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Pathetic, feeble surrender



  • sssssshhhhhiiiiiittttt just like charlton in the second half ;-(
  • so 4 nil down to the Bermonsey Pikeys what do u think we should have done ?

    or as you cant slag off the numbers (for once) do you need to find something else to trundle on about the support ?
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]so 4 nil down to the Bermonsey Pikeys

    sssssshhhhhiiiiiittttt just like charlton in the second half

  • I think we should go to the Gillingham game and organise a mass suicide. That'll f*cking show'em.
  • [cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]se9 addick - you did NOT get behind your team today at all. It was pitiful. (as were we). But don't tell me that was getting behind your team. Gillingham will come soon to us and make a LOT more noise than you did.

    I was on the halfway line, didn't hear you at all. Your players didn't. Our players didn't. 3,000 getting behind the team? Behave.

    My colleague was at the other end of the east stand, all he could hear in the first half was us apparently...
  • Dont you think the gobby millwank nob should get most of you attention morts???
  • W*nk atmospehere all round i reckon. We were quiet in the first half. You were quiet in the second. We didn't have much to sing about in the first half because we were poor. Likewise in the second half with you.

    Can I just go on record as saying that all this "we were louder than you" cobblers is f**king pathetic. I don't care who's instigating it. Whether it's you saying it about us, or the other way round. Who give's a f**k?
  • DonVito - you pay our benefits?

    How witty & original.

    Ohsouthlondon - can you read or not? I said the atmosphere was rubbish. All round. Haven't claimed we were loud have I?

    & with regards to selling it out, with a little help from the amount of Charlton in our end and foreign day trippers again!
  • Blimey, you still here.......
  • “...Biggest gate at the Den for 15 years.” Which is about identical to our average this season. No question that their team is better than ours, but also no question about who's the bigger club!
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  • lane lion you said you could not hear our songs from where you was sitting!!!! so i told you not MY songs but our songs!! come on you sold out because you dont care about us........NOT, We are your biggest game in the last 15 years and that has got to hurt you because in the last 15 years we have had so many massive games and yours is one of many and with sellout crowds or 27000+ so when will you sell out again maybe stockport on sat well maybe not
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