of us feared or should that be predicted?

    Did our fans stay with the players or turn on them?

    started to turn on them after the 1st went in but at the end were slating them
    "your not fit to wear the shirt" came out a couple of times GOD I HATE THAT SONG

    was definatley a shocker today they deserved some stick definatley, but it dosent help when the fans are showing no support in you

    If ever they had a chance to earn the backing of the fans it was today.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: jimmymelrose[/cite]The sooner we have real Division 3 players who WANT lovely cars rather then players who want for nothing, the better.[/quote]

    Thats a very good point

    How do utter tossers like Llera, Sodje (both) & Mooney get pro contracts??
  • As said earlier on look at the teams whohave turned us over, bristol rovers, leyton orient etc... teams who are league 1 proper unlike us big time charlies and those looking to use us a steping stone ala bailey.. what we wouldn't give for a steve brown john robinson even a gary nelson now.
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  • gary nelson,boy he loved losing at millwall with us
  • Len did our fans turn on the players ???????????????????? since when did these c**ts ever stay with us ? this was Millwall and they were the ones whose bolloxxxx went went walk about not us !!!!!!!!!!!!! 45 mins 17,000 scum bags sat there and we never herd a peep.
  • Is Christian Dailly the only half decent bloke in our team? The rest don't seem to give a s**t.
  • edited March 2010
    At one of the Q&A's Parky said that one of the biggest problems last year was the lack of characters in the team. So he brought in players with the character that was needed.

    Well, those characters are spineless, gutless turds. Says something about Parky to me.
  • Mooney, A Sodje, Llera they all seam to be the character we need? Sorry Parky, words like spineless do come to mind
  • home now.

    it was only as we were at the bend of flloyd road near that shit sea bream chip shop that i saw jonjo so waved at him. Then every car after that was a proper 20-40 k motor. So all i did was stand road edge and give them the double thumbs down and yell rubbish. bit sad i know. but i think i was polite. parky just looked away but when i got to the ground i wanted to get some cash out so as put my card in the next audi/beemer/merc came out so put my hands up and yelled what was that... so he stopped. so i got a bit nervous and had to come back down the ramp to talk through the lowered window. sent tavern to get me card out the cash machine.

    Anyway as said i just told him that was very disappointing and that they had let us all down and he kept shaking his saying i know i know. he looked very down.

    i was impressed he had the balls to actually stop. he was prepared to listen but had no answers.
  • Very decent of him, he does seem like a very decent bloke, shame more aren't like him...
  • A shame cos he seems like a solid guy but he broke again against that lot today
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]
    i was impressed he had the balls to actually stop. he was prepared to listen but had no answers.

    Tbf I wouldn't expect him to have answers. He's a centre back not manager.
  • He is indeed a very decent man.....I can't fault him getting criticism and nor would I wish to (that goes with the territory) but I find it hard to hear some of the down right hostile nasty stuff thrown at him by folk that have never met him, because as I've said he's clearly an honourable decent person.
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